Life is a precious gift we are born with. And it comes with no user manual. So there comes a point in most people’s life where we find ourselves clueless about where we are heading. We have way too many questions and hardly any answers! What remains is a matter of finding out how to live your best life.
So let’s find out!
How To Live Your Best Life?
Gone are the days when knowledgeable gurus and mentors were accessible in person. Gone are the days when we had the attention span required to read more than one book a day.
In this digital age, we learn most of our life lessons from the internet and social media. These are excellent platforms to get information. But the amount of data available can at times be quite overwhelming.
The best way to start living your best life is to start slow. Start by building small habits, easy skills, and solid accountability. Come out of your comfort zone slowly and steadily.
But before jumping into how you can live your best life, let’s see what is currently stopping you from it.
What Stops You From Living Your Best Life?
Some of the top excuses for not living your best life include not finding enough time, using perfection to procrastinate, indulging in self-doubt, and worrying about what other people will say.
One of the top excuses we give ourselves to not take a step towards a better life is to complain about time. When you say you don’t have time for something, that just means it is not your priority. When you change your priority, putting the necessary time and effort becomes easy.
The next step is usually crossing the hurdles we have set for ourselves. Most often than not, you end up listing a couple of old things you need to achieve first before starting on your new idea. Perfection is often an excuse we use for procrastinating something. But there’s never a right time to start something new.
Another common reason that demotivates many people is the feeling of being not smart enough. Out of all the happy people out there, only a small percentage of them are born that way. Most people learn and hustle to achieve their goals. Living your best life needs your grit and determination.
Apart from these, one of the unfortunate problems that stop us from taking that step in the new direction is worrying about what other people will think. Just remember that genuine people who care for you will support you no matter what. The ones who don’t, you don’t need to bother about them anyway!
Top 10 Tips On How To Live Your Best Life
Nobody can fix your life or live your daily life for you. You have to be in the driver’s seat and decide where you want to take yourself. So, here are some useful tips that you can apply in the different areas of your life to achieve your goals and live your best life
1. Be clear with your intentions
The intention is the seed from which all your desires can grow. Setting the right intention can help you find your ultimate creative expression.
Nothing in this universe is possible without intention. When we don’t consciously set intentions, our life is on autopilot mode. We drift wherever life takes us, which sometimes can feel like not having control over our own lives.
Intention setting is crucial to take control of our lives and direct it towards our dreams. When you set an intention, you tell your consciousness to be ready to attract what is yours.
So decide what is the intention you want to set for your next week, month or year. Release your intention into the universe. Trust that the power of your consciousness will create anything you truly desire. Believe that in the coming week, month or year, you will be what you have set out to become.
Write your intention down in a book if it helps. Once the stipulated time of your intention comes to an end, check your progress. Express gratitude for what came to be and trust the process for what is yet to come. Then write down the new intention you want to set for the upcoming phase of your life.
2. Visualize your future self
Visualizing your fulfilled life helps you feel closer to the goal. The familiarity makes the actual process of working towards it easier.
Once your intention is set, you have clarity on what you want. But to make your dream a reality, it’s important to get into action mode. Taking action can sometimes be scary and overwhelming because of the unfamiliarity. That’s where visualization comes into the picture.
Visualizing your ideal life can go a long way into manifesting it into your reality sooner. It helps you to be in the right frame of mind when you work on your transformation. It prepares you for what lies ahead, so you don’t get intimidated by the process.
Visualization works best when it’s focussed. Break down your goals into smaller units. Then imagine how you would feel in detail when the goal is achieved. Take some time off every day to sit and think about your fulfilled life. Let your imagination run wild!
If your intention is to have a job within the next couple of months. Visualize your life when you have a job. Imagine how your daily routine would be. Think about the clothes you would be wearing. Think about your mode of transportation. Imagine how you would feel when you receive your salary every month. What would you spend it on? Ask yourself related questions and visualize the answers. Believe that it has already happened and you’re living it.
3. Write down your thoughts in a journal
Journaling allows you to empty your brain and dump everything on paper in the form of words. It is particularly effective in taking care of your mental health.
Bringing about a change, big or small, is not effortless. It consumes you, but it’s worth it because of the benefits it introduces into your life in the long run. But change is slow, and the wait can be hard even as you are progressing.
Confiding in someone is not always an option for everyone. In such cases, writing down your thoughts and feelings in a journal can help. It helps you deal with any anxiety, fear or stress you may feel along the journey.
Maintaining a journal helps you organize your thoughts and manage your emotions. It helps you identify negative behaviors and tackle them with positive self-talk. You can also recognize your emotional triggers and be conscious of them. Journaling is a great way to cope in a productive manner.
To get started all you need is a journal and a pen. There is no one way to write in a journal. There are templates available online but it’s your choice whether to use them or not. Some even prefer typing their thoughts out on a digital platform. While that’s okay, it’s better to write as it is more therapeutic than typing.
4. Develop clarity and focus, with meditation
Meditation helps you declutter your mind. It enables you to carry out your actions mindfully and purposefully.
To bring a significant change in our lives, it’s important to learn how to control our minds. Currently, the mind controls us more than we control the mind. We carry out most actions unconsciously. If we wish to live the best life, we have to develop the ability to use our minds in the way we wish to. Meditation helps with this!
Meditation is an ancient practice that can help you become more self-aware. Regular meditation increases concentration levels and develops a calm stable mind. It can help you to regulate your emotions and bring in more clarity.
If you are new to meditation, start slow. Find a quiet well-ventilated spot, get comfortable, and close your eyes. It helps to have something to focus on while meditating. It can be your breath, a chant, or some soothing music. Observe your thoughts as they come and go. Bring your focus back to your point of focus gently every time you wander away. Decide on an amount of time that’s comfortable for you. Start with a few minutes and you can increase it as you go.
5. Focus on your physical health
Eating right and regular exercise improves physical health. It enhances your mental health as well.
Most of the above-mentioned points involve using our minds. But remember that a healthy body also plays a very important role in our well-being. How you treat your body tells a lot about how seriously invested you are to be a changed person.
To take care of your body, it’s crucial that you follow these two points –
- Eat healthily: Pay attention to what you feed into your system. Plan your meals to include wholesome foods. Include fresh local and seasonal fruits, vegetables and leaves in your diet. Prefer nutrient-rich home-made balanced diet over packaged off-the-shelf goodies. Say no to ready-to-eat items. Learn to cook and avoid consuming unhealthy grub.
- Exercise regularly: Pay attention to how much you move in a day. Try to squeeze a walk or a run into your routine. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Join a Zumba class or go swimming over the weekends. Hit your home/office gym whenever you find free time.
The choices are plenty and the decision is completely yours to make. Start small and increase your physical health and fitness gradually. The intention is to sustain your habits and improve your quality of living. Physical well-being contributes to your mental health as well.
6. Practice yoga for holistic well-being
Yoga connects your mind and body at a deeper level. It increases your self-awareness boosting your personal growth.
Including yoga in your lifestyle can be one of the best decisions you can take. Regular yoga practice can immensely benefit both your mental and physical health. The yogic flexibility and strength-building exercises take care of your physical fitness. The other component of yoga includes meditation, breathwork, and mindfulness. It is very beneficial to develop a steady mind.
Find a yoga teacher or a yoga school near you. Ensure that you find an authentic source to learn from. Yogic practices without proper guidance can cause discomfort and unsettle you. With consistent effort, you will be able to see great results in time.
7. Keep up the learning curve
Sustaining the habit of learning new things can go a long way in inspiring us. It offers just the support you need to achieve your perfect life.
We belong to a generation where learning stops after school/college. Continuous learning through adult life can help you to build self-motivation and persistence. It helps you to expand your skillset and open yourself to new opportunities.
The way you feel during a simple act of learning can serve as the confidence you need to reach your full potential with ease. Not only does it enhance your knowledge but it also helps you maintain a positive mindset. Learning something new always feels like an achievement. And we all know how important small wins are in life.
Go ahead and stimulate your mind every day in one way or another. Be it reading a book, playing a new game, or enrolling yourself for an art class, the sky’s the limit. Think of a topic or area you have always been curious about and start exploring!
8. Develop compassion for yourself
Self-compassion is essential to living peacefully. When you’re working hard on transforming your life, give priority to self-care.
The journey of transformation tunes us with everything and everybody around us. You may find yourself reflecting on so many things as you live through new experiences. The above-mentioned tips help you become more empathetic towards everyone. You develop patience, resilience, understanding, and gratitude about the entire universe. But your journey will be incomplete if you don’t include yourself in it.
If you find yourself being kind to everyone but harsh on yourself, it’s time to pause. Otherwise, it can lead you to burn out and we don’t want that! So it’s important that you take time to practice self-love.
Check-in with yourself from time to time. Listen to your instincts and take breaks when needed. Do more of what makes you feel light and fills you with joy. Spend more time in nature doing nothing. List out activities that have a relaxing and calming effect on you, and do them! Prioritize your well-being; take care of yourself before tending to others.
9. Take full responsibility for your life
Being 100% responsible for your life is taking the power back from others. And placing it back within yourself, where it truly belongs.
Being fully responsible for how your life is can be a daunting thought. And can also be confusing. Does it mean external circumstances have no say in how our life turns out? No.
The idea behind taking 100% responsibility for everything in your life is that if you want to find a solution to your problem, you need to own it first. We cannot control what others do to us, but we do have the power to control our response to it. We can either let external circumstances lead our life to directions we don’t like. Or jump into the driver’s seat and decide where to take it.
Once we start to feel fully responsible about our lives, we don’t give anything or anyone the power to mess with our life. The power lies with you and you decide how you want to take things ahead.
10. Adopt a minimalist lifestyle
Getting rid of things, people, thoughts, actions that serve no real purpose in your life help to improve your life.
Minimalism is not just about decluttering your home and maintaining a clean home. But it’s also important that you get rid of people, tasks and other things that take unnecessary space in your life.
If something in your life is draining you of your energy, be it in your physical or mental space, it’s time to say goodbye. Therefore, save your energy for things that really matter and help you live your best life.
So, don’t hoard on materialistic things that don’t really serve an important purpose. And don’t hoard on people who don’t add value to your life. Most importantly, having a few real friends is any day better than having a hundred acquaintances.
Live Your Best Life Quotes
1. “Remember, it’s more mentally tiring to think about what has to be done, and all the things that might go wrong, than it is to physically do the job.”
— Jack Canfield
2. “All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.”
— Ralph Waldo Emerson
3. “My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.”
— Maya Angelou
4. “Poor is the man whose future depends on the opinions and permission of others. Remember this, if you are afraid of criticism, you will die doing nothing!”
— Andy Andrews
5. “Life doesn’t require that we be the best, only that we try our best.”
— H. Jackson Brown Jr.
6. “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
— Mark Twain
7. “If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you’ll never get it done.”
— Bruce Lee
8. “You cannot change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction overnight.”
— Jim Rohn
9. “It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something.”
— Franklin D. Roosevelt
10. “Don’t fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things. The saddest summary of a life contains three descriptions: could have, might have, and should have.”
— Unknown
Closing Thoughts
We are all born with one life and an empty slate. What decides whether you will live your best life or not is what you decide to do with it! It’s never too late to start working towards the person you want to become. With slow, steady, sincere, and sustained efforts, the possibilities are limitless. Let your journey of transformation begin and may you live your best life!
Pranita loves words! She has spent most of her childhood and adult life reading and writing. So it wasn’t a surprise when she quit her corporate IT job within a year to pursue her career as a writer. In her 7+ years into the field of content writing, she has worked on various niches. Psychology, mental health, spirituality, health & wellness, fashion, and food are her favorite ones. Pranita says that it’s every writer’s hope that their words survive longer than they do. So she hopes her words continue to light up other readers' path like so many writings have lit her’s. At The Mindfool, she is happy to be contributing to articles that have the power to make a positive difference in people's lives.