Simple Living is not at all simple! Yes. In fact, embracing simplicity is really critical. Why? Because as we grow up, we tend to make things complicated and equate it to the (obviously false) definitions of a successful life.
Wanna proof? So, ask yourself –
A luxurious mansion or a little cosy apartment?
5K followers in Social Media or 5 real friends in life?
A cruise party or will you spend time pursuing your hobby? …
So, what did you choose? If the second ones, you’ll find this interesting. And if other way round…, it will be even more interesting! Yes, let’s proceed.
Simple Living – The Concept
Simple Living constitutes voluntary simplicity in various practices, thought processes, perspectives, and other aspects of one’s life to attain fulfillment and satisfaction.
Remember those beautiful, carefree and lovely childhood days? Those colorful comic stripes, flavored gums, video games, school pals … Ah! Of course, all of us have a special corner in our heart for the child we were. And the reason is – happiness in simplicity. But as we grow up, we eventually get burdened with the complications of life and thus, our beautiful simplicity is lost.
That’s where living simply can help you. Simple Living is the only way to the true happiness and carefree life that we all dream about but seldom get. So, first of all …
What is Simple Living?
Simple Living constitutes voluntary simplicity in various practices, thought process, perspective, and other aspects of one’s life to attain fulfillment and satisfaction. Besides, it can be the practice of living a simple life by eliminating minutiae and distractions to find time for essentials in life.
In addition, this may include – reducing possessions, frugality, having self-sufficiency, attaining freedom or practicing minimalism.
Why do People Choose Simple Living?
In contrast to the common notion of happiness, Simple Living is a way of life that points to simplicity and the freedom from the materialistic world as the true root of happiness. In fact, from time to time, there have been Simple Living Movements. Also, a lot of people like Benedict of Nursia, Francis of Assisi, Thoreau, Tolstoy, Tagore, Schweitzer, and Gandhi have promoted and lived a simple life.
Now, there can be many reasons for choosing Simple Living, most of which are personal. So, it can be spiritual, religious, health concerned, work-life balance, financial stability, reducing stress, quality time, healthy relations, good mental health, etc.
Besides, it can be REALLY beneficial for you! So, let’s explore these pros –
Benefits of Simple Living
1. Financial Independence
The more you spend, the more you need to earn. And this cycle goes on. So, after spending all the youth years in earning and spending, what lefts is – regret. Yes. Because life is much more than this. Thus, simple living can help you in living happily in less. So, you can attain financial independence in real terms with simple living.
2. Emotional Stability and Resilience
Happiness and Simplicity go hand in hand. By embracing simplicity, we drop toxic relationships, jobs, thought processes, and counter mindsets. Of course, this can lead to better emotional stability and resilience in the long run.
3. Better Physical and Mental Health
Simple Living works on the core point of focusing on what REALLY matters. Thus, you eventually cut down on harmful practices like smoking, overeating, overthinking, etc. On the contrary, you embrace positive practices like working out, meditation, a healthy diet, and others while living simply.
4. Meaningful Relationships
Simple Living helps you in getting rid of those people who are either toxic or don’t really share your equation. Thus, you can actually spend quality time with those who really matter. Indeed, this gives way to more meaningful relationships.
5. Creative Boost
Simplicity is a way to make everything better naturally and effortlessly. Hence, with some time, you’ll notice a change in your ways. Thus, you will find yourself being more creative in reusing things or reinventing your thoughts.
6. Positive Perspective
This is the best of all. Simple Living helps you declutter your life. Thus, you get rid of all the toxicity and minutiae to focus on the positive picture. Of course, you can see this in the smallest of ways and tasks you do.
7. Environment Friendly and Sustainable Living
Having a simple and natural life can lead to low pollution levels in terms of carbon footprint too. While this may seem exaggerated but in the making of a forest, every sapling counts. Briefly, Simple Living focuses on reducing nature-counter technology and practices. Of course, this leads to a healthier, nature-friendly, beautiful, and sustainable living.
8. Personal Quality Time
Lost in chaos, do you hear your inner whisper? Well, not really. But this is something basic that every soul needs. Thus, simple living can provide your personal mindful time. And, trust me, you deserve it!
9. Spiritual and Philosophical Growth
Simple Living is the crux of many spiritual and religious practices. In fact, this includes Zen Buddhism, Jainism, Hinduism, Sufism, Biblical figures and other spiritual faiths too. Apart from that, atheist secularism like Epicureanism also accepts the importance of simple life in terms of one’s philosophical growth.
10. Gives a Purpose
All of us thrive for the sole purpose of life. But in the outer chaos, we never get the time and energy to realize this. Thus, Simple Living saves your time and energy. So, you can invest it into something really worthy that gives your life a valid purpose.
So… all’s pretty well! Now, the bigger question –
How to Live a Simple Life?
Having a cup of coffee while enjoying the drizzle outside can be sometimes far more comforting than a full spa. Or, talking to your favorite person can be more interesting than a high profile party… Felt it ever? Yes, simple life is made up of simple things we embrace.
Hence, these Simple Living Ideas will help you declutter the unwanted minutiae and in making your life easier. So you can enjoy life in small day to day activities or in that little free time – in the way that makes you content. Thus, let’s explore these …
75 Ideas for Simple Living
Well, it is a full way of life and not a single practice. So, here, we have compiled a full list of simple living ideas under various heads that belong to various crucial aspects of life. Thus, with these amazing ideas, you can start living more simply from this very moment!
Generic Simple Living Ideas
1. Make a List of 5 Most Important Things in Your Life
Firstly, calm down. Now, think about those 5 things that matter most in your life. This may include a relationship or a person like your parents, children, or love. Or it may have your dream job, a passion like dancing or writing, having your own home, etc.
But don’t think too much. Simply write down 5 most important things that come to you naturally. And this will help you realize what to focus on in your life.
2. Evaluate All the Things You are Engaged In
Okay, from your job to the course you’re pursuing, the loan installment, taking your son to music classes, and so on… Yes, this includes pretty everything you’re juggling day and night in your life.
So, just write down all you can recall doing. Indeed, you don’t need to add every petty step or detail. Just have a rough idea of how much you’re filling your life with all the stuff you rarely give your mind.
3. Evaluate How You Spend Your Day
And that’ll be fun. Just go through your whole routine of a day. Clearly, you’ll be surprised to know how you spend your whole day ignoring the most important things. Thus, you’ll be able to get rid of minutiae from your daily life.
4. Make a Journal to Record the Worthful Moments of the Day
Next, keep a daily journal to write about those moments which make your day. For instance, having chocolate cookies or a compliment you got or any such little thing. This journal will be a record of those simple but worthwhile memories that you generally miss.
5. Separate Needs and Wants
Take a sheet and divide it into two halves. Now, put down all your needs and wants under separate columns. Even so, you may get a bit confused and that’s normal.
Now, stick to needs and revisit your wants. While some of them are really close to your heart, others are just random picks. With some effort, you can cut down these ‘unreal wants’. Thus, it’ll be easier to get the actual ones.
6. Write down Your Future Goals
Ask yourself – ‘What I want further?’. Indeed, you’ll have a picture in your mind. Definitely, this may include your relationship goals, career goals, personal ones, or spiritual. But don’t overdo. Instead, have a simple outline of how you want things.
7. Reflect upon Your Dream Life
Okay, all of us have a perfect dream life. Yes, no matter how stupid, unique, or weird it sound – accept it. So, how is your dream life? And please focus on ‘life’ and not mere possessions, posts, or incidents.
Simple Living Ideas on Economic Front
8. Evaluate Your Exact Monthly Expenses
So you always find yourself dull in accounts? Or, conversely, is it your right hand? Well, whatever is the stance, a well-evaluated monthly account is must for a smooth financial life. Thus, don’t ignore it further.
9. Save Money by Cutting Off Useless Expenses
Okay, have you ever spent on something that you regret later? Yes, that not-fitting cute top or that extra-large packet of chips and yet another antique chair that you’re never going to use. Well, we all share that regret-corner. But the good news is – it’s high time to drop this habit. Thus, from your monthly bills to random shoppings – be smart to be simple.
10. Keep a Track of Weekly Accounts
And this really works. So, pick a day when you can have a quick accounts session to know the health of your wallet. As a result, you’ll notice a clear drop in the ignorant expenses you otherwise do. By this, you’ll be able to keep a better track of your money and savings.
11. Go for Automated Direct Accounts
Does your monthly beginnings or ends fill up with all those money transactions? Yes, from your savings account to the current account and so on. Especially, if you’re self-employed or a business holder, there’s a larger cycle. So, just go for automated direct accounts. And the well-planned system will automatically manage your monthly cycle and you’re free to enjoy the weather!
12. Stop Using Credit Cards
Admit it – credit cards don’t save your time or money. Yes, it may seem opposite but that’s the catch. Well, credit cards generally lead to overspending, budget issues, another bills cycle, and so much more tiring process. And it is observed in many reports. So, just stop using it. No further thinking is needed. And, trust me, you’ll not regret it.
13. Align Your Monthly Bills
This works really well. Simply, try to align all your monthly bills to a single day. Or, at least in the same week. By this, you’ll save a lot of time and energy. And I mean a lot!
14. Focus on 80/20 Rule
You may have already heard about it. 80% of your output depends upon the 20% of the input and vice versa. It means that 80% of the results (like income, self-growth, productivity, etc.) is attained by the 20% of your efforts (i.e., clients, time, practice, etc.). So, identify that ‘working’ 20% and focus on it more to get rid of ‘almost useless’ 80% of efforts. Clearly, this will help you manage time and money efficiently.
Simple Living Ideas on Technology
15. Cut Down the Apps in Your Phone
While most of the experts suggest to drop a smart phone completely, this may seem next to impossible. So, if having a basic phone doesn’t work with you, you can still have the luxury of simple life. For this, cut down all those unessential apps from your phone. And repeat – essential is not equal to interesting or useful. So, stick to essentials.
16. Go for a Limited Data Plan instead of WIFI
I know this is difficult. But you need it. When you have something unlimited, overuse is obvious. So, better to limit your internet data plan. By this, you’ll more likely use it for important stuff rather than on useless internet surfing.
17. Schedule Your Email Checking
Every time there is a ‘bip-bip’ sound on the screen, you tend to grab your phone and check your mails. And how much time do you spend in this same cycle? In least – more than you should. So, better to schedule your email checking timings. Make it once a day around noon to evening. This is considered the best time to get a productive mail-checking as per the experts. And viola! You saved a lot of time and energy.
18. Simplify, Arrange and Automise Email
Simplify and arrange your mails by storing important ones under clear labels and so on. Also, you can automise for a customized email to inform people about your preferred time about mail checking. This way, they’ll tend to send unrelated mails less or else would call you if urgent. Of course, eventually, this will begin a more productive email practice for you.
19. Make a List of Technological Devices that You Directly Need
So, look around and note it down. Yes, every device that you directly need. Noticed, how much of your life is burdened with technology? And the point is to make life simple by taking ‘unessential’ devices out of the equation.
20. Make a ‘No Unessential Technology’ Schedule
Okay, what about an hour of the day when no unessential technology is used? Indeed, this can be quite good for your health too. But what are essential and non-essential ones? Well, I leave it upto you. Ask yourself – can I stay without this technology?
For some, it’ll be cutting down Alexa, TV, phone, and so on. While for others, it can be – well, no AC, refrigerator, vacuum cleaner, microwave, and the list goes on. Basically, it shows your dependence on technology and how much can you free yourself!
21. Have a Technology Free Hour at least Once a Week
So, for some time, can you breath freely in the lap of nature? Well, turning off wifi, switching off phone, tabs, lights, this and that …. yes, everything. And just feel yourself free from all the burdens. Now, choose your hour once a week and have this experiment. And eventually, you’ll start enjoying this freedom from technology.
22. Eliminate Extra Devices
Well, this is simple. Look around yourself. Are there devices you can do well without? Yes, get rid of them. While this may seem weird, this will be a great way to save your time, money and resources.
Simple Living Ideas with Entertainment
23. Unsubscribe Useless Platforms, Websites, and Newsletters
So your inbox is piled up with a plethora of information in unseen promotions, newsletters, emails, and so much. But wait, does this really help? Mostly, no! Hence, unsubscribe all those platforms, websites, and newsletters that don’t add anything to you – either financially or in terms of self-growth.
24. Cut Down TV Watching Time
While browsing channels, time flies like a blink. And before you realize, an hour is gone. So, what’s the point in watching TV for hours and regretting it later? Thus, decrease your screen facing time. Why? This saves your time, energy, health and money.
25. Drop the Consumer Driven Mentality
All of us need entertainment. Of course, we’re no saints. So, we can’t completely give up on entertainment. But what we can drop is the consumer-driven mentality. Many times, even when we get bored, we do it because of this mentality. Thus, don’t be a blind consumer. Like, don’t watch TV or play video games or do any such thing just for the sake of it.
26. Make it Time Bound to Stop Waste of Time
Decide a particular time span for your entertainment. Because you can’t live like this forever. So, it is needed to restrict your entertainment hours. In this way, you’ll save yourself from a sheer time waste. Okay!
27. Pick Hobbies
Now, no TV, phone, tab, video games, or any such. So, what about your heart? Yes, we’re not in the path of a monk to have a simple life. In fact, leaving these stuff will provide you enough time and energy to devote to your favorite hobby. And hobbies are way more interesting, fulfilling, healthy and simple. Yes!
28. Discover New Things that Give You Inner Pleasure
Sometimes, little things can give us bigger smiles. Thus, discover those new things, practices, hobbies, jobs, ways, thoughts, etc. that gives you inner pleasure. And you’ll be surprised to feel a unique inner peace with this pleasure.
Simple Living Ideas on Social Front
29. Identify the Toxic People
Indeed, all of us have some people in our life without whom, we can do much better. So, in this really short life, why waste time on those? Thus, first of all, identify those toxic people in your life. These are the ones who harm your mental peace and emotional stability. And you are NOT selfish in identifying them. Yes.
30. Practice ‘Indifference’
Now, you don’t need to love toxics, for sure. But you don’t need to hate them either. Simply practice indifference. That is, avoid thinking about them, being with them, having a quarrel or say, friendship with them… nothing! Even if it seems selfish, your mental sanity is something far more important. And accept that you deserve it.
31. Ask – Who are the Most Important Ones?
You have so many people in your life. But all doesn’t equally matter, for sure. So, find the ones who are most important to you. Yes, they are the ones you need to focus upon.
32. Have Some Time to Spend with Your Close Ones
Often, in the run to make all for our loved ones, we ignore them. Indeed, this is really funny. Afterall, what really matters more than the quality time spent with those close to your heart? So, have a share of your time reserved to spend with those. And you’ll be grateful.
33. Avoid ‘Useless’ Social Gatherings
In a party where you don’t more than a few familiar faces and all you do is …. nothing worthful. So, why waste time as such? Thus, better to avoid all the useless social gatherings. Aha! You saved your time and energy so well.
Simple Living Ideas on Media Consumption
34. Estimate Your Time Spent Online
Usually, we spend hours being online, browsing useless stuff. And this ends up being a total unproductive, tiring, and unfulfilling day. Thus, estimate your time spent online. And of course, manage and reduce it.
35. Unfollow, Unfriend and Simplify Your Social Media Accounts
If your profession doesn’t directly depend upon your social media reach, the efforts you put in social media isn’t worth it. And it takes so much of your time and energy along with the mental sanity. Yes. So, better to unfollow and unfriend those (i.e., most) useless connections. Overall, simplify your social media presence. Don’t waste your efforts.
36. Stick to Few Good Ones
Yes, being social beings, we need to have an idea of what’s going around the world. But that doesn’t mean you have to spend most of your time on this. So stick to a few good platforms and/or websites and newsletters. In addition, pick those which are neutral, to the point, and have everything ‘essential’.
37. Follow ‘Media Fast’ Once in a While
While media is the need, it can cause much harm to your mental sanity too. Especially in these changing times, this is not too uncommon. So, experts suggest having ‘media fast’ from time to time. That is, no kind of media consumption at all for a particular time span.
38. Make a Social Media Schedule
Generally, we over engage in social media. And we don’t need a new light to the cons of this. Thus, make a social media schedule and don’t cross or exceed it. In short, make sure that you use social media for a particular time span and not more than that. And then stick to it.
Simple Living Ideas on Work and Goals Front
39. Understand Your Real Goal/Goals
‘I wanna be the richest person’ or ‘Want to have a successful life’… Well, these were random imaginaries, not goals. The goal should show your real face, your inner desire. Also, it should have a time bound. Now, take your time and reflect upon the real goal/goals of your life.
40. Evaluate Your Professional Life
Are you satisfied with your professional life? Well, this is a really crucial question. And you need to have a positive answer. So, if the answer is ‘No’, try to make things better. Avoiding it would only make it worse. And even if you need a change in your path, do it. It covers a major part of life. And it needs to be a good experience.
41. Simplify Your Plans
While planning for the future is good, over planning makes it even worse. So, simplify your plans. For this, focus on the sole purpose rather than the additions. Also, don’t indulge in too many things at a time. In brief – take a plan, work upon it, and give your best!
42. Stop Multi-Tasking
As already mentioned, indulging in too many things can ruin everything. So, better to give your 100% in that one thing. Also, this is the same for your daily life. Don’t overload yourself with too many things. Take it one by one – one at a time. And you’ll see the positive difference.
43. Take Others’ Help
Okay, don’t get it wrong. By help, what we mean is – expert help. Thus, instead of doing everything yourself, it is better to do it with someone who is the master of the game. To take an example, for the first time baking experience, it is safe to have tips from your baker friend. And you’re a human who needs help – don’t forget.
44. Create Ideas Not Plans
Generally, by the term plan, people take it as a step by step to-do list. And this is specifically you need to avoid. Why? Because such plans don’t work most of the time. So, have ideas of how you want it to be, how will you proceed, etc. Just ideas, no hard and fast rules.
45. Have Pre-decided Terms for All Your Work Projects
In all your professional works or projects, make it the thumb rule. This will save you from a lot of complicated issues later. So, before commencing anything professional, make sure you have a signed copy of pre-decided terms that are as per your genuine convenience.
46. Practice Corporate Ethics
Ethics are important. And for a simple life, even more. So, for your professional life too, don’t cut corners in ethics. Being on the right path saves you from a lot of headache. Of course, this mental peace is worth it.
Simple Living Ideas on Possessions
47. Make a List of Things that You Don’t REALLY Need
We end up piling all the useless stuff claiming as useful. While,in reality, these are just temporary wants and not real needs. So, look around. And make a list of all the possessions that you can do well without.
48. Give away Needless Possessions
Now, the hard part, give away those possessions that you don’t need. In act, this may seem difficult. But after eliminating those, you’ll feel really lighter and content. So, give away those possessions to the people in need. And enjoy the double positivity!
49. Evaluate Your Shopping Schedule
Do you buy randomly or is it pre-planned? Well, if the former is the case, then you surely need to revisit it. Thus, evaluate your shopping schedule, your recent purchase, budget, etc. And don’t buy anything in a blink. An idea is to wait for 1 week before buying something costly. So, if you still need it, then only buy it.
50. Be a Conscious Consumer
Thus, don’t over buy. Also, don’t buy something that you don’t really need. Lastly, don’t fall for the discount, sale, or any such marketing tactic. In short – know what you are buying.
51. Differentiate between Real Wants and Unreal wants
As mentioned above, wait for a week before buying something inessential. So, if you still want to buy it after a week, you may actually want it. Otherwise, most of the time, people end up buying things for which they regret later.
52. Check Your Possessions Heap in Every While
We have SO many things around that makes life complicated. And possessions have a fair share in this. So, check it time to time. In this way, you’ll be able to keep a track on your real wants and the opposite.
Simple Living Ideas about Home
53. Redesign Your Home
All of us have a special idea about our dream home. But it is important to understand the difference between a luxurious 7-star hotel and our real home. So, designing your home doesn’t mean filling it up with all the luxuries we can think about. Instead, make it simple, open, and easy access to natural energy.
54. Clutter Free Your Home
Again, remove all the unessential furniture, possessions, or any such stuff. To sum up – make it simple, clear and clutter-free
55. Tidy up Your Wardrobe
If your wardrobe holds clothes that you haven’t worn from around a year, it needs an urgent look. Basically, follow the same process of giving away useless, keeping the useful and organizing it well.
56. Organize Your Desk
This includes organizing your files, catalogues, book-shelf, this and that – to make it clear and clutter free. And follow the same process you know!
57. Grow Your Own Food
Heard about kitchen-farming? Yes, it is really exciting. And the hard work it involves is definitely worth it. So, if possible, start growing your own fruits, vegetables, herbs, or any such plants at your home. And you’ll really love it!
58. Live Off the Grid
Well, this seems really difficult. But as already said – living simple is not that simple. So, if you find that zeal in you, it is really great to leave the boring city and live off the grid. Of course, it’ll be a really refreshing and wonderful experience.
Simple Living Ideas on Daily Life
59. Pre-plan Your Grocery Shopping
So, don’t fall for over-buying or confusion traps. To make it simple, preplan by listing all the items that you need to buy. And this will save a considerable time and money on your part.
60. Leave Your Gym Memberships
No, we are not at all against being health enthusiasts. In fact, conversely, in simple living, we focus on health more than anything else. But why waste so much time, money and energy in the gym? Well, you have far better options. Yoga, Workouts, Meditation, etc. can be done at home quite easily and in a more refreshing and enjoyable way.
61. Cut Down on Eating Out
No need to tell you how it harms your health or pocket. So, simply cut down on eating out. Instead, prepare your own food at home. In fact, cooking is a great stress-buster itself. And it is way healthier and pocket-friendly too!
62. Simplify Your Diet
This may take some time but is a great idea if you want to adopt. Thus, simplify your diet. For this, avoid processed or artificial food. Also, you can opt for Veganism, Vegetarianism, or simple Domestic Food thumb rule.
63. Do It Yourself Ethic
We all come across tons of DIY projects on social media. But have you ever tried it out? Yes, doing something yourself gives you great satisfaction, joy and happiness. And it can be the daily little things. So, embrace this beautiful idea.
64. Follow a Schedule (Not the old-school one)
Okay, instead having a confusing, unproductive day, always better to have a schedule. But this should not be like a complicated, never-ending to-do list. In fact, this is what you need to avoid. So, decide upon a simple schedule with basic ideas that must not include more than 3 ‘really important’ tasks per day.
65. Keep Things Pre-planned and Organized
It is about avoiding random moves and decisions. So, keep things pre-planned. Whatever it is – if you have to do it, have a rough idea about its execution. And this will keep things organized for you.
Simple Living Ideas on Personal Front
66. Practice Mindfulness
Mindfulness is a great way to adopt simplicity and inner peace. Also, this should include positive practices such as self-compassion, a positive mindset, etc.
67. Create Space for Yourself
It is important to have a ‘Me’ time. So, for some time, leave everything else. It should be simply you and no one else. Just feel your existence. You can pursue your hobby, meditate, or simply do nothing. But have your space.
68. Maintain a Gratitude Journal
This can be a really positive step. Start maintaining a gratitude journal. This will help you in realizing what really matters in life. So, in the long run, you’ll eventually go for the simple little things that matter far more than anything else.
69. Ask Questions
‘How can I simplify my life?’, ‘Has the life lived till now hold any regrets?’, ‘Do you enjoy every moment you’ve lived?’, etc… Ask questions about your fear. It’s about addressing your inner questions rather than ignoring it. And you’ll get the answer yourself. Just let it be.
70. Have Clear Communication
This is really important. Have clear communication with everyone. This will eliminate half of the complications of your life. Also, try to embrace positive practices like assuming positive intent, etc.
71. Change Your Mindset
Lastly, it is really important to have a positive mindset. Thus, hold a positive perspective for everything. And make it simple!
Bonus Simple Living Ideas!
72. Reduce Your Work-Home Separation
This is really up to you. But if possible, make it a work from home or such option. This will save a lot of time and energy. Even if it doesn’t suit your work, try to have your home nearer to your workplace.
73. Take 100 Things Challenge
This an unconventional movement to cut down personal possessions to 100 items to declutter your life. Well, it seems difficult but can be a really fresh and unique experience.
74. Give Yourself Some Time
Yes, this is important. You’re trying to simplify your life. So, make it simple. Don’t overdo it. You have your time… take it!
75. Repeat!
Lastly, the gospel is to repeat what you learned. Afterall, life is a continuous journey and at any point, you may need to start again. It may get complicated, the goal may shift once again. So, take time and repeat. Don’t worry. Yes, take it simple to make it simple!
So, now you’re armed with actually working 75 simple living ideas! That’s very well. Thus, the next step should be its adaptation in real life. So, here you have 6 master lessons for Simple Living that’ll make your journey easier.
6 Lessons for Simple Living
1. Begin with Self
So, the first lesson is about finding happiness in being with yourself. The solitude we often ignore is actually the best thing we can have! Of course, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t have a social life. In fact, when you’re completely okay and joyful in solitude, you can have a healthier social life. So, just embrace being with yourself, listening to your own inner talks…
2. Treasure the gift called family
Now, take a moment to appreciate the treasure you have in the form of your family. While there are so many things you can count as blessings, the constant support system of your family is on the top shelf, for sure. Well, simple living is about cherishing these little blessings. So, have your dinner with your family, talk about your day, laugh heartily and you know why it is a bliss!
3. Love shouldn’t be that complicated after all
Okay, what the word ‘love’ brings to our mind is – Hollywood style luxurious dates, romantic stances, extravagant presents, and those great philosophical dialogues! No? Well, true love doesn’t count these. In fact, think about that moment when you felt that beautiful warmth. Was it that super complicated affair? Most of the time – No. So, share your love in small talks, little moments, helping hands and a simple life.
4. Redefine Leisure
Life is not always filled with big incidents. Instead, it is made of little moments. And we usually miss these moments in the expectation of those rare big affairs. Thus, Simple Living focuses on finding joy in most ordinary things of life. So, stop. Take a deep breath. Feel the moment. And then live it forever!
5. Put your money where your mouth is
A fulfilling career or a money-bringing career – how do you define success? While we understand that money is the part and parcel of today’s life, it is still not everything. And you need to keep it in mind while earning it. Nevertheless, it is always good to give required heed to your monetary matters. This includes mindful spending, right investments, frugality and minimalism, etc. And yes, wanting to earn more is natural. So, you’re not greedy for this. But doing it in a mindful way will make you richer in all the right terms.
6. Life Goal – a Meaningful Life
So, the last lesson – your ultimate goal is to LIVE. That’s it. Thus, your life should not be only about gathering money or hurdling high profile posts. Rather isn’t it better to have ambitions in terms of inner peace, good health, self-growth and then money? Well, you need everything. Yes, so in getting the cherries of the cake, let’s not forget the cake!
Wanna bonus motivation for starting your simple life? Well, these Simplicity Quotes can do this for you. Just read this one by one. Choose the ones that you like most and put those on your desk, bedroom, or any place of constant engagement. And every time seeing it will fill you with the fresh will power! So, go ahead:)
30 Simple Living Quotes for Simplifying Your Life
Now, you know that these beautiful simple life quotes will help you simplify your life. So, let’s explore these!
1. “Simplicity boils down to two steps: Identify the essential. Eliminate the rest.”
– Leo Babauta
Thus, find what really matters to you. And the rest are distractions, you know!
2. “You don’t need more space. You need less stuff.”
– Joshua Becker
Be it your plate, home, wallet, mind, or life – eliminate the excess.
3. “Living simply is not about living in poverty or self-inflicted deprivation. It’s about living an examined life where one has determined what is truly important and enough … and then just let go of all the rest. ”
– Duane Elgin
So, don’t abandon living. Instead, abandon those which stop you from living.
4. “Clutter is not just the stuff on your floor – it’s anything that stands between you and the life you want to be living.”
– Peter Walsh
Now, we know it better!
5. “Satisfactions are the fulfillment of the heart. Dissatisfactions are the rumblings of the mind.”
– Duane Elgin
So, what do you choose?
6. “People no longer live by sun and moon, by wind and stars, but by some slyly contrived conventions known as clocks and calendars.”
– Matthew Goldman
Live by your heart – that’s the gospel.
7. “I want to sing like the birds sing, not worrying about who hears or what they think.”
– Rumi
Simple Living is about being that bird… one chirping in your heart!
8. “When you feel a peaceful joy, that’s when you are near truth.”
– Rumi
And you can feel this peace in every step of Simple Living…
9. “The simplest things are overlooked. And yet, it is the simplest things that are the most essential.”
– Thomas Lloyd Qualls
That moment you miss, yes, that holds life.
10. “I don’t say no because I am so busy. I say no because I don’t want to be so busy.”
– Courtney Carver
And repeat it everytime!
11. “Outer order contributes to inner calm.”
– Gretchen Rubin
That’s what we focus on in Simple Living!
12. “The first step in crafting the life you want is to get rid of everything you don’t.”
– Joshua Becker
So, are you ready?
13. “How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.”
– Annie Dillard
Thus, every little moment matters!
14. “The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.”
– Hans Hofmann
Be it your relationships, your work, your mind – let the necessary speak.
15. “Clutter smothers. Simplicity breathes.”
– Terry Guillemets
And we need to breathe … of course!
16. “The question of what you want to own is actually the question of how you want to live your life.”
– Marie Kondo
So, answer wisely.
17. “Minimalism isn’t about removing things you love. It’s about removing the things that distract you from the things you love.”
– Joshua Becker
Indeed, that’s the point!
18. “It is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all.”
– Laura Ingalls Wilder
So, see the real.
19. “A home with fewer possessions is more spacious, more calming, and more focused on the people who live inside it.”
– Joshua Becker
And that’s what we want our home to be like, isn’t it?
20. “Be a curator of your life. Slowly cut things out until you’re left only with what you love, with what’s necessary, with what makes you happy.”
– Leo Babauta
21. “There are two ways to be rich: one is by acquiring much, and the other is by desiring little.”
– Jackie French Koller
And ‘much’ is never-ending… you know.
22. “The secret of happiness, you see, is not found in seeking more, but in developing the capacity to enjoy less.”
– Socrates
Indeed, to enjoy that sip of your morning tea, to feel the wind, to enjoy your work… everything!
23. “The entire Universe is inside you”
– Rumi
So, why running outwards. The answer is inward – always.
24. “Edit your life frequently and ruthlessly. It’s your masterpiece after all.”
– Nathan W. Morris
So, don’t overthink while eliminating the wrong strokes, you know.
25. “Escape from a complicated life! Take refuge in simple life! You will find three treasures there: Healthy body, peaceful mind, and a life away from ambitious fools!”
– Mehmet Murat ildan
Ah! Simplicity is definitely worthwhile.
26. “Society says you need lots of stuff to be happy. They are wrong.”
– Joshua Becker
‘They are wrong’ – Repeat!
27. “What is enough for us will always be changing but the fact that we are enough will always be the truth.”
– Heidi Barr
So, accept yourself! Yes, you’re enough.
28. “Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more.”
– Melody Beattie
Indeed, are you grateful for what you have?
29. “Your home is living space, not storage space.”
– Francine Jay
So is your mind and life!
30. “What matters is how quickly you do what your soul directs.”
– Rumi
And it always directs towards simplicity…
Living a Simple Life
Now, you are pretty well aware of the concept of Simple Living and all things associated with it. But as it is said – Words work when you do! So start your beautiful journey now.
There is something that you should avoid on this path. What? So, let’s think. How’ll you begin? Maybe with a perfect schedule? Or that home redesigning? What about social media? But money matters most!
Well, this is to be avoided. And thus, DON’T RUSH TO DO EVERYTHING. It will make things more complicated rather than simple. So, what you can do is – from now on start enjoying every moment. Like, while reading this article. And later, washing the dishes or sipping your coffee. Just enjoy the process. And let it be… Voila! you have already begun living a simple life.
Simple Living – FAQs
Yes, for sure! While this may seem contrary, Simple Living is actually the process to eliminate distractions in the path of enjoying life. So, just give it a try. You’ll soon realize that the true happiness lies in Simplicity!
Yes, definitely. Although it seems quite opposed to the normal notion of extrovert life, it isn’t in reality. The process is not about leaving your natural way of life. You will still do all you want. Only in a mindful way!
Minimalism Vs Simple Living
Lots of people mistake Minimalism for Simple Living. While minimalism has been in the talks recently, Simple Living has been practiced for a long time.
Minimalism | Simple Living |
It is just decluttering your daily life. | It is the overall process to make things simple not only in daily life, but also physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. |
It is just a recent trend. | It is a way of life. |
Is Simple Living REALLY worthwhile in today’s era?
Living a life is not about how many possessions you have but how happy you are. Today, while everyone seems to rush on a never-ending path, simplicity is the only way to inner peace. And this does not tell you to remove the luxury, goods or anything that you love. No, you don’t have to denounce the world. It just makes life less chaotic to make you actually live the way you want.
Now, Over to you!
So, no more words. Just take a deep breath and start in this unique experience. A monk lives a simple life. So can a millionaire. Thus, it is a common bliss. Just embrace it. Soon, you’ll find yourself more comfortable with living a simpler life!
Kirtika is a motivated soul, passionate about writing, speaking and creating. She has her hands in Literature, Psychology, Life Coaching, Spirituality, Wellness, Sciences and everything creative. As an entity of the vast Universe, she wants to expand her existence with self belief and self exploration. With TheMindFool, she wants to help others in finding their real self.