Most of you must be aware of the term ‘soulmate’. It is often used in the context of a romantic partner who knows you in-and-out. But how many of you know about your soul family or soul groups? Well, it is equally fascinating considering how all the members of your soul family share similar frequency levels. Thus, without much ado, let’s quickly dive into the details!
But first, let us clear the air about soul mates.
What is a Soulmate?
Unlike the popular belief of romantic partners, soulmates can be anyone who enables a strong connection with your soul and touches your life.
The movies, TV and romantic novels have created a singular perception of soulmates and that is, the happily-ever-after kind of partners who connect with you at a soul level. However, in reality, the soulmate theory is a lot more deep-seated.
Soul mates or soulmates (with or without the gap) are people you have met in other lives and realms. Your connection with a soulmate goes far beyond the physical form. Remember the times when you suddenly meet a persona and feel like you have known them for years? Well, you got your answer!
Humans are growth-seeking beings constantly in search of someone with whom they share similar psychology. Soul mates serve this purpose and act as a cheerleader and motivator along the way.
You will meet multiple soulmates on your journey of life, each connected to you on a different level. In fact, if you look at it from a larger perspective, we are all connected at a soul level. Thus, we are all ‘divine soul mates’ in some sense.
Now that you know the spiritual meaning of a soulmate, here’s a quick glance through its three subparts: Soul Family, Soul Group, and Twin Flames. While this think-piece is centered around the Soul family, a small introduction about the other two will give you a better understanding of the subject.
What is A Soul Group?
Friends, co-workers, classmates or even acquaintances connected to you at a soul level and share a common purpose now belong to your soul group.
If you ever crossed paths with someone and felt like you have met them before (you have!), here’s the secret behind it: they belong to your soul group. Even though you haven’t met in the human world, your soul must have met in the non-physical world. It is possible that you might be friends for the time that you existed without the human form.
The relationships among your soul group members might be varied but they all leave a positive impact on your life. Irrespective of the number of times you meet them, each member of your soul group will realign you to your soul purpose. They enable you with the desired support to help you achieve your goals.
Who Are Twin Flames?
Two bodies with the same soul energy are known as twin flames. They don’t just share a romantic relationship, as commonly believed and are very difficult to find.
Very rarely found, a twin flame is one of the most special soulmate connections in the soul tribe. It is believed that your twin flame has been reincarnated on Earth with the same energy as yours with a different gender in the physical form.
So now suppose you are a female with a set of individual characteristics, your twin flame will be a male comprising of complementary and balancing male characteristics. Like two sides of a coin, twin flames possess the same soul but don’t necessarily share a romantic relationship.
After a brisk run-through of the other two kinds of soulmates, let’s move on to the heart of the matter: Soul Family!
What is a Soul Family?
Spiritual equivalent to your birth family, soul family is a group of like-minded people who love, nurture, support, protect and help you to reach your goals.
Soul families are just what the name suggests: families. If your biological family shares the same ancestry, your soul family members share the same oversoul. They may not necessarily be reincarnated with the same relation as you shared spiritually, but they share similar lessons and themes as you.
All the members of your soul family have a consciousness both individually and collectively. It is believed that your soul before taking the human form has made agreements to be connected genetically. Thus, all the energies when combined together lead to a spiritual awakening of one another.
Long story short, your soul family loves and sees you as you are. The soul connection with them goes much deeper than any other member of the group.
What Is The Purpose of a Soul Family?
The primary purpose of your soul family is to help you achieve your spiritual goals. They support, protect, love, nurture, inspire you along the way and assist you in every way possible to satisfy the divine plan of your life!
What is the connection with your soul family?
If the spiritual world is a large family tree, soul families form small groupings. They are usually the core family units. In the physical world, they might be reincarnated in various forms – like your romantic partners, siblings, parents, children and more.
What are the chances of meeting your soul family?
There are very high chances you will meet your soul family if they have been reincarnated on the Earth. It might cost you years or maybe more to find your soul tribe, but they will manifest themselves whenever the time is right.
How long will your relationship with the soul family last?
Lifetime and beyond! Yes. Just like family, even soul families provide love and belongingness that no other relationship can surpass. The soul connection with soul families is much deeper than any other soulmate in all three kinds.
How powerful is the relationship with the soul family?
Well, there’s a reason why they are called family! The power to unite with your soul family connections is unmatched. You will always feel at home around this group of people and experience a different kind of belongingness.
Irrespective of the relationship you will share on this earth, your soul will feel free in their presence. In fact, the members of your soul family need not necessarily be present physically to accentuate your spiritual growth. The mere sight of them in a photograph can evoke strong emotions. Well, the connection amidst the family members (whether biological or soul) is surreal!
How to Find Your Soul Family?
The answer to this question can be further subdivided into more questions. Let’s begin!
Where do you find your soul groups?
Your soul group will find you! Yes, just like other spiritual beings in your life, even your soul family finds you.
When do you find your soul group?
Now that you know that your soul group will naturally find you, the real question is ‘when’. Well, people believe that there’s a time when you feel a natural pull towards a group of people. When those people will feel likewise, the universe will conspire to put you two together.
But if you continue to follow your normal routine and shrug off this inner-feeling, you aren’t going to win the lottery. Follow your gut, listen to your intuition and block your mind for a while. It will automatically guide you to the path where your soul family is waiting for you.
10 Signs That Determine You Have Met Your Soul Family
It’s not every day that you bump into a person who you have met in your past lives. Since it is so rare, you feel the sparks when you are around them. Irrespective of the relationship that you share, you experience the impact of positive energy whenever you meet them. You will naturally want to spend time with them and hang onto them forever.
Apart from the most obvious ones like a sense of familiarity, let’s explore some other signs that will help you recognize members of your soul family.
1. You are drawn towards Soul Family members like a magnet
Whenever you are in a situation (happy or sad), the members of your soul family will pull you like gravity. Even if on-the-way you lose touch, both of you will find some reason to hop back to each other.
2. You feel understood around them
In a world where everyone is lost, there are very few instances when you feel understood. A soul family member is an excellent listener and can make you feel appreciated with a simple conversation.
3. The eye contact is intriguing
When your eye meets the eye of your soul family member, you don’t feel the urge to blink. In fact, glare seems comforting and familiar. It’s almost like you both communicate just by the way your eye-balls roll!
4. Soul Family members wish the best for you
Soul family members not only motivate you to achieve your goals but also teach you how to embrace your flaws. Sometimes their presence can create challenging situations for you as they push you to explore your competence. Whatever the case, they just wish the best for you.
5. You feel happy from within
The presence of a soul family gives you a sense of fulfillment. You feel a strange kind of recognition and that keeps you delighted all through the day. You don’t need to pretend around them and the peace of mind is immense.
6. They understand your language
Since members of the soul family share similar thoughts and insights, it’s insane how you both connect emotionally. You will often find yourself speaking similar sentences and words as your soul family member. This is primarily because you are mirroring each other’s minds.
7. Your connection feels timeless (even though you have met just minutes back!)
Even if you have just met, you feel like you’ve known them your entire life. You have never been so comfortable around a person. The convenience and acceptance are unreal, especially when you are so close to others.
8. Soul Family members act as your guardian angels
When you are determined to grow beyond fear and ancient beliefs, that’s when you’ll naturally attract a member from your soul tribe. They guide you through the dark days and light your path when you feel lost.
9. You have same stories to tell
You tend to share all your dark stories without any discomfort. Both of you are triggered at the same pain points and laugh-it-off at similar episodes. Your true soul family member will help you grow through the pain.
10. Your soul is at peace in their presence
While there are some people who feel heavy on your spirit, your soul group eases it. You constantly feel loved, acknowledged and exhilarated by your soul group members. The serenity is so much that even your soul feels nourished.
Precisely, your soul family is more soul than skin (just like the name suggests). They are least bothered about your ego pursuits such as fame, money, and status. Instead, they will be more focussed on your spiritual growth.
Biological Family v/s Soul Family
There are many people who think that their biological family is their soul family. Well, no. Not always.
In fact, there are times when you are connected to your parents on just a karmic level. Or maybe connected to one of your parents on a soul level. However, people who grow up around non-soul family members, often suffer from loneliness and depression. Thus, when later in life they connect with soul family members, they feel wanted and loved.
Soul Family Traits
1. Souls organize themselves
Before you manifest yourself in the physical world, souls organize themselves into family, group, clans, nations and grand nation. It is believed that each soul family has 7 members and a group has seven families that are 49 members and the count keeps on increasing, likewise.
You identify your soul family members from the group of 49 souls. Each member of the group has a different purpose or energy signature like communication, self-acceptance, success or other traits. However, you share a similarity in the case of deals, aspirations, likes, and dislikes.
2. A soul family works together!
Yes. And not just for this lifetime, for many lifetimes. Sometimes, they also form different groups and alliances to help you in assessing your future life decisions.
You will always find your soul family around, in all the difficult situations or life-changing events. Not all family soul members find their earthly physical form at the same time. Thus, the ones who are left behind, assist you as spirit guides.
3. Soul family is sacred
Whenever you meet a soul family member, remember it’s for a greater purpose. They can be anyone: clients, friends, family, siblings but as long as you share similar energies, they will align you with your soul purpose.
Irrespective of the name, soul family relationships must always be considered sacred. Nurture it with your soul and see how it creates magic in your life!
Some Common Mistakes You Can Commit While Soul Family Reunions
1. You confuse Karmic soulmates with soul family
There are a lot of times when people reckon someone as their soul family member when in reality, they harmed you in the past life. Every soulmate is here for a purpose. But when it comes down to soul family, the bond must be passionate. Pay attention and you will surely spot the difference.
2. You owe your soul family karmically
You don’t owe anyone, anything. Period. Just like in your human life, even your soul has free will. This means you can say a no to a request, in spite of a soulmate connection. You can create your own boundaries for the interaction with a soul family member (both at physical or metaphysical level).
3. All your soulmates are your Twin Flames.
Sometimes the connection developed with a soul family member is so deep, that it can be easily confused with the love of a Twin Flame. Don’t do it. Watch your relationship closely and then resort to whether or not he or she is your Twin Flame.
4. Your soulmate connections will be life-long
No. Just like in your earth life, some relationships are meant for a lifetime, a few others lose track in the midst, even soul connections need not necessarily be lifelong. While most of the time they are meant to last until eternity, the other times they may just manifest themselves for a few months.
A Few Common Questions People Ask about Soul Family
Are your parents your soulmates?
Well, it’s not impossible. But definitely very rare.
Normally one out of the two parents belongs to your soul family. The other is either from the soul group, clan or nation.
Why do we have soul groups?
The short answer is, to help you attain enlightenment.
In the flow of spirit, soul groups are the natural product. That is all the spirits have been organized into different groups and these groups are here to help you embody the purpose of your soul.
In spirituality, it is believed that before taking birth, we chose our family, our children, our bodies and personalities. The soul family or soul group are our chosen people. By finding your soul group, you open all your ways to spiritual awakening and overall evolution as a whole.
What is a soul tribe?
The soul tribe is similar to a soul family. The only difference is that they might not be connected to you as deeply as the members of the soul family.
People from your soul tribe also support your spiritual goals and help you get closer to who you actually are. Both you and your soul tribe are destined to embark on the same journey, banking on each other!
What does it mean to have a soul family?
Everyone has a soul family. You. Me. Everyone. Just like your bio family, even soul families are huge, small, closed or distant. You share so many common traits and share similar life experiences with your soul family. When you cross paths with people you have been through the same wounds and trauma as you, you feel a different connection at a soul level.
Long story short, when you meet with your soul family, you catch up on old (soul) times and heal together.
Soul Family Quotes
1. “There’s something about you, Your eyes speak a story in a language only known to my soul. The kind of communication we as humans dream about, the one that reaches into the core of who you are and loves you for it.
It doesn’t appear often or by accident & when it happens you just know ” There’s something about you “.”
― Nikki Rowe
2. “If they criticize you before they cheer you on, they are not your people. Simple.”
― Nikki Rowe
3. “If the family you chose before your birth no longer supports your path towards fulfilling your true destiny, it is never too late to find a new tribe.”
― Anthon St. Maarten
4. “Some people will hear you louder in silence. Those are your tribe – they’ll get you through the tough days and give you something to laugh about on the ride.”
― Nikki Rowe
Over To You…
Remember how you wish to hang onto that one person who feels like a soulmate? Imagine how satisfying it will be to discover a whole group of people who you connect to at a soul level!
So, don’t shy away from listening to your gut intuitions when it says ‘I know this person from before!’ even when you have just met!
Surabhi has a deep passion for words. She puts her heart and mind into whatever she pursues and craves for creative ventures. She has always been keen on creating original content that can make a difference. In her experience as a content writer, she has had the opportunity to work on several fields with Psychology being her favorite. Surabhi says, words have the power to transform the world, better than a sword. So she hopes to contribute her bit to this revolution. At TheMindFool, she feels lucky to have the opportunity to share content capable of bringing about a change in the lives of the readers.