“Auras are like a signature, each as individual as the person they surround.”
— Anonymous
It is said that people reflect aura colors in sync with their energies. And not just people, everything that we see around us has an aura. Be it visible or invisible, each element of this earth radiates an aura represented by colors. In this article, we will read everything about green aura and shades of green aura. But before we do that, let us see what aura means.
What is an Aura?
Aura is an energy field that surrounds you. It is an invisible reflection of your being. Auras usually carry colors that one cannot see with blind eye.
In simple terms, aura is an energy field surrounding us. What we see is a physical body. However, the physical body is also surrounded by an energy body made up of invisible vibrational energies. It is represented by our dominant emotions and personality.
The New Age beliefs suggest that auras are emanated through a combination of various colors that hold meaning on a deeper level. For example, a person may radiate a particular shade of green aura that has a deeper meaning attached to it.
What Does a Green Aura Mean?
Different shades of green aura radiate different meanings. Bright green aura represents love and light. Yellow green represents creativity. Similarly, the light green color represents growth. On the other hand, some other shades of green like dark green or muddy green represent negative emotions.
A person with Green Aura may display a wide variety of characteristics. Green is also a representative of the “Heart” chakra. Thus, it is also the color of your being. Green aura personalities radiate a variety of emotions.
While it may mean a lot of different things, let us look at each shade of green aura and see what it means.
Characteristics of green aura
A green aura is the symbol of growth, healing, and prosperity. The color is indicative of healing, nurturing, and development. This aura color indicates positive things in life.
Let us know the characteristics of this aura color:
- Green aura is all about balance and perfection. It also symbolizes ambition, goal setting, hard work, and determination.
- As the green hue is connected to heart chakra, it means hope, progress and optimism also.
- Green aura is blended in the physical and natural world around us. It shows growth. For example: just as the plants around us grow and sustain life on this planet by giving us oxygen.
- The green aura represents healing. Doctors, counselors, and health workers use this color as a symbol of caregiving and compassion. This color is powerful for well being and prosperity.
- As it is highly active, energetic, and full of life; green aura color maintains balance in the surrounding.
- It is also marked by peace and open-mindedness.
- For the green aura, life is all about maintaining a close equilibrium with peace and harmony as great strengths to fight all odds.
- Green aura also means money, abundance, and new beginnings.
- It is symbolic of creativity, safety, and security.
- If someone wears green attire, they radiate positive vibration, genuineness of thoughts and feelings.
How to Determine Aura Color?
Auras are not easily identifiable. For people who have high intuitive abilities, it might be easier. However, with practice, one can learn to perceive auric energies. Try believing in your gut feeling. Or, you can sometimes determine auras by sensing the vibes that a person emanates.
It takes the gift of special sight to see aura colors around people or objects. For us, it is a rather daunting task to determine that. While the normal eye cannot see auras or auric colors, we all make use of our auric senses in our everyday lives. Some people call it the sixth sense, while some may call it vibes.
More often than not, we sense when someone from far away is looking at us. At other times, we are quick to say that the vibes did not match. Sometimes, we get this amazing energy from people and we often feel like they are radiating so much positivity. Contrary to that, we also sense when someone is radiating negative energy. All of this is nothing but sensing or detecting auras. With meditation and practice, a person can learn to see auras and their dominant colors.
Green aura personality traits
If you are surrounded by the energy of the green color, you will emanate positivity, growth, and healing. You will always live life with its ebb and flow and shall balance, harmonize the negative energy around you.
People who possess a green aura stay positive and vibrant as much as possible. You are connected to the natural hues of Mother Nature, so you prefer being serene and poised. Your personality traits will be as such:
1. Peace loving
You are peace loving and avoid confrontation with others as much as possible. Even in adverse situations, you will keep calm and maintain a balance between aggression and assertiveness. You can go to any extent to restore emotional balance and peace of mind, if things go wrong.
2. Intuitive thinker
As you are highly thoughtful and intuitive in nature, you can make good and quick decisions. You can also help others see the various perspectives of life that they cannot see themselves.
3. Ambition
Your auric field is full of ambition. You set hard goals and put in all necessary efforts and resources to accomplish them successfully. As you have a growth mindset, you strive to achieve more in life. You are always successful in your professional endeavors. You are organized, focused, and determined to make things happen. You will always have faith on your abilities and skills.
4. Transformation
As the green aura symbolizes renewal and progress, you always strive towards a better transformation. You will keep an eye on something bigger and better. You are the one to accept all changes in life with ease and grace.
5. Creativity
Green aura people are highly creative and nurturing in nature. They have great and innovative ideas to work on. Even simple things can become very special with your efforts.
6. Practical-minded
People with a green aura are realistic and practical. They are never guided by whims and unrealistic desires. Though they are passionate and idealistic but never possess goals that appear vague, superficial, and unachievable.
7. Good social relationships
You are a loving, caring, friendly, and compassionate being. As your personality emanates warmth and kindness, you nurture healthy relationships. Others respect and regard you because you are honest and usually speak from the heart. People with green aura are passionate lovers and can develop close emotional ties with others. You have many friends and well wishers.
8. Good communication skills
Having good communication skills is your big strength. Others like you because you are amicable and approachable. You are popular in social setups because you are interactive by nature. Overall, you are a good public speaker.
9. Nature lover
As green is the color of the natural surroundings, you having a green aura will always prefer to be in the lap of nature. You can spend hours adoring the beauty of nature. Your favorite pastime can be walking amidst natural surroundings, trekking, river rafting, outdoor games etc.
10. Healthy lifestyle
Being conscious of health, green aura people are energetic, active, and prefer to maintain a healthy lifestyle. You engage in regular physical exercise and meditation to remain fit and fine.
The seven layers of green aura
An aura is the energy vibes that manifest through physical, emotional, and spiritual layers. When you possess a green aura, you ought to become positive, vibrant, and full of life. As our auras are related to seven chakras, they influence the overall state of consciousness. Each aura has seven layers. They are as follows:
1. Physical plane
The layer of the physical plane symbolizes the physical body, health, and the material world surrounding us. So in this plane the green aura denotes being grounded and connected. The person with this aura color will have a longing for their home. They are closely tied with Mother Nature.
2. Astral
This plane resembles emotions and feelings. Green aura people are highly lovable and emotional beings. They run high on emotions and as such they value relationships.
3. Lower
This plane is symbolic of thoughts and perceptions. So the green aura people are highly intuitive and thoughtful. They are creative and always find a balance in life.
4. Higher
It resembles self worth and ability to consider and accept oneself as ‘good enough’. Green aura symbolizes just that. It means you are comfortable with the way you are.
5. Spiritual
This plane represents the spiritual energy surrounding you. Your green aura emanates positive vibes that shows balance and harmony with the divine forces of nature.
6. Celestial or intuition plane
People with green aura connect with this plane quite easily because they are peace loving and patient. They are sensitive with a deeper level of awareness.
7. Absolute planes
This plane connects all the planes together. Thus, green aura merges with the other hues and becomes one with nature.
What does your green aura say about you?
All of us have aura shades and it tells something about us; some positive and negative qualities that influence our life and living.
Positive qualities of your green aura –
- Trustworthy and has a loving heart.
- You are committed in love and believe in developing strong bonds.
- Generous and thoughtful towards the well being of others.
- Hard working and determined in pursuing goals.
- Sensitive and emotional
- Green aura is healing and you can mend and cure hurts and wounds.
Negative qualities of your green aura –
- Emotional dependency and conflicting emotions
- Possessiveness on people you love
- Unwise love and clingy relationships
Different Shades of Green Aura
- Light Green Aura
- Dark Green Aura
- Yellow Green Aura
- Bluish Green Aura
- Bright Green Aura
- Muddy Green Aura
Light Green Aura Meaning
Light green color like the color of new leaves represents growth. It means that the person is open to growing, learning, or healing. It is the color of newness. In other words, these people are new to the world of healing and self-care.
They always try their best to put in maximum efforts towards the well-being of themselves and others.
Dark Green Aura Meaning
When the aura color is more towards darker green, it indicates deep rooted jealousy. It is a green with envy that stops the individual towards personal growth. Such people often find it difficult to accept criticism.
Consequently, they find themselves in the loop of self-assumed negativity. Going out in nature helps such people in balancing their emotions. Most importantly, they should always try and master self-control when it comes to negative energy.
Yellow Green Aura Meaning
The mix of these two colors is indeed a positive blend. It represents a life full of positivity and creativity. People with yellow green aura are the ones who cherish life as it comes.
They often find creative ways to solve a problem or to simply express themselves. The artist in them never fails to express through their creative demonstrations.
Blue Green Aura Meaning
Some people also call this turquoise aura. However, since turquoise aura people possess characteristics of both green and blue auras, we can comfortably tag it as bluish-green aura.
This is the color of a natural healer or someone who helps people in general. It is usually found in doctors, teachers, therapists, and people with professions of such kind. Bluish-green symbolizes healing energies and compassion.
This aura comes out when blue gets mixed with green. It is also called ‘aqua’. This hue means that the person is intuitive and spiritual. Moreover, they are sensitive and will always be able to create a better world for themselves as well as for others. This color band appears as green around the body and blue hues around the head.
Bright Green Aura Meaning
Do not confuse bright green with dark green. The bright green shade or forest green is the one that lacks dullness and is full of light and glow. It represents love and relationships. People with a bright green aura or emerald green auras are often content with their current life situations.
They also handle their relationships very smoothly. Similarly, such people do not crib every now and then about problems in life. Instead, they choose to take on any challenges that life offers.
Muddy Green Aura Meaning
Colors such as olive green or grayish-green can indicate regressive thinking. It can also mean stubbornness or selfishness. People with a muddy green shade of aura color are often self-consumed and ignorant towards the needs of others. They do not trust others easily and thus, are always overly cautious.
Mint Green Aura Meaning
Mint green color symbolizes spirituality. These people seek spiritual growth as a primary life goal. This aura color emanates intuition and wisdom. People like clergy, priests, and spiritual teachers usually possess mint green aura. They are spiritually awakened souls who are torchbearers of truth, honesty, and wisdom.
Lime Green Aura Meaning
Lime green aura is the combined effect of green and yellow aura. These two colors harmonize quite well. Lime green aura is symbolic of creativity, imagination, thoughtfulness, and abundance. Your creative talents will always be on the higher side. Moreover, your good luck will follow you wherever you go. Examples can be a sudden monetary gain, getting a lucrative job, winning a contest etc.
Apple Green Aura Meaning
The apple green hue is symbolic of healing. People with this aura color are usually kind, compassionate, and helpful. You will find this in people from the medical fraternity. Apple green aura represents benevolence and care. These people can become good romantic partners because they are adaptable and nurturing by nature. They are ‘givers’ in most relationships and others regard them in high esteem.
Shimmering Green Aura Meaning
This aura shade symbolizes good socialization and solid relationships. Those who have this aura are usually ‘social buddies’. They love to be with others all the time. Since they are charismatic, others love to be with them. Being in the limelight makes them happy and communicative.
Emerald Green Aura Meaning
Emerald green is a combination of green with hues of white. It is a highly spiritual color combination that represents purity, divinity, and enlightenment. This green is all about unconditional love, affection, and compassion signifying all the beautiful emotional traits that humans can have.
Green aura for love and relationships
Aura denotes the subtle reflection of your physical, emotional, and spiritual being. The influence of your aura transcends into close relationships and love making. Whenever you meet someone, you will either get attracted toward the person or repel from them. This happens because of the energy vibrations that the person emanates. Aura gives you a glimpse of his/her behavior, personality, character traits, emotions, and much more.
When two people meet and connect with each other, their individual auras also connect in the Surya Chakra that symbolizes the emotional center situated at the central point of our rib cage. Thus, people with the green aura color fare in love and relationships, long lasting bonding. The green aura people are devoted, loyal, faithful, loving, and always adjustable. They love perfect balance and harmony and as such they give much more to their partner than what is expected from them.
If you are the one with the green aura, you will always be loving and affectionate towards your partner. Your relationships will be rooted in harmony and balance. You will always emanate a sense of blissfulness and personal growth. Your mere presence will make the relationship enduring and long lasting.
Green aura for careers and hobbies
Green aura signifies progression, growth and development. If you possess a green aura, you will surely excel in career and professional endeavors. Being a green folk, you will grow and help others grow. For you, money and abundance will always flow in loads. On the professional side, you can exhibit work proficiency with creative skills. Moreover, you will always have an eye for detail and can make quick and good decisions.
As you are innovative and patient, your teammates will prefer and feel comfortable to work with you. You will always have a bigger vision and growth plan to work on. Some ideal professions for you are doctors, spiritual healers, environmentalists, reiki masters, mental health professional, teacher, writer, massage therapist.
People with green auras often have many hobbies such as learning new languages, cooking, travel, yoga, photography etc.
Green aura for wealth and finances
People with green aura are creative. They have novel ideas to work on. These ideas help to generate new income options. You always wish to become self-dependent financially and never prefer to rely on others. For you, wealth and money is a form of security and stability. At times, you tend to become a workaholic and never say ‘no’ to opportunities that fosters financial growth.
Often, you can showcase success in business because you are cautious and analyze pros and cons of wealth generation. You are a quick decision maker and an analytical thinker. So, you are never afraid to take risks and experiment with innovative ideas.
Green aura and health
People with green aura lead a healthy and energetic life. They never procrastinate and their mere presence makes others feel good. Thus, these individuals have a positive mindset, coupled with balanced emotions. Physically, they are strong, active, and follow a healthy lifestyle and food habits. Emotionally, green aura individuals are harmonious, kind, friendly, and optimistic.
They tend to see the bright side of life. On the spiritual front, green auric people derive their strength from Mother Earth. They are nature lovers, always in tune with peace and harmony.
Spiritual meaning of green aura
Green aura is the color of ‘nature’, thus this color signifies growth. It radiates cool energy that emanates and spreads all around in the Universe. Spiritually, this color is a natural healer. People with a green aura around them can easily transcend to a new phase of life, they appreciate change and never sulk over it. This makes them adaptable beings.
If you have a green aura, you will always be hopeful to see positive changes in life. You will never give up whatever the circumstance is. When you are in a green auric field of energy vibrations, you will be brimming with aspiration and expectation.
Position of green aura and its meaning
All aura colors are reflected from a common source of energy. This source of energy is the life force that sustains life on this planet. As the seven aura colors are related to the seven chakras in the body, they influence you physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Moreover, it also means your aura color is what you are giving off and not holding onto it.
If you are emanating green, it means you are giving out the positive energy of growth and prosperity. It is a mere reflection of your internal state of being. The green color has various positions and each has its symbolic significance.
1. Green aura above the head
A green aura above the head means new beginnings and growth. It is symbolic of a fresh start. So, you may start a new business, or embark upon a new career, or set a new goal to work on etc. As green also means effort, it helps to accomplish your goals easily.
2. Green aura around the body
If green color emanates from around the body, it means positivity, hope, and relentless efforts to fight adversities. It is the most dominant vibes that you are giving off to others around you. A green aura around the body can also mean a person’s core values or character traits. It represents optimism, creativity, and abundance.
3. Green aura and the heart
Green aura is the color of the heart chakra. If you have this auric shade around your heart, it means you are emotionally insecure, dependent, and needy of love and approval. This may lead to people pleasing tendencies and entering into unhealthy relationships that might not last longer.
4. Green aura around the hands
The green aura around the hand usually means that you are a natural healer. You will always work for people who need help and support. Thus, your ideal profession can be a doctor, or somebody in the healthcare industry such as reiki practitioner, nurse etc. you have an innate ability to help others in need, to heal their wounds and pains.
Chakras and Auras
We know that each body, whether human or not, is composed of an energy body. Just like the physical components work together in a body, the energy components are also constantly on the go. The invisible energy body consists of two components – chakras and auras. Now, what is the difference between the two terms? Let us look at this through an example:
Chakra is like the brain and heart of a physical body. It is the control center of the energy body that is present in each and every being. On the other hand, aura is equivalent to the visual appearance of the whole body. For instance, the way we sum up the physical characteristics of a person as tall, short, fat, lean, etc., auras describe the characteristics of the energy body.
To sum up, chakras control the energy fields around us. And this in turn determines our auric colors.
Difference Between Auras and Chakras
Chakras | Auras |
Chakras are the energy centers or energy points in a body | Auras are the energy fields that surrounds a body |
There are seven chakras in a body | An aura is composed of seven layers |
Chakras are usually deep rooted and do not change easily | Aura colors change as per moods and environment |
Chakras are internally placed in a body | Auras are externally placed outside a body |
How to balance a green aura?
People with a green aura are bright and logical beings. They prefer to maintain a balanced life. Though they like experimenting with new things, to get things done, these people can become irritable, demanding, hostile, and assertive. This is against their natural auric character. When this happens, they need to balance their green aura.
If you are having a green aura and you also feel different from your usual ‘self’, you can try out some ways to balance your aura energy.
Energy balance
As the color green symbolizes harmony and balance, it is important for you to be with someone who gives out positive vibes. If the energy fields of the other person don’t match yours’; you may feel the imbalance. Whenever you interact with others, make sure you enjoy their company and presence then only you can feel happy and blissful.
Maintain a healthy lifestyle
Your aura can be out of balance if you have an anxious and stressful life. Your emotions, habits, activities and physical health all need to be taken care of. If these factors are not balanced, your energy fields will get affected. Try to include green color in your daily living. You can have lots of green foods in your diet.
Decorate green interiors
You can use green paint, accessories, furniture, wall hangings, and flower pots to decorate your house. Green aura will be vibrated in your household. Furthermore, you can even include various shades of green to calm down the energy frequencies. The lush green color of your house can have cumulative effect in balancing the aura.
Wear green
You can wear green colored clothes as much as possible. It is the color of personal growth and prosperity, so wear shades of green. Green gemstones such as rose quartz, emerald, and jade can help to cleanse your aura.
Listen to good music
A soothing musical note, especially an instrumental one is a great way to enhance your green aura. Apart from this, you can lift up your spirits by listening to the sound of the waves, birds chirping etc. it will help to connect with the green aura.
Spend time in the lap of nature
To balance and enhance your positive outlook towards life, spend time in nature. You can go for morning walks and enjoy the charm of nature. Once you re-connect, you will feel the positive vibes of nature working on your energy levels. It will make you feel fresh and rejuvenated.
How to interact with someone with a green aura?
If you come across someone with a green aura, be honest and practical with them. This is because they show earthly qualities such as stability, balance, harmony, and grounding. They will always be comfortable with people who are in touch with the natural forces. People with green aura like to be inspired and not to be judged. So, you should treat them fairly and avoid criticizing them.
As green auric people are the most intelligent in the aura spectrum, they like to share their ideas and creativity with others. They always prefer to have a safe space to grow and thrive. While you interact with them, avoid judging them because they are soft-hearted and sensitive.
As they are emotional beings, green aura people suffer from jealousy and resentment. They are needy of love and affection. If they do not get back the love that they emanate, they may build up emotional pain and become clingy. At times, they get worried about their relationships and can go to any extent to please others.
How to tell if you have a green aura personality?
There are a few ways to know if you have a green color aura.
- If you are talented, intelligent, creative, and possess intuition, you have a green aura personality.
- You are motivated and hardworking to let ends meet.
- Preference for balance and harmony.
- You are growth–oriented, determined, and passionate.
- A strong affinity for the beauty of nature.
In this article, we will learn more about the color of the heart chakra i.e. the green color. Here’s a video that shows how to heal your heart chakra –
Maintaining a Balance
We all know the importance of balance in life. And this holds true in each and every element of this Universe. Likewise, people with green aura personalities need to balance some of their dominant characteristics. A person with balanced green energies achieves prosperity along with a healthy state of mind. To negate the obstructive traits of green color, one can practice meditation.
It is also worthwhile to note that with practice comes perfection. Thus, with constant efforts and reaffirmations, one can get rid of the negative energies that reside inside us. Go out in nature, take long walks, spend time with yourself, or do whatever it takes to keep you on the track of reasonable behavior.
To master the art of balancing your auras, you can take the help of various guided meditation videos available on the internet. Just sit with the intention of cleansing your aura and flow along with the meditation. This will be a life-changing technique to balance your auras and maintain a positive outlook.
Parting words from ‘TheMindFool’
Green aura is one of the most powerful aura colors. Green is the color of love, unity, freedom of mind and body and spirit, and a whole lot of abundance in life. While there are few downsides to this aura color, nothing is permanent. You can always nurture the positive characteristics and enjoy your blessings.
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A Psychologist with a master's degree in Psychology, a former school psychologist, and a teacher by profession Chandrani loves to live life simply and happily. She is an avid reader and a keen observer. Writing has always been a passion for her, since her school days. It helps to de-stress and keeps her mentally agile. Pursuing a career in writing was a chance occurrence when she started to pen down her thoughts and experiences for a few childcare and parenting websites. Her lovable niche includes mental health, parenting, childcare, and self-improvement. She is here to share her thoughts and experiences and enrich the lives of few if not many.