There is a saying that like attracts like, which means that the same energies will always be drawn towards each other. And this is why ‘your vibe attracts your tribe‘!
Simply put, you will always make friendships with those who resonate in a similar vibrational frequency as yourself.
What does vibe mean?
Vibes meaning is emotional signals any person gives out to those around him/her with their body language & social interactions. In other words, a person’s emotional state as communicated to and felt by others. So to have good vibes we need to think positively always. Positive vibes are nothing but the positive thoughts coming to our mind which we should send around ourselves by doing interactions with people.
What does tribe mean?
The literal meaning of tribe is ‘a social group in a traditional society comprising of families or clans linked by social, economic, religious, with a common culture and dialect.’ So tribe meaning is the people around you with whom you have daily interactions – your friends, your colleagues, your business partners, and your family members, etc. So the people around you are ‘your tribe’.
Your vibe attracts your tribe – What does this phrase mean?
Because we are energy beings we tend to draw people with similar energies in our lives.
According to quantum physics, everything is energy! Literally, everything in this Universe is made of energy. We are but energy beings. Our bodies and even our thoughts and ideas are made of energy. Therefore, each one of us has a frequency of vibration. Depending on this vibration we attract towards us similar kinds of people. We make friendships with those who reciprocate our deeper values. Even our romantic partners are those who mirror our subconscious beliefs.
To put this theory in a simple way, you being an energy being have your own vibrational frequency, and based on it you will always create your world! You will always find people and situations in your life that comply with who you are!
Why Does It Matter to Have A Good Tribe?
When you associate with great men and women you are subconsciously impressed by their behavior and actions. So, you become like the people around you.
The literal meaning of tribe is ‘a social group in a traditional society comprising of families or clans linked by social, economic, religious, with a common culture and dialect.’ So tribe meaning is the people around you with whom you have daily interactions – your friends, your colleagues, your business partners, and your family members, etc. So the people around you are ‘your tribe’.
Your environment defines you! The people in your life mold your future. It is said that we are the average of the five people we surround ourselves with! When you surround yourself with people who are energetic, growth-minded, and inspiring, you gradually become like them. On the other hand, if you hang around with people who are pessimists, complainers, and harmful you gradually become one of them!
Your success or failure in life depends on the type of people you associate yourself with! If you want to be great, surround yourself with extraordinary people. Vladimir Lenin once said, “Show me your friends and I’ll tell you who you are.” Really the people we interact with often shape our destiny!
But really I am a good person then why do I always get into relationships with toxic people?
It’s not about who you are as a person, you will draw relationships based on your energetic vibrations.
Now, this is not uncommon. You are a good-hearted individual but you are the one who attracts all the toxic people in life! Have you ever reflected on why? It’s because you are vibrating in such a low frequency that you always attract people that are mean to you! In the previous section, it was said that you will always attract who you are! It just suggests who you are energetical. The energy you put out in the world is the energy you receive from others!
So, if you have subconscious limiting beliefs, you will always feel negative. For instance, if you have low self-esteem and poor self-worth you will always vibrate at that level. Your vibration will signal those that match your thought processes. Therefore, you will always find people who will make you feel unworthy.
If you have a belief that this world is not a safe place you will always attract in your life the people who will support your belief! It is your thoughts and beliefs that set your vibrational frequency. And this is what always attracts your tribe.
Therefore, if you are always getting into bad relationships or friendships it is because that is your energy vibration. So, to change this pattern you have to change your vibration.
How to Change Your Vibe To Attract A Better Tribe?
Your vibe attracts your tribe. Therefore, to attract a better group of people you must as well change your vibe first!
Here are some tips to change your vibration fast!
1. Smile
When you smile, the feel-good hormone called endorphin is released. As you feel better immediately you change your vibration! Smile more to raise your vibration. You will be amazed to hear that even when you fake a smile still it works like magic.
In fact, whenever you feel depressed look into the mirror and smile. This will create an impression into your Subconscious mind that you are happy and your vibe will lift instantly! You can also watch comedies to cheer up.
2. Be grateful
It’s so easy to find flaws in your life and feel bitter! But have you ever taken time to notice the good things in your life? Have you ever appreciated those? If you are ungrateful you will always stay unhappy.
To raise your vibe, practice gratitude every morning after waking up and every night before going to bed! Count your blessings especially in tough times and when you are in a bad mood! This practice will make you a high-vibe person for sure! Say the words, “thank you” throughout the day.
3. Stop bad-mouthing others
How many times do you complain about your co-workers in a day? Or your boss? Maybe it’s your spouse who is always in your agony list! Or it’s a neighbor who is driving you nuts! But have you observed that every time you speak ill of someone your vibe gets low? You cannot change the others. How much you criticize them they will remain the same much to your displeasure!
But as you say bad things about others you will always remain in an energetically low space. Therefore, to level up your energy vibration, start saying nice things about others and especially at their back! Give a genuine compliment to a colleague or even better say to your boss how he had helped the entire team. We are energy beings and so our thoughts and words are felt by those around us.
Appreciate your spouse, smile at your cranky neighbor, and see how it improves your vibe! If someone is toxic avoid them but don’t ever get involved in a negative trail of thoughts about that person!
4. Change your environment
Your environment has a direct effect on your energy vibration. And by environment, we mean the physical and also the emotional environment.
Is your home and office space full of clutter? What kind of books do you read? Who are your friends? What kind of shows do you watch?
If you really want to raise your vibe, start reading good books. Listen to podcasts. Make friendships with positive-minded people. Watch shows that are awe-inspiring and rejuvenating. And clear your space, make it free of clutter.
5. Practice Affirmations
Practice affirmations to stay in a high vibe! Affirmations are short, assertive statements that are written in the present tense to instantly become more positive. Read affirmations for 10 minutes a day to raise your vibe and pull a similar tribe towards you!
6. Eat healthy food
Foods have a vibration of their own. Tinned items, fried and junk foods, meat, stale foods have really low vibrations. When you consume them your energy is lowered. You start emitting low vibes.
Fruits and vegetables, freshly cooked meals, on the other hand, have a lot of good vibe in them. So, when you eat such food your vibe gets raised. Make a habit to eat fresh foods and include a lot of greens in your diet.
7. Exercise Regularly
When you exercise, the chakras in your body open up allowing a ready flow of energy. If you exercise every morning you stay at a good high vibrational level all through the day!
8. Meditate
Meditation helps us to connect with Source energy. With regular practice, you stay connected to your higher self. As a result, you will always stay in a higher vibration.
9. Spend some time alone
We are always so distracted. Our electronic gadgets never give us a rest! When do you practice some stillness? Do you reflect on your life?
Switch off your phones and laptops for an hour and observe the present moment. Stay quiet and enjoy the stillness. In this aloneness, you will gradually find happiness. The still, quiet moments will take you to a much higher energy level than you can even imagine!
10. Interact with people who are in a higher vibration than you
An amazing way to increase your energy frequency is by spending some time with people who are in a higher vibration. If you know positive-minded people try to communicate with them often.
And if that is not possible for you, do not worry! There are other several ways to do so. Read biographies of inspiring men and women, listen to podcasts, follow motivating people on social media.
Watch this video to know How to Raise your Vibration and Shift to a New Reality
How To Find Your Tribe?
When you have put effort into changing your vibration, now is the time to find your tribe! Simply put, now you are ready to make new friends, acquaintances or find that romantic partner who lifts you up. Remember that you have to rise to their level first!
So, make sure that you have read and understood the previous section and also started applying those in your life!
Here are some ways to find high-vibe people.
1. Follow your passion
If you are surrounded with obnoxious co-workers and every day at office feels suffocating and energy-draining it truly means that you are in the wrong career path! You will never meet your tribe when you are not following your life purpose.
It could be that you are doing this job for a long time and so the environment has become extremely familiar to you! But if you really want to lead an extraordinary life you must be willing to leave your comfort zone! Follow your passion and every good thing and people will follow you.
2. Join a new class
We always meet new people in a new environment. So, join a new class. It could be something you wished to do! Now is the time to start that thing. Learn a new language or a skill or just something to pursue as a hobby.
It could, for instance, be a yoga class. Usually, growth-minded people enroll in a class. Therefore, by joining a class you can make some new friends who will enrich your life!
3. Attend workshops and events
When you attend workshops, seminars, or events you get a chance to meet like-minded people there. Positive, high-vibe people are always improving themselves. So, attend activities to find your people!
4. Online communities
Facebook has thousands of communities for you to connect with people all over the world! Just join some of those based on your own taste.
For instance, if you are a bookworm there are several communities for the bibliophiles. If you are a music lover join a related group.
You can join Fan pages, educational groups, self-development, writing, cooking, beauty, or any group that you feel connected with.
5. Start a healthy habit
Healthy habits can lead to many healthy relationships. For example, if you start going out every morning for a walk you might be able to make new friends who are also walkers like you!
Join a book club where you can end up making amazing new acquaintances. Or you join a gym and there you find your Soulmate!
6. Change your routine
When you are stuck to your monotonous routine you will never find anything new in life! So, walk on a different path today, take a different route to the office, have coffee on the other side of your road.
Break your routine, you will find new folks for sure!
7. Look around
If you are always absorbed in your cell phone you will hardly notice what’s happening around you! So, keep it in your pocket and observe people.
Maybe someone is really interested to talk with you in the coffee shop, only they can’t because you are so absorbed in your phone! Become more reachable if you really want to find your tribe!
8. Go to places alone
It’s really uncomfortable for many of us to go to places alone. We call a friend to accompany us even when he/she is nagging or annoying. Only because we are so used to them!
But if you are really looking to make amazing friendships or finding an exciting partner you have to go to places alone. It would be uncomfortable and somewhat embarrassing to you in the beginning but the more you start being in your own company, the easier it would be for you.
When you go to parties and events alone, people notice you rather when you are with a group of friends. Most importantly, you are free to do things in your own way when you are all by yourself! People find you approachable and it is honestly a great way to attract people in your life.
9. Join groups such as Meetup
Meetup is a good site to sign up if you are seeking good friends. They inform you about the different kinds of activities going in your city! You have to choose any event or activity that you are interested in and then just register for it.
Really simple and not so pricey! Select events based on your interests and it’s an easy way for you to meet new people.
10. Make an initiative
Is there someone you really like? It could be a friend’s friend who you find impressive. Why not ask the common friend to introduce you? Or you can just send a friend request to that person on social media. It’s really not such a big world. With the internet, people have come closer than ever! You just have to put an effort to make that first move.
Remember, nobody can read our minds so it is for us to ask. If you like someone show some appreciation, ask them if they would like to have some coffee with you. It’s really not that difficult to make great friends. You just have to reach them out!
Watch this video on How to Choose Great Friends
‘Your Vibe Attracts Your Tribe’ Quotes
1. “Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.”
– Mark Twain
2. “Stay away from negative people, they have a problem for every solution.”
– Albert Einstein
3. “Surround yourself with people who challenge you, teach you, and push you to be your best self.”
– Bill Gates
4. “The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson
5. “Some people go to priests; others to poetry; I to my friends.”
– Virginia Woolf
6. “Surround yourself only with people who are going to take you higher.”
– Oprah Winfrey
7. “Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life.”
– Amy Poehler
8. “Surround yourself with those who see greatness within you, even when you don’t see it yourself!”
– Zig Ziglar
9. “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”
– Jim Rohn
10. “Who you spend time with is who you become. Change your life by consciously choosing to surround yourself with people with higher standards.”
– Tony Robbins
Make a list of all these quotes and set them as wallpaper on your phone and laptop. Better still, take a print out and post it on your wall! As you will see these often, your Subconscious mind will find ways to attract amazing people into your life.
Closing Thoughts
We are energy beings and so we tend to draw people with similar energies in our lives. Therefore, if you want to make friendships with great people or want to have an amazing life partner you must as well start raising your vibration!
The more you resonate in a higher energy vibration the better your associations become. And as you surround yourself with high-vibe people, the quality of your life immediately starts to improve. Happiness, success, and all good things come to those who find a superb tribe!
Ishita is a published author, poet and freelance writer. Being an avid reader from early childhood, she has always loved books more than anything else in the world! At the start of her career, she has worked in the corporate as well as the academic sector being a double master's degree holder - M.Sc and MBA. But now she is a fulltime writer. She believes words have immense power and writers can make a huge impact in the world! She wants to bring positivity into the lives of the readers through her association with TheMindFool.