Life is never the same all the time. Several times, it gets monotonous while sometimes tedious. The same old job, daily chores, colleagues; there’s nothing that catches your attention. And that’s when you start feeling, “I wish I could live life to the fullest.”
And it’s not difficult. No matter how many problems you face or hit a bottleneck. Yet you can deal with your life in a disciplined manner. Instead, failure can help you recover from setbacks. Further, helping every person to live life to the fullest.
However, there are some people stuck in an unwanted life. And unfortunately, unable to get over it. Want to know why? Then you must continue reading.
Signs That You Are Not Living Life to the Fullest
- Fear is a real antagonist for several people. And it is also the culprit in the way of success. So, if you are feeling scared for newer exploration, or scared to speak your heart out, then you are disconnecting yourself from life. Moreover, you will feel paralyzed, never progress and you will be stuck in the same, monotonous routine.
- Are you that person who doesn’t like to take extra efforts or volunteer for active participation. For example, not attending a friend’s birthday party despite repeated calls. Or not congratulating a colleague for a new job. Then it is rude and discourteous. With this, you are losing some treasured moments in life. Also, you are missing being surrounded by some amazing people.
- Do you reserve some quality time for yourself? Do you pamper yourself? Are you working around the clock? Then you are walking on the path of anger and resentfulness. Because you are not spending time for good sleep, nourishment, enjoyment, affection, thus corroding the path that leads to happiness. Also, you fail to acknowledge your likes and dislikes.
- Do you take a stand for yourself when someone is pulling your leg? Do you like to be a silent spectator while afflicted with cynicism and taunts? Then, you are not leading a happy life. It shows you don’t respect yourself. Not taking a stand for yourself might overwhelm you with unhappiness. With this, it gives a feeling of weakling despite being strong. Thus, forcing us to disconnect with people around.
- If you are getting involved in petty issues, then you are ruining your treasured moments. Like, why didn’t my friend wish me on my birthday? Why didn’t my colleague congratulate me? Remember, that such petty issues are nothing but ways that sidetrack you from focusing on your goals. They blur your vision while making your life disinteresting.
- Complaining sometimes is acceptable but doing it constantly can take a toll on your health. If you are not happy with your weight, then work on it. Accept the change and make efforts for it. Let complaining be a momentary relief from frustration rather than making it a habit. Remember, complaining may hamper your brain’s problem-solving powers and other cognitive functions. It will also flood you with negativity.
- At some point in time, we all bother about what other people think of us. We feel worried that we will be judged on looks, language, thinking, etc. Due to this, many individuals tend to go into a shell thus limiting communication. With no one around, they start to feel empty and lonely, thus missing out on some happy moments of life.
Well, now you know where you are lacking. And that’s why we are listing some empowering ways for living a full life.
How To Live Life to the Fullest?
Now you know what things can avoid you from living your life to the fullest. So, the best way is to change them. And all these improvisations can come by changing your actions for the good!
1. Keep patience
Choosing to live life to the fullest is not a short process. It might take a whole lifetime to develop. So, don’t lose patience. Just stick onto it and never stop learning. Rather maintain a constant focus on living fully despite setbacks.
2. Live in the present
For living life to the fullest, you have to cherish the present moments. Don’t worry about the future or get entrapped in the past. Life is too short so live in the present and maintain this mantra, “today is my day.”
3. Cherish things you love
For whatever reasons, if you have stopped yourself from enjoying things. Then this is the time to make them happen. Spend your time on things you love the most. It could be watching TV, reading a book or spending money.
You may spend money. But make sure that you have enough savings for an emergency fund.
4. Reach out eagerly to your loved ones
Hectic life urges us to stay apart from our friends and family. So, spare some time to shower your love on them. We easily take our loved ones for granted because they support us no matter what! But life is unpredictable, so be with them.
5. Set goals for good
Set goals and try to achieve them. Start by designing a bucket list. Most importantly, map the success of your goals whether you have achieved them or not. This list will help you keep a check on your progress.
Keep all your goals in a written format. Set them month-wise, daily, or on a yearly schedule. With writing and setting boundaries, it becomes easy to evaluate which goals you have achieved.
6. Stop nagging
If things aren’t falling, the way they should be. Still don’t stop trying. Rather continue to work on correcting it and achieving great success. Amidst this, don’t get discouraged or start nagging. It’s better to work hard then complain, isn’t it?
7. Don’t walk on other’s path
Don’t choose the path that is led by the expectations of others. For example, I love painting but my mother wants me to become a Financial manager. Social expectations have a far-reaching effect on men and women alike. So, for personal growth, choose your own path.
8. Take conscious efforts
Don’t just dream about things. Start taking action. If you are lacking in personal growth, then start taking up courses. Start focusing on your strengths and try out-of-the-box ideas. Besides, step out of the comfort zone and start focusing on things that enable your growth. Have a backup plan to sail through difficult parts of life.
9. Take a break
Working hard is important. But it is also necessary to take a break. With overwork comes stress and disturbed family life. Sometimes, we are unaware of why we are working relentlessly? So, when you reach this zenith, take a break and relax.
10. Don’t hold onto grudges
Holding grudges is like letting unwanted people boggle your mind for entertainment. Instead, just let them go. Whatever they have done to you, just forget and move on. If you don’t, there is going to be a pool of negative emotions and bad memories.
11. Start taking some risks
Playing safe is not going to give you that adrenaline rush. And yes, every task has some danger or risk involved. But unless you don’t take it, how will you gather experience? With risk management, you will know how to handle situations in a better way.
12. Keep haters at bay
There are a lot of people who hate you to the core and are jealous of your success. They will always point out things that will fail you. But remember, the path of success is through failure. Famous Hollywood director Steven Spielberg who has won three Academy Awards faced rejections before becoming famous.
13. Do not compromise with your values
If something you feel is wrong, then stand for it. Do not compromise on your values. Always trust your instincts and don’t let go of your ethics. Most importantly, don’t be afraid to speak the truth.
14. Don’t speak ill about people
If there’s something wrong about people, then convey it to them on the face. And if you are unable to convey, they stay tight-lipped. But don’t talk about them behind their back.
15. Build a strong network
Start building authentic and genuine relationships. Then it could be your friend, family, colleagues, bosses, customers, and so on. Spend time with them, to know them better. Whenever they are in need, try and provide the utmost help. Because someday, they will also help you when you need someone by your side.
16. Volunteer for a good cause
There are abundant needy people who need attention. Also, many organizations need assistance from time to time. So, volunteer yourself for such a noble cause. And don’t do it because someone has told you to! Do it from the bottom of your heart with love and compassion.
17. Fall in love
If you are single, then this is the opportunity to find your soulmate. To maintain a healthy relationship, chalk out relationship goals. They will help to flourish your love. And if you have the utmost confidence in that relationship, then go a step further – marriage. And start a family!
18. Surround yourself with things that inspire
If you think your room is boring and need a makeover. Then do it. Decorate your room with inspirational quotes that lift your mood. Declutter things that are unproductive. Have things that trigger you for a fun-filled action.
19. Have role models
The importance of a role model is often linked to a charismatic personality, thus influencing confidence and inspiration. Studies have also highlighted that role models can boost the aspirants’ motivation, strengthen their existing goals, and simplify their adoption of new goals.
So, have a role model for having a direction in life. They motivate and help in becoming who we really want to be.
20. Ask for genuine feedback
Sometimes, an individual misses identifying those blind spots. So, asking for feedback may help in adding purpose to life from a different perspective. Our loved ones, friends, colleagues may have genuine suggestions that can help live life to the fullest.
21. Let go the ‘controlling’ attitude
It is not necessary to undertake things in a certain manner. Take a different route to achieve your goals. While doing so, stay put on your goals and ideals. But discard the obsession of doing things in a restricted manner.
22. Be a traveler
Travel the world but stick to your budget. For a starter, you may plan cheap travel but don’t let go of those adventurous vibes. Because while traveling, you meet a whole new bunch of people. And you never know, their ideas, thinking process, and values might inspire you to lead a wholesome life.
23. Say yes to exercise
Studies have stated that exercise helps in improving mental health. It helps in reducing anxiety, depression, and negativity. It also helps in lessening symptoms of low self-esteem. So, whenever you feel stressed or your mind isn’t thinking straight. Then just go for a brisk walk or quick run. It will help in coping up with stress!
24. Tackle your fear
Sometimes, taking a huge leap is difficult for some. And that’s when fear starts overpowering. So, instead of this, start venturing on new things eagerly and without fear. Start breaking the stereotype and you will be exposed to a newer and richer experience. It will help in changing your outlook towards life.
25. Challenge your negative thoughts
We belittle ourselves so many times, that we stop believing in our strengths. And we start self-criticizing ourselves. But do you think this helps? Definitely not! So, don’t criticize yourself and suppress negative thoughts with positivity.
The next time if you think you are dumb and others are smart. Then analyze logically whether it is true. And try finding a rational response.
26. Practice gratitude
Studies reflect that gratitude is a relationship-strengthening emotion. It brings happiness, reduces anxiety, builds resilience, aids good sleep, and much more. Further, helping in strengthening relationships.
So, practice gratitude, and express your love every single moment to your loved ones. And you will realize that your life is meaningful while living every day with the utmost happiness.
27. Start journaling
Journaling is a great way to keep a track of your progress by spilling your heart out. It is a diary of events that maintains your past, goals, and future planning. Further, it also helps in determining what is good or bad for you and which area needs improvement.
While some maintain a book or a diary while some prefer blogging to pour their heart out. It solely depends on what medium gives you the utmost comfort.
28. Stop being a people-pleaser
If you want to live life to the fullest, then stop trying to please everyone. A person who is a people-pleaser goes out of his/her way to make someone happy. Instead, it ends up damaging his/her situation.
Also, they are often targeted by dominants who take undue advantage. Besides, people-pleasers hardly take a stand for themselves. So, try and please yourself but don’t do it for others.
29. Forgive yourself and others
Research has stated that how forgiveness has a positive impact on an individual. With a happy life, it boosts mental health, kindness, and helps sustain relationships. Most importantly, forgiveness helps a person to heal.
Also, forgiving oneself will help you waive off the negativity that has saturated within to lead a contented life.
30. Choose happiness and love life
There are so many things going on in the universe that we are unaware of. We don’t know what next is waiting for us. So, don’t waste time on unproductive things. And make a choice today to live your life to the fullest by choosing happiness. Life doesn’t always give a second chance. So, start loving life and cherish moments of bliss!
With these tips, now you know how to live life to the fullest. But before we conclude this article, we are sharing some inspirational quotes for that extra dosage of motivation.
Live Life to the Fullest Quotes
1. “The purpose of life, after all, is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.”
– Eleanor Roosevelt
2. “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the things you did.”
– Mark Twain
3. “If you want to be happy, do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present.”
– Roy T. Bennett
4. “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”
– Steve Jobs
5. “You only live once – but if you work it right, once is enough.”
– Joe E. Lewis
6. “Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realise they were the big things.”
– Robert Brault
7. “Don’t be afraid your life will end; be afraid that it will never begin.”
– Grace Hansen
8. “One way to get the most out of life is to look upon it as an adventure.”
– William Feather
9. “The best way to prepare for death is to live life to its fullest.”
– John Bytheway
10. “Life isn’t meant to be lived perfectly… but merely to be LIVED. Boldly, wildly, beautifully, uncertainly, imperfectly, magically LIVED.”
– Mandy Hale
Closing Thoughts
We hope you stayed with us till the end and have carefully read all the tips. Remember, to start your day by thanking for the wonderful life you have. For the wonderful surrounding you live in. Always keep in mind that your life is beautiful. And to live life to the fullest – you must take these baby steps that we have mentioned above. Above all, complement it with happiness and contentment!
Neelambari started her rollercoaster ride as a journalist at Pune Mirror (Times Group). After which she started exploring the world of content writing. Today, she boasts more than five years of experience filled with creativity and diversity. During this tenure, she explored various mediums like articles, blogs, social media posts, website content, and much more. And this content ranged from Gynecology, Ayurveda, Dental health to nutrition. However, she enjoys the most writing about Psychology and other medical streams. She loves writing and aims to bring positive changes at least in some lives with her articles on www.themindfool.com