If you have ever made a vision board, you know how useful a tool it is for visualizing your goals and making your dreams come true. Based on the law of attraction, this is a perfect medium for making your dreams come true. But did you know you can also hold a vision board party with like-minded friends and family? This makes the process of creating a vision board even more fun and exciting!
But I am sure you have many questions. What exactly is a vision board party? What does one do in it? And how does one throw such a party? Will you need to buy food and drinks? Find out the answers to all these questions, and more, below. Let’s get started.
What is a Vision Board Party?
A vision board party is an event for setting goals and making vision boards with your friends, so that you all can collectively visualize your goals and make them come true.
A vision board party can be referred to as a goal-setting event in which you and your friends visualize your goals. It usually involves people bringing their own poster boards as well as other supplies like magazines and then spending time to create their vision board.
It will involve flipping through the magazines, finding quotes that fit your board, and looking for words that embody the picture of your future that you have in your mind. After that, everyone will create a board with the cutouts they have collected and created a vision board for their goals and dreams.
Types of Vision Board Parties
Vision board parties can be quite variable, depending on the people you invite and what your goals are for the party. Here are a few types of vision board parties:
1. Friends and family
This is a small type of vision board party and usually you just invite some friends and family to chit chat, hang out, and make your vision boards.
2. Potluck
This is a larger party, and in it, you are not the only one who will be providing the supplies. Everyone will bring something – it can be either drinks like wine, food, or supplies for making the vision boards. You should also encourage people to bring their own magazines or color pens. This is a great way of hosting a vision board party without spending a fortune on it.
3. Community events
You can also host a vision board party for the members of your community. Some groups that generally organize such parties are:
1. Women’s groups
2. Cultural clubs
3. Leadership community groups
4. Entrepreneurial groups
5. Nonprofits that work to serve a community
If you are a part of any such group, you should definitely suggest a vision board party at your next meetup.
4. Vision board party within an event
You don’t have to organize a vision board party separately. You can make it an activity within an event, for instance, leadership seminars, office retreats, inspirational vision board workshops, etc.
Benefits of Hosting A Vision Board Party
Besides allowing you to have a great time with your friends and enjoying a hearty meal, a vision board party has many more benefits. Here are some of them:
1. A set time to focus on your goals
There are many things throughout the year that you need to focus on. A vision board party can help you and your colleagues or friends set some time aside just for focusing on these goals and visualizing them, whether it is career-related goals, devoting time to family, relationship goals, or self-improvement related goals.
2. Sharing ideas
This is one of the most amazing benefits of a vision board party. When you sit down with a bunch of like-minded people and start focusing on your goals, you will notice that you will also start achieving your targets sooner. This is because you are now having conversations about goals instead of just mulling them over in your head.
It also gives you some unique opportunities to network with other people in the same industry. Who knows, you could even meet your next mentor who will guide you towards your goals. You may even learn to tackle the problems that are preventing you from achieving your goals. Essentially, vision board parties will give you a new perspective towards achieving your goals.
3. Mentally preparing yourself for a productive time ahead
Vision board parties are usually hosted either in the end of the year in December or at the beginning of a new year in January. Therefore, it is a great way of preparing yourself for what you want to achieve in the upcoming year.
This is the time when you will have unlimited inspiration and unparalleled energy to focus on your goal. As the year goes on, you will be amazed at your success. You will also have a community of friends and family that will be your cheerleaders to celebrate your wins, motivating you even more.
When To Host A Vision Board Party?
As stated before, the best time to host your own vision board is at the start of a new year or at the end of the previous year. You can also make a vision board on a grand occasion in your life, like a birthday, graduation, or marriage. However, this does not mean that you have to wait for a specific reason. Any particular time that you and your friends or family feel is good to get together and focus on your life goals is the right time.
However, it should be noted that a vision board party is not just a party. Unlike typical celebrations where food and drinks are the focal point, the main goal of a vision board party is to create a visualization of what you and your guests want to focus on in the coming year.
This is why the party should be held at a time then everybody’s focus will be on the board. To do this, you must arrange the party at the time then people will not be focused on the meal and having a good time. To this end, the perfect time to host the party is in the morning or mid-afternoon.
How To Host A Vision Board Party?
Hosting a vision board party is not exactly a difficult endeavor, but you really need to keep in mind certain things.
How many people to invite
The first thing you need to think about is that you have to have exactly the right number of attendees that you can manage. It is recommended to not invite more than 10 to 12 people. You can also check how many people can comfortably sit in the space that you have available
The working space
Be mindful of the fact that this is the kind of party where everyone will be working. Because there will be space needed for making a vision board for everyone and keeping the supplies. You would also need some space for the food and drinks. Before inviting a large number of people, make sure that you have enough space for all these activities without anyone feeling crowded.
What kind of people to invite?
Besides keeping in mind the number of people, you also need to be mindful of the kind of people that you can invite. You don’t want someone who is skeptical of the whole endeavor and will bring everyone’s energy down. On the other hand, you also don’t want someone who is too much of a perfectionist or control freak that they try to tell everyone what to do.
You should also take note of the kind of goals and desires that everyone in the group wants to focus on. For instance, don’t invite someone who wants to focus on the relationship when the rest of the group wants to make vision boards related to their careers. This is because this may lead to some awkwardness and some people may feel left out as well.
The vision board party invitation
The next thing to think about is the invitation. It is always recommended to skip paper invitations and send out an email invite to everyone. Make sure that in the invitation, you ask people to bring the things that you don’t have enough supply of. For instance, you can ask them to bring a stack of old magazines and their own scissors.
If this is a potluck type of vision board party, you can also ask people to bring their own choice of food and drinks.
What To Do At Your Vision Board Party?
For the vision board party to have a perfect flow and for everyone to have a good time, you need to schedule certain things. There are four key items that you need to keep in mind.
1. Mingling
At the start of the party, allow people some time to eat some food and get some drinks so that they can get the energy to talk to each other and get settled in the mood of the party.
2. Icebreaker activities
Once all of your participants have arrived, you should arrange some activities that will allow them to get to know each other and get started on some conversation.
3. Vision board overview
In this section, you can all talk a little bit about what you want your vision board to look like and what you want to achieve with it. You can go in circles so that everyone gets enough time to talk about their goals and dreams.
4. Working session
This is the time everyone should look through the magazines and find out what really speaks for them. This is also the time when they should pick the appropriate pictures and words for their vision board. And then, get started on making the vision boards.
Although you don’t have to stick to the agenda very strictly, it is good to have some structure so that the entire party flows naturally. Even if you don’t take a lot of time at each of the sections, make sure that you at least take a moment to follow each item on the agenda briefly.
What To Buy for Your Party?
Depending on the kind of party that you are hosting, you will have to get some items for your party. Just remember that you don’t have to get everything on this list, all you have to do is make sure that everything is available at the party.
If you’re having a potluck party for instance, you can distribute items from this list among the participants and ask them to bring them instead of buying everything yourself.
Here are some items that are essential for a vision board party:
1. A lot of glue sticks
White glue often breaks the integrity of the paper and can also be a little bit messy. It is preferable to use glue sticks for pasting pictures and motivational quotes on your vision board. Make sure that you have enough glue sticks for every person.
2. A fair number of pairs of scissors.
You will need scissors for cutting out the required pictures and quotes from your magazines. It is preferable to have at least one pair of scissors for each person coming to the party. Also make sure that you have some left-handed scissors for the people in your party that prefer their left hand
3. At least one poster board for every person.
You can find them for cheap at the local WalMart or Dollar Tree. You can also order them off of Amazon at quite a cheap price. Make sure that you have at least one poster board for every person. You can also have some extra ones in case there are any mistakes
If you are environmentally conscious and don’t like using poster boards, you can also get some foam boards or cork boards for everyone. They also have the additional advantage of being reusable, that is, once you have achieved the goals on a particular vision board, you can reuse the cork board for making your next vision board.
If you are using a cork board for making good vision boards, make sure that you also have the necessary supplies to stick the things on the board, because glue stick will not work in these cases.
4. Magazines
This is probably one of the most important things that you need to keep at hand. If you do not have enough magazines at your home, you can go to a local library and search for some old magazines. Many of them also offer to give them away for free.
For every participant, you should have at least 5 to 10 magazines. So, if you are inviting 10 people to your vision board party, you will need anywhere between 50-100 magazines. So, collect as many as you can. If you can’t find that many magazines, don’t worry. Just ask you party attendees to bring their own magazines.
5. Some colored pens, stick on poster letters or phrases
For decorating the vision boards, you will need markers, gel pens, borders, color pencils, glitter, poster letters, and motivational phrases cut out from magazines. You can get them yourself or you can ask your meeting attendees to bring whatever they have at home.
If you want to really go out of your way, you can also get a vision board craft kit for each of the members of the party. Although it will be a little expensive the first time around, if you hold your vision board parties at irregular intervals, they will be usable again and again.
Suggestions for Hosting A Vision Board Party
Here are tips for hosting a vision board party that is a blast:
Suggestions for food and drinks
Whether it is a vision board party or a regular party, you cannot have fun without food and drinks. Although all types of foods are acceptable at a vision board party, it is recommended to avoid any messy finger foods. Because you will be working on your vision boards, foods that involve spoons and forks or sauces can easily turn into a disaster and cause spillage on the complete vision boards.
That is why you want to stick with foods that do not spill and are easy to eat. Cheeses, salads, sweets and cookies are perfectly acceptable. You can also have veggies with hummus, fruit plates, crackers, non-greasy chips, muffins, etc. Avoid barbecue chicken or buffalo chicken drumsticks as they tend to get your fingers messed up and prevent you from looking through the magazines.
The same thing applies for drinks. Try to get mild drinks that do not get anyone super drunk quickly. White wine and red wine are great, you can also have some other types of sweet wines so that every single one of your attendees has something they can enjoy.
If you’re having a party in the morning, you can go for mimosas. Evening parties can have wine or beer. Also, be mindful that there might be some people who may be non-alcoholic. You should have water and various types of juices available to them. You can also include craft sodas. Make sure that there is an ice bucket available so that the guests can serve themselves.
If you are having a potluck party, you can also ask your guests to bring various types of appetizers, desserts or drinks to share.
Suggestions for activities and icebreakers
You don’t want to end up at a party where everyone is awkward and looking for ways to start a conversation. To prevent that from happening at your vision board party, it is your job as the host of the event to come up with some activities so that your guests can start talking. Ice breakers are small fun activities that will engage the people in conversations with each other. This is especially needed when you are inviting people who don’t know each other.
Here are some suggestions for activities and icebreakers that can add a little spice to your vision board party:
1. Ask people to introduce themselves and to share with the group what it is they like to do in their free time
2. Ask everyone to go around in a circle and talk about their goals that they want to achieve in the upcoming year
3. You can also ask people to talk about and visualize their vision board in their mind
4. Ask people to talk about the items in their bucket list
These types of activities, when scheduled properly, will ensure that the party starts with people having deep conversations about their aspirations and goals before they start making that vision board.
Suggestions for music
There is no party without music because music sets the background and tone for the entire evening. To make sure that the music meets the demands of the crowd as well as matches up with the theme of the evening, you should plan and have a playlist ready for your party beforehand. But you don’t have to do this alone.
You can ask the attendees of the party to send their preferred music. Also make sure that during the entire party, the volume of music is low and it is more of a background noise than a distraction. If you can’t come up with any particular tracks, you can play some smooth R&B music that is friendly and upbeat. You can also play some jazz or instrumental music.
How To Prepare for Making A Vision Board at A Party?
If you have never made a vision board before, it is suggested to lay out the general design of the board and find images to go on it before you start actually gluing things on it. You may also want to create a central image for your board so that the middle part is powerful. Leave some space out to add additional images as you find them in magazines and also allow some space for adding some motivational quotes.
Make sure that you only have a rough layout of your vision board before you are headed to the party. Do not stick anything on it. You can find out the detailed process of making a vision board here. If you are lacking in ideas, you can also check out this article to get some interesting inspirations for making a vision board.
Tips for Organizing A Vision Board Party for Kids
If you are in the party planning stage of organizing a vision board party for kids, you will need to change your approach a little bit. Vision boards for kids are a wonderful way of helping them focus and being more positive. It also allows them a sense of independence and achievement.
But be mindful of the fact that without guidance, children cannot make a cohesive and impactful vision board. When you are hosting a vision board party with children, you would have to help them define what exactly they want to achieve with their board and also to find out the appropriate pictures for it.
You can ask the kids certain questions to understand what kind of board they want to make. Talking to them about their career plans, locations, places they want to go to, favorite animals or colors, people they admire, sports or activities that they like are great ideas for making a vision board for kids.
Vision Board Party Ideas
Here are ten ideas that will make your vision board party truly epic:
1. Career themed party
If you are organizing a career themed vision board party for kids or teens, you can ask them to dress up as the profession they want to grow up to be. Before coming to the party, you can also ask them to make a list of reasons why they have picked the profession.
2. Women’s empowerment vision board party
This type of party is organized for women’s empowerment groups or nonprofits that are focused on women. You can pick various areas of women’s empowerment, such as, home life and work life balance, protection from domestic violence, equal pay, etc.
3. Relationship goals vision board party
If you’re having a vision board party with your friends, you can throw a relationship goals vision board party. But be mindful that everyone should be on the same page before you make plan a vision board ideas for a party like that.
4. Travel goals vision board party
If you are part of a friend group that enjoys traveling and exploring different parts of the world, you can throw a travel goals vision board party. Everyone going to the party can bring along pictures from their travels and you can also share stories about your experience in different parts of the world.
5. Annual vision board party
If you are holding your vision party at the end of the year or at the beginning of the year, chances are it is an annual goals vision board party. For this kind, you can have magazines ready at hand that are focused on the resolutions and goals for the next year.
6. Vision board party for the women in your life
You can also throw a special vision board party for those great women in your life who have inspired you and who deserve to have their accomplishments acknowledged. You can all hang out together for a day and make vision boards that remind you of all that you have done.
7. Vision board party for families
One of the best ways to spend time with your family as well as remind each other of your love is to throw a vision board party that celebrates your family. You can collect pictures from your childhood as well as momentous occasions from your life.
8. Vision board party for your kids
If your children have achieved something great like graduating from high school or getting into a good college or university, you can throw a vision board party in their honor and celebrate their wins with the whole family.
9. Vision board party for your spouse
One of the best ways to bond with your partner is to organize a vision board party for just the two of you. Make special arrangements to have foods and drinks that they like and commit some time to making vision boards for each other highlighting your best qualities.
10. Office vision board party
If you are having an office retreat with your colleagues, you can organize a fun office vision board party in which your team can visualize their goals for the year, both personal as well as professional. Not only will you all get to spend time with each other, but you may also find out some interesting things about each other that you didn’t know before.
Closing Thoughts
A vision board party is not a new concept, but it is still quite unexplored. If you are passionate about making vision boards, and you know some people in your life who feel the same way, it is time to invite them all and have a blast.
Not only will you come out with an awesome vision board, but you will have bonded with each other in a way that is simply impossible to do under other circumstances. And who knows, maybe you will soon live the life your vision board paints too!
Surabhi has a deep passion for words. She puts her heart and mind into whatever she pursues and craves for creative ventures. She has always been keen on creating original content that can make a difference. In her experience as a content writer, she has had the opportunity to work on several fields with Psychology being her favorite. Surabhi says, words have the power to transform the world, better than a sword. So she hopes to contribute her bit to this revolution. At TheMindFool, she feels lucky to have the opportunity to share content capable of bringing about a change in the lives of the readers.