Have you ever felt a strong connection to a star looking up at the night sky? Or do you feel attracted to gain knowledge about different planets, galaxies, and the parallel universe? If yes, then there is a chance that you possess the characteristics of a Starseed.
This term is a New Age belief about spiritual beings. Its soul connection can be traced back to thousands of years ago. The idea sounds difficult to believe but continue reading to know more about this divine connection.
What is a Starseed?
Starseed is a human being with deep spirituality and they have come on Earth from other planets or star systems.
Starseed is an individual who is believed to have originated from other planets, celestial bodies, star systems, or galaxies on this earth. They are human beings who have traveled from the universe and possess spiritual powers. They have incarnated on earth in their present birth to impart true knowledge and wisdom leading to the evolution of the souls. Starseeds are also called soul people who are here to heal the human souls of their agonies and misfortunes.
The term was first introduced by Brad Steiger, An American author in 1976 in his book titled “Gods of Aquarius”. Starseed is long time and old beings that show the path of righteous knowledge and help raise the consciousness of the planet.
Starseed Facts
- Starseed is living their human lives on earth. They are born through the natural process of birth.
- What makes them different from normal humans? It is the fact that their spirits have originated from another universe, planet, galaxy or a star system.
- They are considered as aliens since they don’t belong from planet Earth, their souls originating from some other celestial body.
- Starseed is divine spiritual creatures who have come to share their light of knowledge and wisdom with humanity.
- You are a wanderer soul and reincarnated into an earthly body to complete the mission of awakening and energizing human souls from negative traits of aggression, dishonesty, cruelty, and greed.
- Star people are “old souls” who have experienced many previous incarnations on planets, other than earth, or maybe on earth, as well.
- “Old soul” star people would have lived many other previous lives on this planet. Maybe their roots date back to the beginning of humanity. Their physical reality is not the same as their spiritual reality.
- You are a spiritual teacher, monk, clergyman, prophet, temple priest or spiritual healers.
- They serve as the guardian of the planet because they are full of wisdom and are considered as the epitome of truth and righteousness.
- Starseeds do not remember their past lives until awakened. They forget their soul’s purpose and the soul’s journey.
- You do not know who you are? Where have you come from? And what is your true purpose of living on this planet? The awareness of all these happens during a process called “Starseed Awakening”.
The Purpose of Being a Starseed
You being a Starseed, feel that you do not belong to this planet. You are here to serve mankind and help them to reach higher levels of spiritual evolution. The purpose of being a Starseed is as follows
- Starseed have spiritual light which teaches higher will and liberation to fellow humans.
- Your soul purpose is to serve love and light, kindness, compassion, and truth for the ascension and evolution of the souls.
- You are a child born out of stardust and possess divine light and immense energy vibration.
- Your soul carries knowledge, wisdom, and spiritual traits. It remains latent and inactive until needed.
- You have come to heal human souls from their endless emotional sufferings.
- A Starseed soul has energy vibrations of pure light and love. It allows them to create new paths. To make progress and mend the grief-stricken souls around them.
- You are here to serve as a beacon of divine powers and help your fellow humans to explore limitless opportunities for growth and prosperity.
- Help humans to awaken their higher levels of self and attain the purity of the souls.
Starseed Types
The main types of Starseed are as follows
1. Sirian Starseed
The Sirian Starseed belong to the planets Sirius A and Sirius B. They belong to the star category of old souls. They help to bring harmony, peace and divine love to all earthly beings. Their main traits are
- The tendency of high spiritual ascension.
- Sirian Starseed is focused on its mission.
- Calm and works well under pressure.
- Sirian Starseed cannot express emotions well.
- Daydreamers.
- Sirian Starseed is Fun-loving.
- Repress their emotions and do not allow letting go of it.
2. Pleiadian Starseed
This Starseed originates from the Pleiades, a star cluster found within the Taurus constellation. They are also a part of the old soul category. This group of the Starseed is meant to spread love and creativity. They have been volunteered on earth with the purpose to illuminate the collective consciousness of humans. The purpose is to alleviate their inner evils. The main traits are as follows.
- Pleiadian Starseed is highly intuitive and empathetic.
- They are attracted to humanitarian activities.
- Pleiadian Starseed can please others very easily.
- Pleiadian Starseed loves the natural world.
- Possess natural healing abilities.
3. Arcturian Starseed
You originate from Arcturus, the brightest star present in Bootes constellation. These star people are 5th-dimensional beings and are advanced souls. They are emotionally stable and intellectually powerful. Main traits are
- Arcturian Starseed is deeply drawn towards the night sky, astrology, astronomy, and metaphysics.
- Possess strong memory
- Arcturian Starseed might be interested in building, planning and designing new things
- Seeks answers to deep philosophical questions
- Arcturian Starseed are extremely sensitive to lights and other sensations
4. Andromedan Starseed
This Starseed comes from the spiral-shaped Andromeda Galaxy. They are loving of all Starseed types. Your mission on earth is to spread happiness, love, and compassion. They focus on the empowerment of the weaker souls and to help them regain their lost control and power. Main traits are
- Andromedan Starseed seeks spiritual freedom and peace.
- A wanderer soul roaming around in search of the truth.
- Andromedan Starseed can easily understand the emotional manipulation done by others.
- There is a deep urge to express their true self.
5. Lightworker Starseed
They can come from a variety of planets or cosmic realms. Lightworkers are special souls whose purpose is to serve humanity by spreading love, goodness, positivity to every living being that crosses them. Main traits are
- They are humble and kind-hearted.
- Lightworker Starseed does not move away from darkness or ego rather paves their path with the divine light of spirituality.
- Lightworker Starseed is gentle, loving, and patient.
- Closely connected with nature and love animals.
- Always spread positive qualities among people they come across.
6. Orion Starseed
These starseeds are the native of the Orion constellation. They are our philosophers, who are research-oriented and inquisitive. Orion Starseeds help us to learn and value scientific theories. You teach harmony, trust, and faith to earthly beings. The main traits are
- Orion Starseed is an expert in logical thinking.
- Has the ability to inspire others to live a better life.
- Orion Starseed have an innate longing to spread the message of peace and happiness.
- Having a good sense of fun and humor.
- Orion Starseed prefers a lonely life.
7. Feline Starseed
These starseeds came to earth from the Lyra constellation. They possess gifts of telepathy and intuition. Your divine purpose on this planet is to spread grace and creativity to humanity. The main traits are
- Feline Starseed possesses a creative spirit
- Have deep energetic power.
- Feline Starseed has a strong need to try and see new things.
- Appreciate having a lonely life with yourself.
- Feline Starseed are overprotective of people around them.
Starseed Children
Starseed children are the new souls who are the youngest and the newest of the Starseed. They are star children and possess special abilities such as empathy and telepathy. They also have the power of energy cleansing of human souls. You are here on earth to build a growing society of peace, friendship, and harmony.
1. Indigo Starseed Children
Indigo children are born with a bluish aura (indigo). They have large heads and round bodies. You are rebellious and cannot tolerate authority and control. Many of them are inquisitive and seek to know the unknown. You are spiritually inclined towards truth and selflessness. They are often creative and short-tempered. Main traits are
- They cannot tolerate lies and unfairness.
- Intuitive and sensitive in nature.
- Above-average IQ.
- They have strong will power.
2. Crystal Starseed Children
They are connected to the earth through a pure spirit and gentle energy that vibrates at a higher frequency of spiritual awakening. You are the torch bearers of true love, compassion, and trust. Main traits are
- They are an idealist
- They follow their hearts
- They act on impulse and poor decision making
- Feel connected to mankind, as they are empathetic.
- Easy going and they usually become good care-givers, as nurses or teachers.
3. Rainbow Starseed Children
The last in the group of star children are the rainbows – on a purpose to help human souls evolve towards a higher frequency of spiritual divinity. You are here to teach unconditional love and wisdom.
Rainbow children are compassionate souls who radiate positive thoughts. They are often known as magical kids who have profound dormant psychic powers to predict what lies ahead of their times. Main traits are
- These children have no karmic debts and they are born in peaceful homes with loving parents
- They do not hold negative emotions like guilt, grudge, and anger.
- They have no fear.
- They easily get attracted to bright colors.
- Creative and naturally drawn towards natural healing of the soul using color therapy.
- They are helpful, kind and generous
- Passionate, purposeful, and persistent.
25 Starseed Signs
You may have a quiet sense that signals that you are alien to this planet. Maybe you feel out of place at times and keep on searching your native place.
Even with these myriad feelings of loneliness and alignment with other celestial bodies, you might never be aware of being a genuine Starseed. There are a few characteristic features of being a Starseed. Let’s find out if you are one of them.
1. Starseed misfits on this planet
Starseed never fits in as a human on this planet and feel that earth is not your true home.
2. Longing for home
Feeling a strong desire to go back from where you came in. You feel alone and disoriented about yourself.
3. Different from others of same age
You were different from other kids of your age. You talk, walk or do things much earlier than your same age peers.
4. Starseed have strong psychic qualities
You have strong physical and psychic qualities such as seeing spirits, seeing a UFO or having an alien connection with the past.
5. Timeless thoughts
You can think beyond time.
6. Empathy
A strong empathy works within you. You can feel the emotions.
7. Inner Wisdom
Have a pearl of deep inner wisdom and can impart knowledge to others.
8. Purpose to fulfill
You have a desire to fulfill your mission, even though you do not know what it is, but feel like you are meant to do something big and important.
9. Dreams
You get vivid and intense dreams of times which are not of this time or place.
10. People come close to you
Small children easily get closer to you. They can see your uniqueness and positive bright light.
11. Connection with nature
You easily get connected with nature. Plants, animals and natural creatures attract you.
12. Weird attitude
Others consider you a misfit in society. You are somewhat strange and weird.
13. Starseed have few friends
Have fewer friends but closely connected beings.
14. Beyond time and space
You feel deeply connected with complex ties of time and space.
15. Starseeds have Ability to heal
You possess natural psychic gifts and energy healing abilities.
16. Unique physical features
Unique physical features, compelling and bright eyes, odd shaped skull, long necks and atypical body structure.
17. Out of life experiences
Near death and out of body experiences are common for you.
18. loneliness
Feelings of isolation, loneliness and alienation are also there.
19. Intelligence
You are highly intelligent and have a strong sense of intuition.
20. Unnatural physical attributes
Most of you have low body temperature with cold hands. Even blood pressure is also low.
21. Make believe relationships
When you were a child, you had many make-believe friends. You felt your biological parents are not your real parents.
22. Starseeds are inclined towards electromagnetism
You are highly sensitive to electricity and electromagnetic fields.
23. Flashback memories
Have unexplainable memories and the feeling of having lived many lives.
24. Interested in Healing professions
You are inclined towards healing professions such as psychology, therapy, medicine, astrology, counseling and metaphysics.
25. Service Minded
Service to humanity is your first love. You find yourself doing it all the time.
Starseed Awakening
Starseed awakening is the timeline in which you find a true purpose of your life to continue your journey on this planet and fulfill your duties to heal human souls of its pain, sufferings, and misfortunes.
Starseed Awakening Signs
There are various signs of this awakening process. The signs are physical and suggest that you fully awaken and realize your soul’s purpose and soul identity. Few such signs are as follows
- They may get body aches, as you are overwhelmed with positive energy.
- Waking up very early in the morning mostly around 3 to 4 am because your energies are at a peak at this time. It doesn’t allow you to sleep.
- They feel unstable and disoriented and may feel out of balance.
- They may feel weird, shaky, and queasy, as your body may have superfluous energy.
- Stressful dreams come and go very often which are emotionally draining.
- As your physical and spiritual selves unite, you feel supercharged and may get spasms and electric shocks inside your body.
- They may have heightened senses like sensitivity to bright lights, loud sounds, and temperature.
- Feelings of uneasiness, emotional upheavals, and anxiety are common signs of Starseed awakening.
Starseed Awakening Stages
Starseed is being from various galactic realms. They are spiritually powerful which presides over their heart and mind. Your primary intent is to serve humanity with kindness, compassion, and truth.
In this process, they feel lost and become a wanderer soul in search of their destiny. Once they start to awaken, they go through a few stages which are as follows
1. A sudden divine experience
You may experience a sudden life-changing divine feeling or déjà vu. It can be a near-death experience, or a panic attack, a nervous breakdown or a union with your twin flame.
2. Change in attitude and beliefs of Starseed
You start to believe and perceive things differently. You do not bother about the rules of society and prefer to follow your self-intuitions. If you are not happy or dissatisfied with what you are doing, you prefer to quit or avoid it. Such as giving up a job or moving out of a broken relationship.
3. Starseed develops spiritual understanding
In this stage, you can develop a deeper understanding of your spiritual self. You can easily identify people and situations properly. Your psychic powers have started emanating. Light of wisdom and appositive knowledge of life principles start appearing to the forefront. You can use this intention for better service to humanity.
4. Growth in inner love and beauty
Your inner love and beauty makes you feel energized and helps you to see the world from a different perspective. All the ugly things in this world look good and beautiful. For example – if you have a friend who is selfish, impatient and toxic, you may start finding positive things about him and start seeing him from a different angle.
5. Spiritual healing
You start embracing your spiritual abilities. Once you start your journey of love and compassion towards the betterment of mankind, you feel fulfilled. Your life goal is met and it becomes effortless to help others who need you. You become a guardian who can heal the pains and insecurities of other lower-level souls.
6. Starseed feels higher self union
In this stage, you unite with your higher self and move towards knowing your identity. This higher self removes your mental obscurity and you become aware of your Starseed root. You are able to know who you are and where you come from. Your thirst and longing for ultimate union with divine powers of the universe are ultimately met.
Closing Thoughts
The parting lines of this article make it clear that we are all made of stars and have chosen this planet to learn and evolve. In this process of learning, we meet few people called Starseed who possess special spiritual qualities to serve humanity, to love unconditionally, to help us find our soul’s truth, and help us realize higher realms of cosmic knowledge.
Starseed act as spirit guides for us. They teach us that we are all-powerful enough, having unlimited potentials to evolve the higher strata of spiritual healing.
A Psychologist with a master's degree in Psychology, a former school psychologist, and a teacher by profession Chandrani loves to live life simply and happily. She is an avid reader and a keen observer. Writing has always been a passion for her, since her school days. It helps to de-stress and keeps her mentally agile. Pursuing a career in writing was a chance occurrence when she started to pen down her thoughts and experiences for a few childcare and parenting websites. Her lovable niche includes mental health, parenting, childcare, and self-improvement. She is here to share her thoughts and experiences and enrich the lives of few if not many.