What is the spirit of a man? How are body and spirit connected? Is the human mind separate from the body? Are the terms soul and spirit mutually distinct? What is the connection between mind, body, spirit, soul?
If you have also been asking these questions, seeking the real purpose of human existence, you are at the right place.
Mind, Body and Spirit – A Healing Practice
Mind Body Spirit connection is often tapped by the philosophers via various techniques in order to heal the sufferers.
The mind, body, spirit connection is best understood by the interdependence of these components instead of isolating all the three individually. While most of the power of these 3 elements is still unexplored, people who have experienced mind body spirit healing have identified that it happens without any conscious efforts.
A large number of metaphysical practitioners all around the globe are continuously experimenting with various techniques in an attempt to tap the wisdom of mind, body, spirit connection. Some of the Mindbody techniques used to reprogram your brains and shift limiting beliefs from the system are:
- Visualization – the art of creating imagery images
- Hypnosis – A trance-like mental state
- Emotional release techniques – to tap the subconscious
- Meditation – the master of all spiritual practices
The success of these techniques largely varies depending on the subject’s skill set, ability to relax, detach oneself from the environment, and belief systems.
Mind, Body and Soul – The Trivedi Effect
Introduced by Mr. Mahendra Kumar Trivedi, the Trivedi effect explains the integration of soul, mind, and body in order to connect with the Universal energy.
The integration of soul, mind, and body are also known as The Trivedi Effect was introduced by Mahendra Kumar Trivedi and has been validated by over 4000 scientific experiments conducted by leading research institutes from all around the globe.
It is a phenomenon coined by Mr. Trivedi alone and is enforced to guide the universal energy to the subject. It explains the relation between mind, body, and soul and how the energy so produced can help them connect to the spirit of the creator that resides within.
The harmonization of soul, mind, and body is manifested by the following:
- Self-awareness
- Life-purpose realization
- Raised Consciousness
- Deepened connection with the God
As a result of this, the subject is bound to experience, improved physical and mental health, financial abundance and emotion, and psychological balance. Above all, he/she can experience a sense of peace and tranquillity.
Apart from all these combinations, there are many other theories that consider the connection of these elements in other sequences. Irrespective of the arrangement in the theories, the underlying meaning in all these remain the same.
Finally, let’s deduce the connection amidst all the four.
Body, Soul & Spirit – The core Understanding
We are spirit, have a soul, and live in a body. According to this explanation, the mind is not an individual component but a part of the soul.
God created us with three parts, as explained in the Bible in Thessalonia ns 5:23
“And the God of peace Himself sanctify you wholly, and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, without blame, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
The image here illustrates the relationship of body spirit and soul as defined by the lord. You can see the spirit is the innermost layer and represents the core of the being. Spirit gives meaning to life, identifies the hidden purpose of your birth, and fosters love.
Next to the spirit, is the soul. You must understand that according to biblical explanation, the soul is composed of mind, will, and emotions. This means it doesn’t identify the mind as a separate component but as a part of the soul.
The soul layer also explains the conscious and subconscious sections of the mind as we discussed above (refer to the Mind definition). The part of our body that governs the choices like the nervous system, the immune system also belongs to the soul.
Finally, the outermost layer or your physical body is an integration of nerves, 5 senses, brain, and organs. All the three components that are the body, soul, and spirit must be unified to connect to God.
Mind ,Body, Soul & Spirit Connection – A Holistic Approach
The most popular understanding of Mind Body Spirit Soul is the one that explains the mind and soul are the same and further adds: We are spirit, have a soul, and live in a body.
Your overall health is determined by the collective well-being of all the four components: mind, body, spirit, and soul. Since we have already understood the relationship in 3s, there’s nothing unique that will define the relationship of all the 4 exclusively.
The theories might define the connection of the components in different pairs but the crux and basic definition of each remains the same. That is, the spirit is divine, the soul is the individualistic essence of being and your body is temporary. The only point of difference lies with the mind. Some believe that the mind and soul are the same, while others treat it as a separate entity.
Irrespective of the theory that you follow, you must understand the functionality of components and make conscious efforts to balance them.
So, if you are sick and suffering, pay attention to your mind, body, spirit, soul, and allow it to heal. If you don’t, you will fail to recognize the connection and will never be able to fully recover from your suffering. Your potential for wellness and vitality will never be reached.
So, now the question is –
How To Balance Mind, Body, Soul, and Spirit?
There are many ways that can integrate your mind, body, spirit, soul, and also promote overall health. Tapping into the power of the four pillars of holistic healing can not only lead to a healthy mind but also help you advance on the spiritual path.
These are some of the things you can do in your daily life to achieve the desired balance:
1. React less, reflect more
In day to day lives, we are so lost in observing others that we completely forget our own selves. Thus, to reunite with your spirit, practice introspection. It will help you develop a relationship with your inner self, guide your actions, and control your reactions.
2. Meditate
Meditation is the master’s activity of spiritualism. Apart from the physical health benefits like improved memory, immune system, etc, it also enables you to look within and connect with your mind, body, and spirit. Start your day with a few minutes of meditation practice and you will soon start reaping the benefits.
3. Read spiritual Books
The concept of ‘learning must never stop’ is pretty much real. The more you read, the more you are open to new possibilities and beliefs. Read a few pages of holy books every day, and it will help you establish a link with the god of peace.
4. Listen to Music
Music heals – well, yes. It does. Apart from that, it also improves concentration which can further help you align with your mind, body, and soul. So, spend time with music and don’t be afraid to sing and dance along.
5. Breathe well
Breath is the GURU and your guide to the inner spiritual journey. It is the connecting link between the different components of yourSELF – mind, body, spirit, soul. The more you are aware of your breath, the more you will be able to experience the multi-dimensional versions of your body.
6. Revive your connection with nature
Mother nature is the home of the holy soul and spending time with them will allow you to move closer to God. Thus, every activity that places you in direct contact with nature will enable integration. For instance, walk barefoot on wet mud, love people are other living organisms, or use natural beauty products.
7. Eat nutritious foods
What you put in your body matters – very much. A study even establishes a link between junk food and illnesses like anxiety depression. Eat lots of vegetables and nutrient-dense foods to fuel your body with good energy. It has its own sweet way to guide your spiritual being.
8. Rest
When you have been on-the-go for a long time, and your brain and body are screaming for a break – don’t be afraid to call it a day. Slow down, go for a walk, feel yourself again, and learn to give yourself a breather. It will allow you to be conscious of yourself and further help you establish a connection with the divine spirit.
9. Take a spa day
Spas not only have physical benefits but also spiritual benefits. It helps you calm down and feel your breath and thus listen to your mind and soul. If you are missing your spa-days because of your packed schedule or low budgets, you can also create a spa-like atmosphere at home.
10. Detox from technology
In a society when we are connected 24*7 via smartphones or laptops, the accessibility can have detrimental effects on your body and take a toll on your mental health. To prevent this situation, limit your smartphone usage, and practice mindfulness. It will give you some extra hours to realign with yourself.
11. Pursue your passion
Passion fuels your body and makes your soul happy. In your day to day schedule, don’t be afraid to allocate some periods of time to practice your favourite artform or anything else that interests you. Dance, drawing, cooking, or even Netflix-Binging.
12. Be Kind
One of the vital virtues of spiritual life is kindness. Learn to be kind to others and your own self. Forgive yourself for the times you couldn’t achieve the desired and don’t hold grudges against others. This relieves your mind from the extra pressure and allows you to move closer to the soul.
13. Stop pleasing people
Being kind is one thing, and chasing others is another. If you constantly find yourself being used as a doormat in an attempt to please others – you need to STOP. Stop thinking about what others will think about you or else you will lose yourself.
14. Travel
We are all aware of the innumerable benefits that traveling has to offer – both physically and mentally. But did you know it also has a spiritual angle? Since you explore more cultures, it allows you to be more aware of the surroundings and self.
15. Cut stress
Stress has a history of blocking every way that leads you to the spirit. Thus, you need to declutter your life from everything that doesn’t make you happy. Right from a bad relationship to a stressful job – quit today!
A proper balance between the mind, body, spirit, the soul will not only facilitate spirituality but also safeguard your best health. Along with the exercises mentioned above, spiritual practices that can strengthen your belief and faith will further benefit you in achieving the desired balance.
Spirit and Soul Are NOT The Same
While the spirit is the divine energy, the soul is the individual form of this energy caged in the human body.
The word soul and spirit are often considered synonyms and so it is very important to understand the factor that distinguishes these terms.
As we discussed above in the individual definitions, Spirit is the vital force where life originates. It is the form of God in the human body. On the contrary, the soul is the personal expression of the spirit. It is the individual expression of the spirit.
Mind and Body Dualism
Introduced by Philosopher Descartes in the 1600s, this theory explains how mind and body are separate entities.
The mind-body dualism was popularized by philosopher Descartes in the 1600s. This invention saw a transformation in medicine as well as religious theology. There’s a mind in the body also that shows different symptoms in experiencing certain emotions.
For instance, you get raised bumps on the skin when something moves you, or sweaty hands and a faster heartbeat during times of extreme stress.
Babies are the best example to understand mind-body synergy. When they are born, they don’t know how to mask their feelings and express whatever is in their mind via different bodily activities.
Other examples include sparkling eyes, rosy cheeks, and clapping hands in an attempt to express delight. How a pain in the stabbed toe can affect your whole mood is also a stunning example of the body and mind connection.
Body, Soul and Spirit
Human nature is viewed in two parts, i.e., body and soul/spirit is known as Bipartite view while the three-part theory is known as the Tripartite view.
There is a large group of philosophers who believe that soul and/or spirit are just different terms for the same entity. They believe that human nature is divided in just two parts: Body, representing the material part, and soul/spirit representing the immaterial part. This is known as the Bipartite view.
On the contrary, a lot of theologians explain their point of view with three-part theory: body, soul, and spirit. They consider soul and spirit as two distinct parts of the immaterial human nature and this view is known as the Tripartite view.
Mind Body Spirit Symbols
Spiritual symbols are all around us. There are uncountable symbols in the universe each with a different meaning and a purpose. While some are used to capitalize on the power of the mind, some are used to establish a connection with the soul. Yet, all of them guide you on your spiritual path with a deepened understanding of the spirit.
We crafted a think-piece on this topic alone, you can read it here: Spiritual symbols.
Mind Body and Soul Quotes
Everything said and done, now that we are heading towards the conclusion, let’s quickly read through some amazing quotes that reiterate the power of the mind, body spirit, and soul.
1. “The mind is its thoughts, the heart is its desires, and the soul is its experiences.”
2. “Create balance. Feed your soul. Fuel your body. Expand your mind. Strengthen yourself.”
3. “The body heals with play, the mind heals with laughter and the spirit heals with joy.”
4. “Your mind is an entire world, your heart is an entire cosmos, and your soul is an entire universe.”
5. “If you nurture your mind, body, and spirit, your time will expand. You will gain a new perspective that will allow you to accomplish much more.”
6. “The mind shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s wisdom; the heart, in proportion to one’s courage; and the soul, in proportion to one’s love.”
7. “Utilizing all of your minds is a step towards brilliance. Utilizing all of your heart is a step towards excellence. Utilizing all of your soul is a step towards nobleness. Utilizing all of your mind, heart, and soul is a step towards greatness.”
8. “Grateful souls focus on the happiness and abundance present in their lives and this in turn attracts more abundance and joy towards them.”
9. “To strengthen the body’s muscles, exercise; the mind’s muscles, read; the heart’s muscles, laugh; and the soul’s muscles, love.”
10. “Mind: I am focused and capable of greatness. Body: I am healthy and will take care of myself. Spirit: God is my ground and center.”
After the detailed understanding of these 4 components individually and collectively, there’s one thing that never fails to amaze the world…
It’s insane, how…
You are everything yet nothing, both at the same time!
Your spirit is just like a massive ocean where each wave is an individual soul.
If the wave fails to see around, it will start thinking itself as a whole.
When in reality…
The ocean is the whole!
Surabhi has a deep passion for words. She puts her heart and mind into whatever she pursues and craves for creative ventures. She has always been keen on creating original content that can make a difference. In her experience as a content writer, she has had the opportunity to work on several fields with Psychology being her favorite. Surabhi says, words have the power to transform the world, better than a sword. So she hopes to contribute her bit to this revolution. At TheMindFool, she feels lucky to have the opportunity to share content capable of bringing about a change in the lives of the readers.