Higher Self… Inner Wisdom… Spirit Self… Eternal Self… Authentic Self… Atman… Buddha Nature…
Or whatever you may call it.
At the core, it is our deepest, most divine essence.
Despite being aware of the concept in some form or the other, most of us either misunderstand it or confuse it with something else. Infact, there’s so much commotion about higher consciousness that we struggle to even recognize its voice echoing from within.
But not anymore.
This think-piece, here, will help you clear all your doubts.
So, let’s first begin with.
Higher Self Meaning
The eternal inner center or the true, wise, unconditionally loving, creative being of a human is called its Higher Self.
At the heart center, we all know there’s something sacred about us. Something mysterious.
Ofcourse, there is.
This mysterious thing is your spirit or your higher self. It is free of all the conditioned fears, limiting beliefs, thought patterns, negative thoughts, resentments, wounds, or ego fixations.
Your higher self is always connected to you and has a higher perspective than your physical body. This is because it is not impacted by the daily hustle-bustle of life and is recognized as the most authentic state of being.
Long story short, your higher self is the higher consciousness of self that sees, observes, and understands situations from an unbiased state.
Unfortunately, most of us have lost touch with our higher selves in the modern world.
How to Connect with your Higher Self?
Connecting with your higher self is an important part of human spiritual evolution and purpose. But there are no “one size fits all” practices that can help you do it.
For some, it can be experienced in extremely ordinary and spontaneous situations while for others, the exposure is only after surrendering to their deepest fears. So, for everyone the situation or technique to experience the higher self is different.
Here are a few that you can begin with:
1. Accept your reality
Accept your reality and gather all your beliefs about spirituality.
Before you begin any spiritual practice, it is required that you accept your reality. Take out some time to analyze how your life has gone so far and how it is, in the present moment.
You can also think about your outlook towards life at this moment and then, where do you want to take it? By reading books or listening to gurus, how much do you already know about the spiritual journey? Answer these questions to yourself. Accept your nature, emotions, and behaviors towards everyone. Kindness and compassion are two basic aspects that will take you towards your higher self.
2. Practice meditation
By practicing meditation and visualizing a source of light blessing you from somewhere, you connect with your higher self.
Once you accept yourself for who you are, further, you must find a practice that can make you communicate with your higher self. Meditation is like a meeting that you have with your inner self. To meditate sit with yourself quietly and close your eyes. Imagine yourself as a source of light and slowly imagine releasing all the negative energy from your body.
Visualize the negative energy being removed from your body. Imagine a white ball of light illuminating above your head that is the source of your energy for your higher self. Slowly let all your thoughts go away. If your mind wanders, bring it back to visualization.
3. Discern ego and higher self
Learn to distinguish between ego and higher self. Higher self comes from an extremely pure position.
Anything that generates fear or negative emotions in a physical body is termed as ego in spiritual language. The spiritual journey is never easy for people because they don’t understand how to distinguish between ego and higher self.
The higher self is everything that the ego is not. It is full of love, blessings, harmony, and positivity. Higher self also wants us to know that wherever we are in life, it is because of the plan it has for us. It also tells us to not dwell on the past as now is what matters.
4. Interact with your higher energy
Make sure you talk to your higher self like you talk to a friend and then recognize the advice.
When you practice meditation and visualization for some time, you will have to start talking to your higher self like it’s your best friend. You must tell him or her, everything about what you feel. Chances are it is already known but you can still start the conversation and wait for the answer.
It is a really tricky situation to hear the answers that are coming from the higher self and not from the ego. It is only with practice and dedication, you will start to learn the voice of a higher self.
5. Write more
Write more to channelize your thoughts and to recognize the voice of the higher self.
It is very important to put your thoughts in journal. Some people also believe that while you are asking for answers from a higher self, you must write all the answers you are getting.
Check the journal a day later, you will realize some of them don’t make sense to you but they can be the ones from the higher self. When you write, it also means you have given that energy to the universe and now the higher self will take care of it.
6. Visualize the face of your higher self
Give a face to your sacred self in your mind to help you connect with it.
Visualization can aid the human mind in different ways. So, if you can discover the face of your higher self, it may become easier for you to connect with it.
You can take help from different techniques like inner-journeying, visualization, self-hypnosis, or anything that can help you create a face of your higher self on your mind.
However, it’s important for you to know that your higher self is beyond any shape, form, or labels. This visualization or depiction in your mind can lead to a pleasant spiritual awakening.
7. Feel your higher self
Listen to your gut feelings and understand what it feels like.
To understand what it feels like while connecting to your higher self, you can ask several questions like:
- What sensations arise within your physical bodies
- What is your state of mind when you have a mystical experience?
- How does your belly, chest, heart, as a whole feel?
- What is your gut feeling or intuition saying?
- Whether the message is a soft whisper or a loud roar?
Try and find answers to these questions or anything else that make you fully aware of your higher self. Pay attention to your inner voice, as it provides a direct insight into your eternal self. Of you are feeling more compassionate, calmer than usual, then it is a sign of
8. Connect with the message of your higher self
Decrypt the message that your higher self is trying to send you.
Your higher self is always trying to send you a message. This message is customized according to the situation in real life. It is always wired in your interest and is aligned for your long-term welfare.
You can try various techniques like dream analysis, automatic writing, or oracle cards to help connect with the message of your higher power. Apart from that, you can also adapt mindfulness to tune into the present moment or practice guided meditation to connect with your higher self.
9. Find out the things you can let go
Learn to surrender your emotional or mental baggage.
We, humans, have a tendency to carry a lot of emotional baggage from the past. It not only weighs us down but also prevents your spiritual growth.
Thus, you need to surrender or remove things from your life that are making you feel unhappy. Practice the art of letting go and examine all the beliefs, assumptions, conditions, ideals that are pulling you down.
10. Allow yourself to flow
Practice non-resistance and let everything happen as it happens.
Resistance creates a block in our dualistic minds and keeps you stuck at one place in your spiritual journey. To help prevent that, let everything in your surrounding happen the way it happens. Infact, just let your thoughts or emotions flow without any roadblocks.
You can try this for one day and see how it helps you create a conscious connection with your higher self. However, remember non-resistance doesn’t mean being a doormat; instead, it’s a philosophy or a concept. Create boundaries, say no to what feels wrong, and learn to honor reality.
The more grounded you are to reality, the closer you will be to your higher self.
11. Discover about your Spirit Guides
Find out who/what your spirit guide who can further help get guidance from your Higher Self.
Spirit guides play a very important role in our lives. They help you connect with the truth, courage, love, and wisdom that lie within us.
Irrespective of whether you believe in archetypes or actual independent energies, spirit guides help you connect to your higher self. Not only that, but they also help you discover your real bring, true potential, and possible fallouts.
12. Talk to the Mirror
Stare gently into your eyes in a mirror and tap into your inner source.
Eyes are the mirror of the soul – ever heard that? Well, turns out, it’s true. So, to help you tap into this secret power of eyes, all you need to do is practice some mirror work.
Stand in front of the mirror, stare into your eyes, call on the presence of your soul, and see how it makes you feel. Ignore the spontaneous self-judgment opinions that cloud your mind and try to take a peek within. This is one of the most efficient ways of connecting to your higher self.
13. Practice Mindfulness
Connect with the present moment and find your higher self now.
Human minds constantly wander and in the pursuit of finding ultimate peace, they fail to pay attention to the present moment. It is said and believed that awakening of true nature can only happen right now.
You need to learn the art of mindfulness and learn to be in the present moment instead of running behind an “apparently” good future.
Here’s a secret that has been passed through generations: You don’t really have to “find” your higher self, it’s right here, within you.
14. Where is your soul place?
Find your soul place that will help calm your nerves and be mindful of the present.
A soul place is a special place, spot, or site where humans experience a strange sense of calmness, belongingness, and energetic rejuvenation. Every human has at least one soul place on earth and you must find it so that it can help you connect with your true self.
Soul Places helps calm down your nerves and inspire you to be introspective and mindful. This further paves the way for discovering our true self lying within.
15. Love yourself more
Find out ways in which you can love yourself more and offer compassion.
Love empowers your heart in mysterious ways. It helps you create a direct connection with your soul and creates a direct doorway to your eternal self. The more love you reflect, the deeper it seeps in your heart, and the likelier you are to find your higher self.
So, find more ways in which you can love yourself and be gentle with yourself. Forgiveness, compassion, and empathy towards oneself is as important as it is for others.
Now that you know multiple ways to connect with your divine within, you will practice some, but how would you know that it’s actually working?
Don’t worry, we have answers to all your questions.
8 Signs that Your Higher Self is Trying to Contact You (How does your higher self communicate?)
Sometimes the voice of higher self is so subtle that you fail to even relate it as “self”. In those times, you need a guidebook to help with some qualities or traits of your truest self that you will experience if your higher self is trying to contact you.
So, here’s one!
1. You are more compassionate
Unlike your egoistic self, your higher self understands why people do what they do. While ego prefers judgments from a shallow perspective, compassion looks at things from a broader perspective.
If off late, you have been embracing people doing weird and crazy stuff, it might be because your higher self is trying to communicate with you.
2. You are clear about your boundaries
Spirituality does not mean that you need to be wimpy about your boundaries. Infact, the wise and eternal being in you knows how to create boundaries and communicate them firmly. They also respect others’ boundaries and dismiss anyone who tries to jump over it.
If in recent days, you have been saying “No” to things you don’t approve of, it’s your cue to pick!
3. You are more positive towards life
The higher self looks for beauty in every and any place. If you have been feeling a strange positive energy within you, it is possible that you have found your higher self.
But for confirmation, also watch your body. If you are still at your egoistic self, you will experience shallow breathing and clenched muscles. See how your muscles or emotions are reacting, they will help you understand which voice are you listening to.
4. You are calm and cantered
Your egoistic self flows along with the waves of life, while your higher self calmly observes it. It stays centered and watches the ego-self hop in despair, happiness, or any other “human” emotion.
If lately, you have been feeling calmer than ever, there’s a chance that your higher self is calling you.
5. You look at long-term gains
Humans always want quick fixes. They fail to look at the bigger picture and thus chase short term gratification. However, on the flip side, the higher self looks at the long-term goals.
For instance, in a spat with a loved one, your ego will fight to prove a point but your spiritual essence knows that there’s pain and resentment for you in the long term if you retaliate.
6. Your gut feelings are stronger than ever
We all have gut feelings about situations. You just “know”: it in your heart when something isn’t right. This can be adapted by situational awareness, positive energy, or vibes from the surrounding or the people.
Even before your brain gets a chance to process the situation, your energy field already senses it and sends you cues. Remember, your higher self communicates with you in very subtle ways – you need to know how to listen to it.
7. You get flashes of insight
Sometimes when you are at crossroads, you get downloads of information that just “feels” right.
Say, for instance, you are charging for your product offering and suddenly a figure appears in your head and you feel that it’s justified in exchange for it. This figure is a message sent from your higher self.
8. You get inner cues
You know your higher self is speaking to you when you have those intuitive hunches or subtle nudges towards something.
It can be anything – whether you must attend a family event or stay at home, whether you should take up the suggested project or decline outright. Pay attention to these hunches and listen to them – they are always for your good welfare.
You are now aware of the language in which your higher self communicates but…
How to listen to your Higher Self?
Pay attention to your intuition. If you want to translate the messages sent by your higher self, you need to learn to trust your gut feelings.
They reveal the deepest and wisest truths and establish a connection between the mind and the heart. You can begin by maintaining an intuition journal where you enlist all the inner cues you receive during the day and reflect back on them.
See what difference it creates in your life when you ignore them vs. when you listen to them.
All that said and done, if you are still wondering what differentiates the higher self from the lower self, here’s your answer:
Higher Self vs Lower Self
I am sure, by now you have already understood the difference. But here’s a rewind.
Your lower self is the limited, small ego who thinks itself separate from existence while the higher self is your true self that recognizes itself as a part of the universe. The higher self is characterized by love, wisdom, and completeness while the lower self is characterized by fear, anxiety, and paranoia.
Higher Self vs Soul
There is no “vs” among the two as they are nothing but the same. Your soul is your higher self and your higher self is your soul.
I know what you are thinking,
“Now that I have established a connection, what should I do next?”
Questions to ask your higher self
You can ask anything that you haven’t been able to find answers to in the real world. Think deep and ask significant questions focused on your goals. Like, “What is my Life’s purpose”, “Why do I always have a negative mental state?”, “Why do I have these health issues?” “What are my gifts” and so on.
You need to be patient because you will not find the answers immediately but they will present to you gradually.
Apart from the answers that help you get clarity on your life’s purpose, here are some more…
Benefits of Connecting with your Higher Self (Why should one seek for higher self?)
Your higher self is a part of you, an accumulation of all your positive traits. Once you learn how to activate it, there can be multiple benefits to it.
We have enlisted a few to give you a sneak-peek.
1. Clear understanding of self
We all have heard that change is the only constant in life and yet are afraid of the challenges in our lives. When you align your egoistic self to your higher self, you have a better understanding of the ever-evolving nature of the universe and yourself. You start to see these roadblocks as opportunities to grow.
2. Opens doorways to new opportunities
When you attain higher levels of awareness, it also opens more doorways to attain higher knowledge for personal development. Not only that, but it also helps you enter your consciousness which was blocked due to shallow awareness.
3. Support in higher endeavors
If you set your intention to the higher self and pay close attention to it, you are more likely to achieve endeavors in higher realms. It then acts like a spiritual teacher and supports you throughout the process sending stronger and clearer communication signals.
4. Healthier mind and body
Apart from the spiritual benefits, connecting with your higher self also has phycological and physical benefits. It relieves you from stress, anxiety and also helps you develop overall health by boosting antibody production and sleep quality.
5. Balance and Belongingness
Most people suffer in life because they fail to find an equilibrium. A connection with your higher self lends you a different perspective to look at things that further helps you find a balance in life. That’s not it. The spiritual establishment of the world gives you a sense of comfort and belongingness.
Now that you are all-prepared to find your higher self, it’s time to wrap this piece.
Higher Self Meditation
For guided higher self meditation, please check out this video –
Higher Self Quotes
1. “Never fear your higher self”
— Tone Lee
2. “When you contact the Higher Self, the source of power within, you tap into a reservoir of infinite power.”
– Deepak Chopra
3. “Spirit is the essence of consciousness, the energy of the universe that creates all things. Each one of us is a part of that spirit – a divine entity. So the spirit is the higher self, the eternal being that lives within us.”
– Shakti Gawain
4. “Your lower self sees you as the center of the universe- your higher self sees you as a cell in the body of humanity.”
– Peace Pilgrim
5. “Sometimes your higher self will guide you to make mistakes so you can learn lessons.”
– Gabrielle Bernstein
6. “You don’t excel by conforming to society, you excel by conforming to your higher self.”
― Matshona Dhliwayo
7. “The understanding and integration of ‘Everything is connected.’ is what will be the salvation of humanity.”
― Keith Anthony Blanchard
8. “Virtually every spiritual tradition teaches that your higher self is the presence of God within you.”
– Wayne Dyer
9. “Your higher self is always nudging you toward a resolution of the conflicts that you experience in your life, so that you will have room for serenity and harmony.”
– Wayne Dyer
10. “By listening to your higher self, or Atman, you can return to the truth that’s already inside of you and in the process change not only yourself, but the entire world, through positivity and love.”
– Russell Simmons
Over to you…
Your connection with your higher self will lead to a lot of positive changes in your life.
…and as you enhance it further, it will introduce harmony and synchronicity in your heart.
You will be able to let go of negative thought patterns… release anything that doesn’t serve you anymore… open doors for growth and love… and walk on the path guided by your inner wisdom.
But for that, you need to first connect with your higher self.
So, what’s the wait worth for?
Ready. Set. Go!
Surabhi has a deep passion for words. She puts her heart and mind into whatever she pursues and craves for creative ventures. She has always been keen on creating original content that can make a difference. In her experience as a content writer, she has had the opportunity to work on several fields with Psychology being her favorite. Surabhi says, words have the power to transform the world, better than a sword. So she hopes to contribute her bit to this revolution. At TheMindFool, she feels lucky to have the opportunity to share content capable of bringing about a change in the lives of the readers.