The divine feminine is a deeply spiritual concept. We all are energy beings and energy has both masculine and feminine aspects. To prosper in life and express ourselves in the most effective way we need both of these energies.
What is The Divine Feminine?
It is the element responsible for empathy, nurture, intuition, sensuality, cooperativeness, and creativity in humans.
The divine feminine essence is a part of our human consciousness that is responsible for empathy, nurture, intuition, sensuality, cooperativeness, and creativity. If you think divine feminine is only a quality present in women you are wrong! Divine feminine transcends gender and is prevalent in everyone although on different levels.
Divine Feminine Energy
According to the “Law of Gender”, both masculine and feminine energy are needed for the creation process. The Divine Feminine energy is the one that balances the Divine Masculine energy. Divine Feminine energy is necessary for the formation or creation of a new entity.
It is the sacred energy that allows the flow of creativity, is open to receiving new ideas, and nourishes those ideas into powerful visions. The Divine Feminine energy is not dominating like the Divine Masculine energy. It works in a subtle way but is one of the principal energies of the Universe.
Divine Feminine Symbol
The divine feminine is often represented by a symbol of three flowing, intertwined circles.
The divine feminine symbol is an emblem of sacred feminine energy. It is an ancient symbol to represent the cyclical movement of feminine energy in the three stages of womanhood.
In the first stage of the divine feminine energy is that of a maiden. She is a beautiful virgin glowing in her purity.
The second stage is that of a mother. A mother carries the life force energy. She is bestowed with the power of creating a new life form and she is nurturing, caring, and protects her children. She has the supreme power of the divine feminine.
The third stage is that of a crone. She has lost her beauty, youth, and the power to produce new life. Although lackluster now, she is wise, kind, and loving.
Divine Feminine Qualities
The divine feminine energy flows in the body of both men and women. To understand the divine feminine energy you must explore its qualities.
Essentially, feminine energy has 7 qualities.
1. Creativity
Our deep feminine character is responsible for creative ideas. Whether you are a man or a woman, the innovative and unique creative juice present in you is because of the power of the divine feminine.
2. Warrior spirit
Like a warrior we all have a streak of restlessness and aggressiveness deep inside even if we do not wear it with pride! Even a timid person when continuously agitated, at least at one point would stand and speak out with boldness. This is a feminine quality.
3. Justice & Balance
The divine feminine has a motherly quality. Just like a mother balances everything and does justice to all her children we too have a feminine side that maintains and balances our life.
4. Passivity
Dominance is often considered as a great quality but imagine if everyone showed dominance all the time! We would have to deal with never-ending conflicts and chaos if that was the case. And this is why passivity is important. It is not cowardice but the strength of internal character which is an expression of femininity.
5. Intuition
Gut feeling or intuition is an amazingly useful tool that we are all blessed with! But in some, it is stronger while in others it is weaker due to lack of use. Intuition is a feminine power that can guide us and even protect us from a potential threat. All successful people have a strong intuitive capacity.
6. Multitasking
A woman multitasks all the time! She manages her home, takes care of her children, and also has work responsibilities to deal with. To do several tasks confidently and successfully you must make use of this quality.
7. Grace
It is considered that grace is an expression of your feminine side. It is one of the feminine archetypes, yet it is a character admired in any gender. If you are graceful enough you will naturally make more friends.
Divine Masculine and Feminine
To truly comprehend your feminine nature, you must as well compare it with masculine energy!
Divine Masculine | Divine Feminine |
1. The energy of action | The energy of being |
2. Dominant energy | Passive energy |
3. Controls and leads | Protects and guides |
4. Strong desire to prove the worth | Strong faith and let go of control |
5. The energy of giving | The energy of receiving and allowing |
6. Makes decisions based on reason | Makes decision based on intuition |
7. Courage and determination | Nurture and trust |
8. Focused on one goal | Diverted on multiple aspects |
9. It is direct and projects outward | It is cyclic and directed inward |
10. Logical and analytical | Creative and spiritual |
Is Divine Feminine A Threat To Divine Masculine?
Often it is wrongly assumed that the divine feminine and divine masculine are a threat to one another. Because it is speculated by many people that these two are antagonistic and competitive energies.
But this notion is obviously wrong!
The masculine and feminine complete one another and they flow in unison in human bodies. This means that each of us has both these energies, only one of these is dominant in us.
To properly nurture your mind, body, and soul, you must appreciate both feminine and masculine energy in you. One is the prominent energy but the other is also present as a supportive agent for your fullest human expression!
Why Does The Divine Feminine Energy Dwindle in The Man’s World?
Because masculine energy is expressive, dominant, and supercharging it can at times become overbearing! Today’s world is all about competition, and leading in your game.
But it also drains precious energy. Because of the dominance of ‘masculine energy’, most of us are facing anxiety, fatigue, and even depression. Women and men are losing touch with their inherent feminine qualities.
We are unable to fully embrace the purest form of feminine expression. The feminine side of unconditional love and sacrifice is forgotten in the rush of the modern era.
To express our fullest human character we have to accept and express both divine masculine energy as well as the divine feminine energy. But somehow in our busy day to day activities we shun our feminine traits.
The world is in danger because of humans. We are doing so much harm to Mother Nature and all life forms. This is all because we have abandoned the feminine wisdom!
Humans are ignoring the feminine principle of love and nurture, to protect and allow the expression of the divine.
Divine Feminine Awakening
So, are you ready to tap into your divine feminine? We will tell you the exact ways to do that.
Here’s how you access the divine feminine:
1. Become your own version
Society expects women to behave in a certain way. You have to talk, walk, and act in a manner to please others! But when you are awakening the goddess within you, forget what others want from you and just be your true self!
It’s perfectly alright to not look gorgeous all the time. When you feel angry you don’t have to talk sweetly. You CAN express your emotions if you want! If stilettos are not meant for you, you don’t have to wear them – and that does not make you any less attractive!
You are unique and beautiful inside out. To awaken the divine feminine start showing your genuine side. It’s just okay to not be perfect.
Stop living life according to other people’s definition of you. Throw out any belief that expects you to have a certain body shape or look a certain way. You are a goddess and by showing your true nature you will become more empowered.
2. Stop comparing
If you truly want to shine in your divine feminine energy stop comparing with other women immediately. By comparing with others you are doing injustice to yourself. You are pointing out your flaws and demeaning yourself.
The models in the magazines or Hollywood actresses or Popstars or anyone else should not be a parameter for you. You don’t have to look like them. Also, some women feel inferior because of their lifestyle or financial condition.
Remember that you have unlimited power. To use it properly, start being comfortable with you. Accept yourself wholeheartedly. Be happy about your body, the way you smile, the career you have, or the way you handle things!
Each woman has a charm of their own! You just have to showcase it confidently.
3. Honor your emotional side
From childhood, we are conditioned that expressing your emotions is a sign of weakness. There is something terribly wrong in showing your emotions out in the world. It is considered as feminine and hence weak!
As we grow up, we see that responsible adults do not outburst or have an overflow of emotions in public. Women are also expected to reserve their emotions just like men.
This is what we learn and practice. But what if you expressed your emotions? You are worried about what your friends or family will think about you?
Well, here’s the deal. When you express frustration to people who have annoyed you, say it when someone has hurt or declare your love to your beloved, life becomes easy! Yes, you read it correctly.
Expressing emotions isn’t bad or stupid, it’s great. Yes, it is a feminine trait and it is extremely powerful!
How will people know if you are mad at them or you are happy that they have done something for you? People can’t read minds, you see! And this is why there is so much tension and problems in relationships nowadays.
We do not express our feelings because we do not want to get hurt. But in the process, we are hurt and we hurt a lot of people around us. So, show your feelings instead of hiding them.
Tell people how you feel about them. Let them know if you are happy or sad about something they did. Laugh your heart out, cry if it is what you feel is the right thing to do!
By honoring your emotions you will be able to feel free and connect with your deep feminine.
4. Love and respect your body
What do you think about your body?
Or maybe something else! But isn’t it true that us, women have a body image for ourselves in our head? And you won’t be surprised, of course, if we tell you that most of us have a negative body image!
Most women face body shaming at some point in their young age and as an adult, they lack confidence in their body. This is how you lose divine connection with your body.
Each person is beautiful in their own way. Stop comparing or criticizing your body.
Also, start taking good care of your body. Eat healthy foods, let go of addictions, take rest, and sleep. Do yoga and meditation. Nourish and pamper your body.
When you start accepting yourself as the way you are, whether you are male or female, you start to brim with the goddess energy.
5. Disconnect with toxic people
Negative people suck precious energy. People who continuously blame, complain, nag, lie and manipulate are all toxic in nature.
These energy vampires will never let you express your divine energy. Stop interacting with friends and family who suck out happiness from you.
If you want to embrace your feminine quality protect your energy first! When you limit interaction with negative energies, you start brimming with your divine feminine!
6. Surround yourself with spiritual women
When you start interacting with spiritual women you start feeling empowered. If you are thinking that you don’t know any such woman, you are wrong!
We all know spiritual people, maybe not personally but thanks to the social media you can follow them and take inspiration. Follow women who are overflowing with the goddess energy. It could be a famous pop star or an entrepreneur or anyone else.
Read biographies of charismatic, powerful women who made an impact in the world. Read about them, listen to them, follow them on social media.
Oprah Winfrey, for instance, exhibits true divine feminine! This is why she is so strong, empathetic and serving the world in many ways.
7. Listen to your intuition
We have an inborn quality of sensing something before it has happened. Intuition or gut feeling often protects us. But only when we trust in it.
It is that uncanny feeling you get that something must go terribly wrong or that someone is lying or the Goosebumps before entering that building. Intuition can also give a signal that you must go for something!
It’s the lucky hunch you get before accepting that deal or starting that project. It is the rush of good vibes when talking with a certain person.
Intuition is powerful and it can really save your day! But to sharpen your intuition you must use it more often.
Intuition is a characteristic of feminine energy and you must pay attention to your hunches to feel safe, as well as to tap into the divine feminine.
8. Do the uncomfortable
We do not want to go out of our comfort zone. We want to do only what we have done so far.
All extraordinary people take challenges and do the uncomfortable! If you want to be in league with such empowering men and women you must be willing to try different things. To connect to the divine feminine you have to trust in the higher power and take risks in life.
Learn a new language, start a new hobby, make new friends, read a different author, listen to a different kind of music. In short, do things that you would not usually do!
Walk out of your comfort zone and embrace the pure feminine energy.
9. Practice grace
The world needs a graceful attitude more than ever! We can disagree without being disrespectful.
When rudeness and rashness are common, you can strive to be different. Behave decently even with those who are not so polite.
When you practice grace, you reveal divine energy. Softness isn’t being weak. It takes strength to show goodness. Also, it helps you connect to your divine feminine.
10. Create your sacred space
To express your feminine quality you must connect to the divine. Through spiritual awakening, you can use your feminine energy to your best possible advantage!
Awaken the divine feminine by diving deep inside. Create an exclusive space at home to chant prayers or do guided meditations as regular practices.
Having a separate sanctuary at home will allow you to take refuge in that sacred space away from noise and disturbance. This quiet place will help you in connecting to the divine.
11. Nurture your creativity
Feminine understands fullest potential. Show your talents to the world, be creative, and explore different art forms. That does not even mean that you have to become a great artist! Just make art. Allow your creative juices to flow.
Paint or cook or just sing the song. Do something that is creative.
According to ancient wisdom, creative energies are connected to the divine feminine. Because creativity is an expression of divine feminine. When you express your creative side you start tapping into the feminine energy.
12. Do self reflection
We are so absorbed in the outer world that we forget to keep the connection with our inner power. With a daily practice of deep self reflection you realize the divine energy that resides within you.
Quiet self-reflection allows us in spiritual growth. And in the process, we are able to access the energy of the divine feminine.
13. Honor your sexuality
Somewhere in our belief systems it’s imprinted that there is something wrong with expressing our sexuality. Each person has a dominant sexual characteristic. There is no harm in expressing your sexual side.
In fact when you show your sexual traits you become more confident. If you are a woman exhibit your feminine quality. That way, you will express more of your goddess energy.
14. Spread kindness around you
Kindness changes the world around. If you are kind you will get more appreciation and kindness in return!
Kindness isn’t a weakness, it is one of the most predominant womanly qualities. A great mother is always kind. Divine feminine is expressed through this beautiful mother-like protective and nurturing character.
Project your feminine trait by showing kindness to people in your life. You will become more admirable than ever!
Benefits of Divine Feminine Awakening
When you awaken the divine feminine you start reaping several benefits! Some of these are –
1. Immerse in self love
When you have embraced the divine feminine you begin a journey of self-love. You start appreciating yourself more. Life becomes easier when you stop being the harsh critic and become your own best friend!
2. Self discovery
By awakening the divine feminine you will become a keen observer of life. Expressing the feminine energy leads to self-discovery process. In this process you start to know your true essence, your life purpose and become more centered.
3. Reach your fullest potential
Women who allow their femininity to lead their lives get to realize their soul purpose. As a result, they are always utilizing their talents and strengths.
You are able to reach your highest potential when you accept and flaunt your true feminine energy.
4. Spiritual awakening
It’s almost natural that when you express your divine feminine you start getting inclined to the spiritual path. Now that you are confident in your self-expression, spiritual awakening is bound to happen.
You will find deep conversations more satisfying than ever. Anything that is good for your spiritual growth will attract you.
In this phase, you will start reading deep spiritual topics, do meditations, and practice silence. You will be more comfortable in your own company. And you will often get absorbed in a trance of deep thoughts!
5. Harmony with the divine masculine
Everything in this Universe is about balance. The Universal laws predict that each and everything here is energy. And the energies must balance each other!
Divine feminine must coexist with divine masculine. Each of the unique energies must balance one another.
When you awaken the divine feminine you accept and honor the masculine energy within you as well. Each person has both of these energies and they must allow expression of both of the qualities.
The beautiful feminine energy will allow you to be more graceful and empathetic. Again the divine masculine will help you to stay determined and be courageous in your pursuits.
6. Have meaningful & loving relationships
When you are overflowing with the goddess energy you start attracting great people in your life! You start attracting your soul tribe. The new friends you make now are better than ever!
You become a magnet to loving, caring and inspiring people. They are the folks that lift you up and want you to achieve your dreams.
You might even attract your Soulmate or Twinflame! If you are already in a relationship you will become more empowered and appealing all the same.
You might also go through this phase where toxic relationships fall apart and people move out of your life. Yes, this can cause discomfort and pain but from a greater perspective, all of this will happen for your good.
7. Become more loving, compassionate, and intuitive
By embracing your feminine energy you will become more loving than ever. You will be more kind and compassionate towards people. This is also the time when you start relying on your intuition.
8. Feel empowered
When the divine feminine is awakened you are bound to feel empowered. You stop complaining and blaming. Instead, you take responsibility for your life. And you become more determined because you know that you are worth a grand life!
A woman expressing her divine feminine is confident. She knows what she wants and takes action to bring that in her life.
9. New possibilities in life
As you start owning your inner goddess, you become more powerful than ever! You become a magnet to great opportunities and possibilities.
You are suddenly offered a pay raise or you just ‘happen’ to hear that job opening! Someone ‘discovers’ your talents or you get your hands on that book that changes your life forever! Maybe an idea hits you that let you earn a thousand bucks! Simply put, all amazing things start happening with you.
10. Artistic inclination
As divine feminine has a strong connection with creativity, you become more creative than ever. Creativity starts overflowing in you.
A woman with awakened divine feminine uses creativity in all aspects of life. She keeps an artistic touch in all that she does!
You start pursuing creativity as a hobby or may even consider as a career. A woman who has reached a heightened state of divine feminine is often successful as an actress, singer, artist, writer, photographer or any other creative forms.
Some of the divine feminine women who are role models for people around the world are – Oprah Winfrey, Beyonce Knowles, Shakira Mebarak, Hilary Clinton, J.K. Rowling, Gisele Bundchen, Angelina Jolie, Sofia Vergara, Patricia Arquette, Emily Brunt, Ariana Grande, Alicia Keys, Jennifer Lopez, Madonna, Amy Poehler, Natalie Portman, Shonda Rhimes, Amy Schumer, Meryl Streep, Emma Watson and the list continues.
What is Sacred Feminine?
The idea of sacred feminine is different from divine feminine. A few people confuse between the two and so we will just clear the concept for you.
There is a belief system that the divine power is masculine. But according to the concept of Sacred Feminine, God or creative force is neither masculine nor feminine but made of Divine Essence. It is similar to the concept of the Chinese Yin and Yang. Each man also has a feminine side. Both men and women have masculine and feminine energy.
Sacred feminine concept indicates a balance and union of feminine and masculine energies. In this feminine principle not only the feminine quality is celebrated but both divine feminine and divine masculine is praised equally.
The sacred masculine is also recognized within this concept, all the while understanding the feminine nature in both women and men.
Universal Motherhood is appreciated. Also, honoring the duality of human consciousness is done. We must understand this principle to acknowledge Mother Earth for all that she provides to us.
Divine Feminine Quotes
1. “She is a wild, tangled forest with temples and treasures concealed within.”
– John Mark Green
2. “For some, she came in a dream. For others in words as clear as a bell: it is time, I am here. She may come in a whisper so loud she can deafen you or a shout so quiet you strain to hear. She may appear in the waves or the face of the moon, in a red goddess or a crow.”
– Lucy H. Pearce
3. “The separation of feminine and masculine has torn us into pieces. The balance of feminine and masculine will bring us back to peace.”
– Reena Kumarasingham
4. “The deep Feminine, the mystery of consciousness, She who is life, is longing for our transformation as much as we are. She holds back, allowing us free reign to choose, nudging us occasionally with synchronicities, illness, births, and deaths… But when we make space for Her, she rushes into all the gaps, engulfing us with her desire for life and expression.”
– Lucy H. Pearce
5. “She is a concentration of feminine wisdom gathered and concentrated over the years, blended with the astral knowledge of the soul-star, and blessed by the traditions of the Sacred Feminine that she has made herself, or resurrected from Time, and passed living and intact to her daughters.”
– Elizabeth S. Eiler
6. “The modern-day Priestess is a woman who is deeply spiritual, yet her beliefs and practices are typically not rooted in a particular religion. Instead, they are informed by practices that resonate with her spiritual truths.”
– Jalaja Bonheim
7. “The rise of the Divine Feminine does not have to be at the expense of the Sacred Masculine. It is about the complete respect of the differences that the Sacred Masculine and Divine Feminine bring to a physical and spiritual union.”
– Reena Kumarasingham
8. “A “matriarchal world” does not mean matrilineal or that one queen shall rule the world. It simply means “a world in which a Mother’s Heart leads all social institutions, corporations, and governments.” All humans-men, women, or transgender-can embody a mother’s heart if they so choose. We are destined for extinction as a human race unless a mother’s heart assumes leadership of the world.”
– Ananda Karunesh
9. “Women have always cradled within their bodies secret mysteries of life, death, and rebirth and the healing, grounding, and balancing powers of our Mother in the Earth. We have held these mysteries sacred within us as we would carry babies in our wombs.”
– Elizabeth Eiler
10. “You know,” he said softly, “if there is a God, God is a woman.”
– Erin O’Riordan
Do this guided meditation to Activate your Feminine Energy
Closing Thoughts
The divine feminine is an expression of the fierce yet beautiful energy that resides in all of us. As a woman, you should be more confident in showing your feminine qualities. Men do also have this side in their character.
It does not matter what your sexual preferences are, but when you decide to awaken the goddess energy within, you start becoming more empowered and spiritually awakened.
Ishita is a published author, poet and freelance writer. Being an avid reader from early childhood, she has always loved books more than anything else in the world! At the start of her career, she has worked in the corporate as well as the academic sector being a double master's degree holder - M.Sc and MBA. But now she is a fulltime writer. She believes words have immense power and writers can make a huge impact in the world! She wants to bring positivity into the lives of the readers through her association with TheMindFool.