We are energy beings surrounded by everything made of energy. There is always an exchange of energy going around and involving us. The things you do and the people you associate yourself with have a way of transferring their energy into you. Therefore, it’s better to understand the importance of protecting your energy.
Why is it important to protect your energy?
Every single day you give a lot of your energy to your family, work and in several other places. So, it’s crucial for you to protect your energy for yourself. Or you will be continuously drained out. As your mind becomes fatigued and weak it becomes difficult for you to achieve your goals. Also, a weak mind produces illnesses. Even a physically strong body cannot cope up if the mind is fragile.
Therefore, you must protect your energy. When you protect your energy field, you are less likely to feel stressed out all the time. Life becomes enjoyable when you protect your energy.
How to Protect Your Energy?
1. Observe Your Environment
Examine the environment around you. Stay away from people who drain your energy.
It’s shocking how we sleepwalk through life without noticing what’s affecting us! Pay attention to the environment around you. Be it your home, office or any other place you visit, perceive the environment. Are people friendly or hostile? Do they continuously complain about petty matters? How do they make you feel? Each one of us has a vibe.
Feel the vibe of others. Because the vibe of others would influence yours! Whether you like this piece of information or not, you become like the people you spend most of your time with.
That means if your colleagues are always backbiting, sooner or later you will pick up the habit too! If you spend time with successful people, you become one. The opposite is also true.
You might be thinking that it’s not possible for you to change your colleagues or friends! Really, that’s not even required! You just have to avoid people who continuously give out negative energy.
Restrict your time with people who are pessimistic. Constant complainers, selfish, mean and sadistic people would always suck your precious energy. So, observe people and stay away from an energy vampire at all costs!
2. Trust Your Intuition
Believe in your intuition. Often, our intuition tries to warn us about a negative situation beforehand.
Sometimes we have a gut feeling that something is not right. It is that uncanny feeling that a person would create a scene or that your crush isn’t the right one for you! Your intuition gives you a signal to avoid someone for no apparent reason. Our instincts are our internal guidance system.
You should honor your intuition. If someone does not give you a good vibe, it’s your intuition trying to give you a signal. Your intuition always tries to protect your energy. If you ignore the sign and still go for it, chances are you would attract bitter experiences that will rob your energy.
3. Set a Standard For Yourself
Establish a standard. Don’t allow everyone to share your time and energy. Be selective about the people you spend your time with.
When I was in college, I was always afraid to set boundaries. I would go out with friends who were not up to my taste, shop things I didn’t want and even ate foods I didn’t like.
Why did I do that? Just because I didn’t want to be left alone! So, even when my folks were unworthy, unreliable or harmful, I used to hang around with them. They drained my energy and made me feel low all the time.
But as I had not created a standard for myself I couldn’t protect my energy. As a result, I was always miserable. Does my story sound familiar to you?
Later, when I did set a high standard for myself I found several of my so-called friends leaving me. And I also did leave some of them! In the process, I learned to save my energy.
To live a happy and successful life you must be around people with positive energy. Learn to set a standard and only allow people in your life who would uplift you. Refuse things that doesn’t sound good for you.
Say “no” when it’s required. Ignore people who always bring negativity to you. This is not being insensitive to others. It’s just about being aware of your energy and protecting it for your interest. Magical things start to happen when you set boundaries for yourself.
4. Practice Meditation
By meditating daily you would become calmer and your vibe would be raised.
There is so much negativity in the world. We start our day by reading the newspaper which is full of negative news. Often it feels suffocating to exist in this bitter world. To restore your energy and gain an inner calm, practice meditation daily.
You can meditate anytime but the best time is doing it early in the morning! Just sit relaxed, with eyes closed and focus on your breath. Feel that with each inhalation you are taking in positive energy and with each exhalation, you are giving out negative energy.
5. Visualize a White Light Protecting You
Mentally visualize that you are protected by a white light.
Every night before going to bed, visualize that you are surrounded by a protective white light. Like you have the positive aura energy around you. The light encircles you and shields against all negative energy. You can practice this visualization whenever you are feeling drained.
If you have energy drainers around you, do this quietly and feel the difference. Whenever you feel low, just close your eyes and feel that you are surrounded by a divine white light. This light is guarding your energy from others.
6. Cleanse Your Space
Clear your house from physical clutter. Also, cleanse it energetically by smudging.
A great way to protect your energy is by cleansing your own space. Be it your home or office, if you really want a flow of good energy, remove the clutter. Give away stuff you no longer use or want.
A physical decluttering is required to clear up your space. Unused items accumulate a lot of negative energy. Clear away your space to allow positive energy to flow to you. Smudging is a great way to energetically cleanse your place. The smoke would invite positive energy and purify the space.
7. Cultivate a Positive Mindset
Stay positive to bring good energy into your life. If you have a positive attitude, negative people won’t be able to reach you.
Nothing can influence you if you change your attitude. Ultimately we are powerful beings and we are capable of protecting our energy if we really want! Consciously create a positive mindset. Believe in positivity and you will always find it. Your state of mind attracts people and situations.
So, if you are positive you will find only such people around you. If you constantly focus on positive thinking, negative people won’t be able to find you! Practice positive affirmations to stay positive. Automatically negative people would go away from you if you are at a higher vibe.
8. Think Before Reacting
Don’t react without thinking. You can avoid a lot of tension and negativity if you choose to think before replying to others.
Often we bring unnecessary drama in our lives by reacting without giving a thought. It feels satisfying to the ego when we promptly react to a situation. But this often leads to more negativity and drama.
If someone is rude, you can stop yourself from reacting. Most importantly, if you simply ignore the person, you will save your precious energy. At least if you keep your cool and think before responding to someone, you might be able to avoid an unpleasant experience.
But if you respond without thinking, it could lead to needless dramas and you will find yourself feeling drained.
Negative minded people will never change even if you win the argument! Only they would suck your energy if you enter into an argument with them. Therefore, be careful about how you choose to respond to other people’s behavior.
9. Absorb Positivity
Soak in positivity as much. This will deflect negative energy from your life.
The best way to remove negative energy is by absorbing a lot of positivity. Read motivational books, listen to inspiring podcasts, watch programs that are educational and useful. Join a good cause, be a member of an online community that discusses healthy and positive topics. The more you soak in positive thoughts and ideas, the less you will be affected by negative energy.
10. Use Affirmations
Speak out positive statements out loud to protect your vibe.
A good way to protect your energy is by affirming positive statements. Whenever you are with someone who is giving you negative vibes, mentally say positive affirmations.
You can use such affirmative statements:
- I can choose my thoughts.
- I choose to stay positive.
- Other people can’t influence me without my consent.
- I am radiating positive energy.
- I am powerful.
- I am thinking positively.
- I am protected by divine energy.
- I am happy, peaceful and grounded.
- I am allowing good vibes only.
- Negative energy can’t reach me at all.
11. Trust in Your Inner Power
Believe in your inner strength. You have the power to choose the kind of energy for yourself.
It is not possible to avoid negativity all the time. Also, it could be that your closest friend or a family member is going through a difficult phase and they are reflecting their mood and negative emotions on you. Understand that you are powerful enough to not get influenced by others.
You have to build the confidence that you can protect yourself from negative vibes. Setting boundaries is crucial otherwise anyone and everyone will sweep you with their energies. It does not mean that you have to be indifferent towards other people’s feelings. You can always be compassionate towards others. Listen to people, try to help them but don’t allow their energies to affect you. It is important to protect your energy or you will feel overwhelmed and depressed all the time.
12. Stay Active and Purposeful
The more you stay active, the less likely you are going to remain trapped in negative emotions.
Highly sensitive people or empaths easily absorb other people’s energies. They will even get emotionally drained after watching a tragic movie or listening to a sad song. The best way to handle the situation is by staying active.
Set an intention and do the work towards it. If you are occupied with work your mind would stay engaged. The more you idle around, the more you stay captivated in other people’s energies. So, get up and do some work. You will throw away any negative vibes easily.
13. Stop Judging Others
Accept people as they are without getting influenced by their thoughts and opinions.
It’s actually quite selfish to judge others as “positive” or “negative.” Often personal development books label some people as the “energy vampires” but to think of it honestly all of us do have fluctuating emotions. Is it really possible to stay positive and happy 24×7?
You are worried about getting negative energy from others but what if you are negative yourself? Like you are perceiving others as “negative” or “low-vibe” beings, at times you are also in that low vibration. It’s possible that you too act as an energy vampire sometimes.
We are humans and all of us are flawed. While protecting our energies let’s not forget to offer empathy and support to others. Also, the more you will judge someone you will be emitting negative energy yourself!
If someone becomes overbearing, bless them and move on. But don’t label people as “positive” and “negative” because that is in itself a negative attitude.
14. Ground Yourself
Connect with Mother Nature to heal yourself.
In life, you are bound to feel all the different types of emotions. Even positive-minded people can feel low at times. We are continuously exchanging energies. It’s quite normal to get swept in other people’s energies.
To cleanse your energy, go close to nature and ground yourself. Go for walks in the woods, watch the changing hues of the sky, and listen to the sounds of birds. Make it a practice to ground yourself often.
15. Don’t Grant Permission
Never allow negative people to get hold of you. Don’t dwell in unwanted energies for long.
Other people’s energies can influence you only if you allow it. Even if you are an empath, you have a choice. It’s normal to get affected temporarily but it is up to you to decide if you want to dwell in unwanted energy for long.
Remember, you are strong. You have immense power hidden within you. And if you want you can always choose the energy you want to vibrate. Affirm to yourself that you will not allow negative energies to control you.
How to protect yourself from negative energy?
You can apply a protective shield around you by imagining a protective white light shielding against all negative energy. If you have toxic co-workers at your workplace imagine a divine white light covering and protecting you from any harm. You can extend this protection to your children, spouse or anyone else in your family.
Affirmations help as well. Affirm repeatedly that you are protected and safe.
How to protect your energy as an empath?
Dr. Judith Orloff, MD is on the UCLA Psychiatric Clinical Faculty and has been nicknamed as “the godmother of the empathy movement”. She has revolutionized traditional psychiatry by infusing the knowledge of spirituality, energy fields and intuition. Dr. Orloff is a Psychiatrist who believes in an integrative approach to attain complete wellness. Her book, The Empath’s Survival Guide: Life Strategies for Sensitive people was on the New York Times bestselling list. In her book, she discusses how empaths can change their negative emotions into positive ones using particular techniques.
If you are a sensitive person you will always be affected by other people’s moods, whether good or bad. Empaths easily absorb energies and that can really be a burden for them.
Here are 5 ways to protect your energy as an empath.
1. Maintain distance
Physical proximity to toxic people will affect you more. So, if you know someone’s energy is not right for you, maintain at least 20 feet distance from them. Avoid sitting next to negative energies at all costs.
2. Breathe deeply
Start breathing deeply whenever you feel anxious. Focus on your breaths and visualize that you are safe and protected.
3. Meditate
Practice meditation daily to keep yourself centered. Empaths must meditate in the morning and at the end of the day to ground themselves.
4. Learn to say “No”
You must learn to say “no” to people. Empaths get swayed away easily. So, you have to maintain a healthy boundary. Don’t allow everyone to spend time with you.
5. The protective shield method
Visualize in your mind’s eye a white protective light is always encircled around you. Believe that you are protected by a higher power.
How to protect yourself from evil energy?
The energy that is toxic to you is evil energy. There are people who leave you feeling drained out after you interact with them. Also, when you visit certain places it can immediately make you feel low. Our energy levels are influenced by our environment and associations. If a person makes you feel anxious and depresses you after he leaves that means his energy is detrimental to you.
You have to protect yourself against other people’s emotions. It’s not hatred or feeling bad about them. This is just a way to protect your energy and heal from any bad influences they have caused.
The best way to protect yourself from evil energies is by meditating daily. As discussed earlier, meditation helps to keep you centered. Apart from that, affirmations are also quite helpful. Prayers are also powerful to ward off any negative or evil energies.
Protect Your Energy Quotes
1. “It’s a funny thing about life, once you begin to take note of the things you are grateful for, you begin to lose sight of the things that you lack.”
― Germany Kent
2. “Focus on an ocean of positives, not a puddle of negatives.”
― Kevin Ansbro
3. “The positive energy and love we give to others, heals our own wounds.”
― Angie karan
4. “Your inner thoughts aren’t truly hidden. Their essence reflects in your energy. Energy speaks what you don’t.”
― Drishti Bablani
5. “Reinforce your positive thoughts and Redirect to the substantial energy of your frustration.”
― Napz Cherub Pellazo
6. “Find something that makes you happy and fixate on it. That is the answer to all things. It’s the answer to getting everything that you want.”
– Abraham-Hicks
7. “We can always choose to perceive things differently. We can focus on what’s wrong in our life, or we can focus on what’s right.”
– Marianne Williamson
8. “Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.”
– Albert Einstein
9. “Everything is energy and that is all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way.”
– Darryl Anka
10. “If you’re not positive energy, you’re negative energy.”
– Mark Cuban
Take-home Message
We are all energy beings. If you are not cautious you would keep depleting your energy. As a result, you would feel depressed and lethargic. If you want to be happy and successful, you must stay away from all negative influences.
Negative people are energy vampires who continuously suck up good energy. Besides that, they inhibit the progress and growth of others. To have a grand life, you must learn to protect your energy.
Steer away from all negative people and situations. Start practicing the 15 steps mentioned here. I guarantee you would definitely feel great and live an amazing life.
Ishita is a published author, poet and freelance writer. Being an avid reader from early childhood, she has always loved books more than anything else in the world! At the start of her career, she has worked in the corporate as well as the academic sector being a double master's degree holder - M.Sc and MBA. But now she is a fulltime writer. She believes words have immense power and writers can make a huge impact in the world! She wants to bring positivity into the lives of the readers through her association with TheMindFool.