Have you ever felt the need to talk positively about yourself? Do you feel stuck in your work because you feel you are not good enough? Have you allowed negative thoughts to creep in your mind every now and then? It’s the time that you start practicing self love affirmations and look at yourself from a different perspective.
When you use these affirmations with conviction and belief; you let yourself know that ‘you are worthy of love and respect’. It raises your self-confidence because you believe in what you say. Positive self-talk helps you see the brighter side of life. These words and phrases are positive propositions that bring optimism and greater life satisfaction.
What is self-love affirmations?
Self-love affirmations are positive words, phrases, or statements that declare and proclaim your worth and dignity as an individual. It creates a safe space for you to grow a positive mindset and thrive in it; no matter what happens.
Self-love affirmations are the answer to mental and physical happiness and a blissful life. If any incident or a past event in your life made you feel bad about yourself, then it’s time to change your thoughts.
Make peace with yourself, start loving yourself, and repeat your affirmations daily to feel good about yourself. Before you assess what went wrong in your life, stop judging yourself too much. Don’t be harsh on yourself. Every relationship or event comes with an expiration date. But your relationship with yourself should be a constant, a positive one.
The moment you start loving yourself, you will find an answer to your happiness. Your affirmations work when you change your perspective about yourself. You cannot be happy in life by living life as per other’s choices and perceptions. Make self-love affirmation your lifetime goal. A season of love will begin when you start liking yourself and make peace with the way you look, act, and react.
120 Self Love Affirmations
Positive Affirmations for Self love
The positive affirmations for self-love are powerful statements that can encourage you to change your faulty perspective and live a content and fun-filled life.
- I love my soul, body, and will nurture it.
- I am comfortable with my flaws. Everyone has them.
- Approval of others doesn’t matter to me anymore.
- I can change myself and my circumstances.
- I deserve better.
- Remove the negative past and negative company.
- I am able, and I strongly believe in myself.
- I can’t be apologetic for every action of mine.
- I don’t need dozens of friends, one or two is enough.
- Celebrating my life is my mantra to happiness.
- Learn to say No.
- I am not responsible for everyone’s happiness.
- I will prioritize what makes me happy.
- I can handle my fears.
- I have one best friend. That is “me.”
- I will accept compliments; they make me happy.
- I had a good past, a better present, and will have the best future.
- When I love myself, it is unconditional love.
- Best self-care is a smile at yourself.
- Mistakes are part of life. I, too, made a few and learned from it.
- My looks, my body, my decisions are important to me.
- Freedom of thought and action is critical to me, and I want to nurture them.
- I deserve respect and care.
- My beauty lies within.
- I will release negative feelings, negative people around me, one by one.
- I am happy and grateful for what I had and what I have.
- Life has taught me all kinds of experiences, and I cherish them.
Self love affirmations to inspire living
- I am my own strength.
- I can overcome any challenge with my efforts and dedication.
- I am beautiful, unique, and elegant.
- I am a joyous and peaceful person.
- I radiate abundance and love that also motivates others to live their best life.
- I honor my drawbacks and inabilities.
- I have the courage to forgive my mistakes.
- I can thrive in hardships.
- My body is healthy and my mind is always at peace.
- I am a warm, loving, and compassionate person.
- I love and respect the way I am.
- I try to become the best version of myself; under any circumstances.
- I am a worthy person as I heed the voice of my true ‘self’.
- I have the power to change the things that do not serve any purpose in my life.
- I do not engage in negative self-talk.
- My deepest fears and insecurities are easily released; as it no longer serves me.
- My opinions matter and I make my presence felt wherever I go.
- I love my body and commit to taking care of my health.
Daily affirmations for self-love
Daily affirmations for self love can help you stay motivated and inspired about your worth and abilities. When you repeat your affirmations several times a day, you start feeling good about yourself.
- I let go of my negative thoughts and never ponder on things that do not serve a good purpose.
- I feel grateful for all the good people in my life; as they had helped me to become the best version of myself.
- My everyday living may not be perfect, but it’s great and beautiful
- Today, I shall learn new things and take inspired action to accomplish my goals.
- I am good enough to fight all odds.
- I am unique and special and I embrace all my imperfections.
- I take pride in my achievements.
- I have never allowed my fear and anxieties to hold me back.
- I am strong at heart.
- My past may not be good but I strive to make my future an excellent one.
- Love and kindness flow within me.
- I radiate confidence in and out.
- I accept compliments and criticisms equally well. It makes me assertive and confident.
- I have so much to offer to this world.
- I surround myself with positive people; as they help me evolve
- I hardly engage in self-doubt and blame
- My mistakes are my own. I try to rectify it with grace and ease.
- I honor my limitations.
- My life is full of endless opportunities to showcase my talents.
Self-esteem affirmations
These are self help propositions to appreciate ‘who you are’ and remove all your deep-seated insecurities. These affirmations work well, when you value and accept your strengths and drawbacks without self doubt.
- I trust myself and respect my abilities.
- People treat me with love, respect, and compassion.
- I am happy with ‘Who I am’
- My life is abundant and fulfilled.
- I do not allow others to hurt me.
- My life is full of incredible experiences that have taught me the biggest lessons.
- I enjoy the tiny joys of my life and love to live in the moments.
- Peace of mind is my greatest strength.
- I try to remain optimistic under any circumstances.
- I can achieve anything and everything; only if I wish to.
- I radiate love and happiness that also influence others around me.
- I am creative and intelligent.
- I am comfortable with my looks and ignore people who criticize me.
- I honor my boundaries.
- Honesty and assertiveness build my confidence every day.
- I make my presence felt; wherever I go.
- I speak my mind fearlessly; without apprehensions.
- I am not a people pleaser; rather I choose to please myself.
Self-worth affirmations
These affirmations boost your ‘self-understanding ‘and ‘self-acceptance’. You learn to value and regard yourself, irrespective of what others say or do.
- I love challenges and obstacles as it helps me to prove my worth.
- I choose hope and not despair.
- I am passionate, adventurous, and enthusiastic.
- I never quit and try to make things happen, despite obstacles.
- My confidence helps me to overcome hardships.
- I am flexible enough to adapt to changing situations.
- I see the best in myself.
- I make my own choices and I truly believe in it.
- My opinions are dear to me.
- I approve of my abilities and inabilities equally well.
- I deserve everything that is good and wonderful.
- Each day, I try to become the best version of myself.
- I do not ponder on things that are out of my control.
- I praise myself; whenever I get a chance.
- I am worthy of love and respect.
- I learn from my mistakes and improve every day.
- I am wise and humble.
- There is no place for misery and suffering in my life.
- I do not compare myself with others; because it weakens my soul and kills my self-confidence.
Self love affirmations for self-development
These positive statements attract abundance and joy in life.
- Every day, I try to become a better version of myself.
- LIfe’s challenges will come and go but my confidence will remain with me forever.
- I celebrate my accomplishments and feel joyous about it.
- I always remain open to new learning and sharpen my skills.
- I can create my own world of happiness and peace.
- I am competent and able.
- I choose to live my life with abundance and fulfillment.
Self love affirmations after a break-up
It might be hard to feel well after a break-up. You are overwhelmed with negative and intrusive thoughts that are strong enough to make you feel sad and toxic. In such circumstances, self love affirmations can do wonders.
These are mind training strategies that help to overcome negativity and rewire your brain to bring a positive transformation. When you choose what you think, you also learn to take control of how you feel.
- I forgive those who have hurt me.
- I do not harbor resentments and let go of feelings that hit me hard.
- My life will be better in the days to come.
- I have become a stronger being now.
- My gratitude goes to those who have taught me life’s greatest lessons.
- I am looking forward to starting afresh.
- I choose happiness and let go of sorrow, to feel fulfilled and peaceful.
Affirmations for self love and self acceptance
Loving yourself also means to accept the way you are; without any blame, judgements, and evaluation.
- I treat myself with kindness and respect.
- My body is a work of art. I love the way I look.
- I accept all my failures and inadequacies; to become wise every day.
- I trust my intuitions and it guides me towards success,
- I am in love with myself. It teaches me self respect and assertiveness.
Why practice self-love affirmations?
It is essential to love thyself before you love others. Seeking love, happiness, and joy outside is natural. But one must look inwards to keep oneself happy. A person who loves himself can love others. Remember, our thoughts shape our actions.
When you practice self-love affirmations, you learn the basic ways of caring and nourishing yourself.
1. Takes mind away from being over-critical:
Failures, misjudgment, wrong decisions are part of life. Often we tend to blame ourselves for our failures. For those failures, one should not punish oneself by being over-critical about self. Self-love helps you to take mind away from being critical.
2. Self-love makes one positive
When a person learns to love himself, he will focus on constructive goals, accomplishments, and achievements.
3. Loving oneself relieves mental stress:
When a person starts loving himself, he is more open to analyzing his flaws and weaknesses. That analysis can help them to control their emotions, how they react to certain situations, and improve how they deal with them. Such actions can lower mental stress.
4. Builds confidence
When you dislike yourself, you might suffer from low self-esteem and morale. Learning to love oneself builds your confidence about the way you are.
5. Loving self is not the same as being defensive
When you start liking yourself, you don’t have to explain your actions to people who matter. You know your actions are guided by your understanding of the situation.
6. Face your insecurities well
That’s right, when you learn to love yourself and affirm about it, you can judge your insecurities, fear from a new perspective. Getting comfortable with such fears allows one to work on them.
7. Self-love does not make you selfish
Self-love is not all about putting yourself first. It also prompts you to think about others and empathize with them.
Benefits of practicing positive affirmations for self-love
Self-love affirmations are a powerful tool to overcome negative thoughts and faulty perspectives.
The benefits are as follows:
- It boosts self-confidence.
- Affirmations helps you to value your unique qualities and abilities.
- It also motivates you to work hard and accomplish goals.
- Self love affirmations teach self- acceptance.
- You are able to face life’s challenges in a positive way.
- It gives you a positive self-image.
- Happiness and poise becomes your strength.
Maintaining a journal helps you to revisit your past and analyze how events shaped your life. You can also jot down the positive thoughts and negative thoughts associated with an event and the lessons learned. This process will help you to consciously not repeat the same mistakes in similar situations.
Self-love affirmations quotes
These quotations on ‘self love affirmations’ are the best way to develop a positive mindset.
1. “Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we’ll ever do.”
— Brene Brown
2. “You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection.”
— Buddha
3. “You are free, you are powerful, you are good, you are love, you have value, and you have a purpose. All is well.”
— Abraham Hicks
4. “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”
— Eleanor Roosevelt
5. “Remind yourself that you cannot fail at being yourself.”
— Wayne Dyer
6. “Once you embrace your value, talents, and strengths, it neutralizes when others think less of you.”
— Rob Liano
7. “The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself.”
— Mark Twain
8. “Loving yourself isn’t vanity. It’s sanity.”
— Katrina Mayer
9. “To fall in love with yourself is the first secret to happiness.”
— Robert Morley
10. “In order to love who you are, you cannot hate the experiences that shaped you.”
— Andrea Dykstra
Closing Thoughts
The list of affirmations is endless, and it can vary from person to person and their circumstances. The biggest challenge would be for a battered person to think affirmatively about self over a period of time. Writing some of these affirmative sentences is a great way to start life with a new perspective. Equally important is to remember never to stop loving oneself.
A Psychologist with a master's degree in Psychology, a former school psychologist, and a teacher by profession Chandrani loves to live life simply and happily. She is an avid reader and a keen observer. Writing has always been a passion for her, since her school days. It helps to de-stress and keeps her mentally agile. Pursuing a career in writing was a chance occurrence when she started to pen down her thoughts and experiences for a few childcare and parenting websites. Her lovable niche includes mental health, parenting, childcare, and self-improvement. She is here to share her thoughts and experiences and enrich the lives of few if not many.