Purpose of life signifies life direction. If you have a purpose, you save yourself as well as several others. But if you are clueless in life you bring problems to yourself and people around you. To have a blissful life, you MUST have a life purpose.
What Is The Purpose of Life?
Our life purpose gives us the direction to move forward. Also, it helps to live life to the fullest.
To have a fulfilling life we need to have some sense of direction. If you do not know where you are going, you will most certainly feel lost. There are elderly people in their 50s or 60s still figuring out what to do in life. These people are still struggling to create an impact in the world. They wonder how to leave a mark before exiting from this world.
In short, life becomes meaningless if you do not know how to best express your strengths. When you fail to realize your soul path you become depressed. This is why you need to have a life purpose.
The purpose of life is like a navigator, it shows you the way you should go. It helps you to have a sense of direction and when you find it half the problems in your life disappear.
Purpose of life is the path which takes you to your highest potential level. It helps you to create magical things in life that not only makes you successful but it helps the world in large.
When you have a purpose in life, you feel more alive. You stay happy and at peace from within. You do marvelous things that inspire others. Also, while walking on your life path you bring immense value to the lives of others.
Do You Have A Sense of Purpose?
The BIG question is how to know if you have a sense of purpose? Well, it’s not a difficult thing to find out. Ask the following questions to yourself.
Do you think you have control in your life or you are just a puppet of consequences?
What is your opinion about your own life? Do you think you have absolute control in your life? That you can make things happen and create your own luck! Or do you think an invisible force is controlling your life and making every moment difficult for you?
If you are feeling helpless in your life, it means you have not yet found your purpose. Those who have found their life purpose are confident and focused. They know what they want and how to get it! These men and women plan their lives and take action. And they achieve success in what they are doing, if not initially but eventually.
Most importantly, you will never see a person with a direction to have pessimistic views. They inspire others! These people walk and talk confidently. Even if they fail they learn from it and move on.
Whereas, people without a sense of purpose feel helpless and demotivated. They cannot complete tasks and quite easily because they are not in alignment with their life purpose. These people will always complain because they feel like a victim. They feel like the world is constantly conspiring against them. In short, they are miserable and negative-minded.
Do you wake up in the morning excited or drained up?
Each morning how do you get up – with a dreadful feeling that it’s another day? If your job or career does not excite you it means you are not aligned with your life purpose.
If the course you are studying or the job or business you are doing now is a tough ordeal for you, it indicates it’s not your thing.
People living their life on purpose are on fire! They can’t wait for the morning to arrive because they have so much to do! If you are living a life on purpose you would wake up excited every morning. Because you have to DO things you are passionate about. True passion comes only when you are doing things that serve your purpose in life.
Can you do what you are doing for free?
Now here’s the deal. Can you do whatever you do now for free? For instance, you are an office manager. If you do not get the salary you are receiving, would you still be doing this job? Will you come to the office and do the work without a salary? If your answer is NO, guess what? It’s not the job for you!
Because when you have found your purpose in life, you will do the job whether you get the money or not!
The thing is YOU can always earn by living a life on purpose but money isn’t the trigger. You do it because it satisfies you. It’s the thing you love, care, and dream about. So, if you are not willing to do something for free it means you are doing the work for money. And maybe, you are earning a good deal of money doing it, only you have no satisfaction or joy. Because you are not aligned to your purpose.
When you love something you will do it without bothering to get paid for it! And most often our life purposes are hidden in such things that we cherish so much! But then we are not suggesting you do it for free. Use this question as a test to know if it’s your calling or not!
Do you forget the time while doing what you do now?
Are you passionate about the career or job you are pursuing now? If you are passionate about it you will forget when time flies while you are doing it. Do you spend hours in your work forgetting sleep, hunger or thirst? If your answer is “yes” of course you have found your true purpose. But if your answer is “no” it’s time for you to discover your purpose!
If you have all the money in the world will you still be doing what you are doing now?
Imagine you are rich. Money is not a problem for you. Will you be still doing what you are doing now? Answer this question honestly.
If money wasn’t an issue would you still be working for your boss? Or do the same business?
Answering this question you will realize what kind of life you actually want to live!
Why Should You Have A Purpose of Life?
Without a life purpose you will feel lost and frustrated.
When you don’t have a purpose in life you feel bitter. You will always feel dissatisfied and hopeless if you don’t have a clear sense of direction. Nowadays so many people are depressed because they can’t find meaning in their lives.
Our education system focuses so much on History and Physics and Literature that it fails to teach the most important lesson of life! You can suck at History, Physics, Math and every other school subject but still you can lead a meaningful and useful life. No one tells you that! But in reality, you can have a grand life and enjoy it to the fullest irrespective of what your marksheet speaks about you!
YES! Because your life purpose might not be connected with any of your school subjects! Maybe its guitar that will enrich your life or travelling would entice your life.
The thing is life purpose differs from person to person. Also, it’s up to you to decide if you would make it your profession or just carry it out as a passion.
Also, it’s not like if you are good at music you have to become a rock-star performer on stage! Maybe your life purpose is to teach children how to play the instrument and instill the passion for music in the young minds!
So, the purpose will vary. But, you have to find your purpose and walk on its track otherwise you will only exist and NOT live this life! To find true happiness you have to find your purpose.
Each human comes to this planet with a mission. If you do not find what it is you will not only do injustice to yourself but it would also be a disservice to the world. Because when you live a life of purpose you also serve the world in some way. Yes, there is always a greater good in living a purposeful life.
How To Find The Purpose of Life?
Here are 10 easy ways to find your life purpose.
Make a list of things you loved to do as a child
To find your purpose begin with a list of all those things you enjoyed doing as a child. And don’t think at all that they were silly childish stuff!
As children, we always had a sense of purpose. As we grow, we complicate things for ourselves. We choose a career to impress others or to make money or have a status. Most of us ignore our passions thinking it will never give us financial security.
But you can always choose a career based on your life purpose and earn money by doing it. So, make that list ready. Take a day or week time but write it out. Jot down all your childhood passions.
Do things that give you joy
Now that you have a list ready, start picking things from it and start doing!
For instance, your childhood love for stamp collection can be turned to a full-time career as a Blogger. Say, you loved to write in high school! It is absolutely possible for you to start freelancing in writing.
Most of us are scared to go back to things we have left behind. We think others would judge or make fun of our attempts. But in reality, nobody is thinking about you! It’s all in your head.
And please don’t think that you are too old for something. Because age does not matter. What matters is your determination and efforts. If you have these two qualities, doors will open for you. Life gives chance to those who are willing to accept it!
Read a lot
There is no better habit than reading.
Because those who read happen to know about several topics. You learn new things, ways, and ideas. For instance, now that you are reading this article you are gathering new insights. Isn’t it? By the end of the article, you might as well find your purpose in life! Or at least you will know how to find it.
So, reading always gives you knowledge and ideas. Keep reading books and articles rather than watching TV. You will find your life purpose for sure!
Journal your thoughts
As much as reading helps you, so does writing! And, no, you don’t require extraordinary writing skills for that. You just have to pour your thoughts in a diary.
Make journaling a daily practice. Write in the morning or at the end of the day. This is not the usual diary writing about everyday experiences!
This is a routine of penning down your thoughts and feelings.
At the end of the week, review what you have written. You can get a hint on your life purpose!
Communicate with people who are living a purposeful life
The easiest way of finding your life purpose is by staying in touch with people who are highly motivated and living their dreams. To live a more meaningful life start engaging with hugely successful people.
Don’t worry if you don’t know any of them. You can still connect with them on social media. Follow immensely successful people like Oprah Winfrey, Ed Mylett, Sara Blakely, or Bill Gates. The more you will read about their activities, ideas, and achievements the more you will be subconsciously prepared to lead a meaningful life!
A great approach to finding purpose in our lives is by practicing meditation. It will relax your mind to think clearly. Daily meditative practice will not only help you to find your life purpose but also answer several of your life questions!
Spend time alone
The best ideas ALWAYS come to you when you are alone! Ask the big questions of living your life meaningfully. Reflect on the singleness of purpose. Spending time with yourself will allow you to pay attention to your life. Reflect on your life and start setting goals.
It’s really important to live our lives fully before we leave the world. So, sit quietly and do the thinking.
Be grateful
A grateful heart always finds the answers! Appreciate all that you have and all that you have achieved till now. Be happy and humble. You will receive your calling. Of course, you will get to know your purpose in life.
Live in this moment
It’s true we want to reach our highest potential. Because we believe that our human existence would only be worthwhile if we find our life path.
But often in the process, we forget to live life. We ignore our present for the future. Instead of always thinking in the long term start thinking short term. Make smaller goals and reach them. This will give you the confidence to achieve more in life.
Consciously spend every moment. Be mindful. Practice self-awareness. In the process of life journey, you will surely get to know what your cause of coming to this world is!
Enjoy the ride while it lasts! Stay happy. Don’t worry about things not under your control. Smile at others. Laugh a lot! Spread happiness wherever you go. Celebrate the grand thing called life. You will discover your true calling. Just do your work and be cheerful.
Purpose of Life Quotes – Best Inspiring Quotes for You
1. “The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.”
— Pablo Picasso
2. “The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.
–Ralph Waldo Emerson
3. “The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for.”
–Fyodor Dostoyevsky
4. “If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.”
–Albert Einstein
5. “The purpose of our lives is to be happy.”
–Dalai Lama
6. “The purpose of life, after all, is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experiences.”
–Eleanor Roosevelt
7. “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born, and the day you find out why.”
–Mark Twain
8. “The purpose of life is to contribute in some way to making things better.”
–Robert F. Kennedy
9. “If you live for the approval of others, you will die by their rejection.”
–Rick Warren
10. “To be truly happy, you need a clear sense of meaning and purpose in life.”
–Brian Tracy
11. “The real joy in life comes from finding your true purpose and aligning it with what you do every single day.”
–Tony Robbins
12. “Service is the rent we pay for being. It is the very purpose of life, and not something you do in your spare time.”
–Marian Wright Edelman
13. “Success is knowing your purpose in life, growing to reach your maximum potential, and sowing seeds that benefit others.”
–John Maxwell
14. “Whenever you become anxious or stressed, outer purpose has taken over, and you lost sight of your inner purpose. You have forgotten that your state of consciousness is primary, all else secondary.”
–Eckhart Tolle
15. “We are frightfully concerned with our own deaths, sometimes so much that we forget the real purpose of our lives.”
–Brian L. Weiss
16. “Living in a way that reflects one’s values is not just about what you do, it is also about how you do things.”
–Deborah Day
17. “To think what is true, to sense what is beautiful and to want what is good, hereby the spirit finds the purpose of a life in reason.”
–Johann Gottfried Herder
18. “Energy is what I believe all of us are. We’re just conscious awareness dancing for itself for no other reason but to stay amused.”
–Jim Carrey
19. “Everything in this world happens with a purpose. You are born in this world with a purpose, you are chosen by purpose.”
–Udai Yadia
20. “Occupy your thoughts with purpose and you will be so busy pursuing a meaningful future there will be no time for doubt, chaos, and disappointment.”
–Carlos Wallace
Now What?
If you have read till this, congratulations! Now go back and take some notes. Start taking action. From today! Save this article to read it a couple of times till the information sinks in. This is your life after all! So, make sure you reach your mission in life.
Ishita is a published author, poet and freelance writer. Being an avid reader from early childhood, she has always loved books more than anything else in the world! At the start of her career, she has worked in the corporate as well as the academic sector being a double master's degree holder - M.Sc and MBA. But now she is a fulltime writer. She believes words have immense power and writers can make a huge impact in the world! She wants to bring positivity into the lives of the readers through her association with TheMindFool.