Spiritualists consider that our relationships in this life are not a chance occurrence. All these relations have been created for a definite reason. It is based on our “karma”. This is an old Sanskrit word that means “actions” and “deeds”. Karma is the pile-up of our thoughts, intentions, emotions, actions from this particular life, and previous lifetimes. It gets carried forward from one life to the other. If we do not clear our debts and settle it down in a particular earthly life, with the concerned person, the cycle continues. Karmic relationships are based on past life connections.
What is a Karmic Relationship?
Karmic relations are formed when you meet someone who has played a significant role in your previous birth. You reconnect with them again in this particular life. You are related to that person based on karma. The relation is vibrant, energetic and you will experience a magnetic attraction towards that person.
Your karmic partner acts as a soul who has reunited with you to teach you an important life lesson. In your present lifetime, you will have problems dealing with your karmic partner because it is not a love relationship at all. It is abusive and controlling.
Negative emotions of sadness, frustration, guilt, depression will dominate your relations. Whatever you do, the relationship is destined to come to an end. Amanda Linette Meder, in her article on healing karmic relationships, said that karmic relationships are a type of soulmate relationships that no one wants but everyone has.
Who is Karmic Partner?
A person with whom you are in ‘Karmic Relationship’ is a Karmic Partner. The same person was also in your life in previous birth and ‘Karmic Partner’ has come into your life to teach you a lesson or unfinished deed, business, or emotional trauma from previous birth.
Karmic Relationship Signs
Karmic relationships are soul contracts that were predestined. These intimate bonds are formed with people of the same soul group who have come together to resolve unfinished karma.
The following signs will tell you whether you are tied up in a karmic relationship.
1. An Instant start with lot of passion when you are in karmic relationship
Karmic relations start instantly and you will feel a sudden spurt in your heart as if you were longing for that person. You might feel that you know this person for a long time. Looks and demeanor might feel very familiar to you. There will be an intense connection between both of you.
2. Same repeating pattern
Repeated patterns of discord prevail. The partners will involve in some type of disagreements and emotional turmoil. At times, you would prefer to walk away from the relationship and at other times come back to make the same mistakes in your relations. You will repeat those unhealthy love patterns that have been formed in your past lives also.
3. Karmic relationships are selfish relationships
Karmic relationships involve a lot of selfishness by one or both partners. The main motive is to satisfy self-interests without considering the well being of the other person. It’s an intense and passionate tie where sharing and caring of a true love affair is not present.
4. Inclined towards unhealthy addictions
These relationships are marked by addiction towards drugs, drinking, sex and lust. Love is more physical than emotional. After the physical need of one partner is satisfied, the other person is mentally and physically abused. Hurting feelings with a bad mouth is an indication that the relationship is unhealthy.
5. Karmic relationships are emotionally dependent
Karmic relations are emotionally dependent. Here one partner feels too attracted towards the other. They get pulled towards their partner. A feeling of insecurity and poor self-worth makes the fabric of the relationship extremely sticky. The relationship occupies your thoughts all the time.
6. As if Destined to be together
The relationship feels destined. You feel you people were meant to be together. You try your best to adjust with all the abuse involved in it, but somehow the relationship fails.
7. Controlling in nature
These relations are controlling in nature. You try to control your partner’s thoughts, emotions and actions. You become dominant in relationships and make your partner feel inferior. The motive is to satisfy your ego.
8. Karmic relationships are short lived
These relations are short-lived and unpredictable. They start and end with fights and conflicts. One partner may break off the relationship and can walk out without the others’ approval. They can even similarly enter your life.
9. Karmic relationships are filled with strong emotions
There are a lot of emotional highs and lows involved in the relationship. The union may be very intense and passionate at one moment. Then again it cools down and becomes distant and aloof.
10. Aggressive behavior
Karmic relationships are marked by anger, repetitive arguments, verbal fights and violence. Partners have no control over their aggressive behavior. Maybe the soul remembers the toxic ties of the previous birth and behaves in such a manner.
11. Jealous and suspicious
Jealousy and suspicion are found in this type of relationship. One of the partners is usually possessive and highly calculative. Heated discussions and hurting each others’ self-respect is very common.
12. Underlying fear in Karmic relationships
Karmic relations can bring out your deepest fears. Fear of rejection, fear of losing the support of the loved ones, fear of losing love, and fear of getting emotionally hurt, fear of commitment is usually found.
13. No boundary of a healthy relationship
A karmic bond lacks the boundaries of a healthy relation. It is full of mistrust, disrespect and emotional abuse. Your partner will take advantage of you. Will not put their share into the relationship and make it work.
14. No selfless love between partners
In these kinds of relationships, there is no space for selfless love. Your partner may impose a lot of restrictions on what you do? Where do you go? Whom did you meet? And how do you feel? You cannot do anything independently.
15. A lesson learnt
Karmic relations are irrational and show your real self. They are meant to teach you a lesson. These relationships are like mirrors and are meant to show your shadow of ‘Who you are?’ You will realize the undesirable behaviors that were not known to you previously.
How Are Past Life Karma related to Karmic Relationships?
The spiritual journey of the soul will help us to understand the karmic relationship patterns in a better way. It is said that our intentions and actions of previous lifetimes directly influence our present life. It is just a simple cause and effect relationship that we need to understand. If you do good karma and behave well with your fellow humans with good intent, you will reap a healthy relationship now.
But, if you have done something wrong with someone in your previous life, you will have sufferings and misfortunes. You will be in a “karmic bond” with the same soul, with whom you have done something wrong. It helps to understand the relationship difficulties with our family members, lovers, spouse, friends, and colleagues.
What is a Karmic Debt?
A karmic debt is a kind of emotional dispute, quarrel, disagreement, or a hostile feeling from a past life relationship that has surfaced in your present lifetime. To put in a simple way, karmic debt means those unfulfilled karmas that you either owe to others or others owe to you. If you clear your karmic debts, you will be able to come out from the cycle of action and consequence and you will live a life of peace and happiness.
It is said that the repayment of dues can happen in this lifetime or any other lifetimes. This is the reason that karmic relationships are full of energy and passion. You and your partner are together to teach each other a life lesson. After the lesson is taught, the relation breaks and both the souls should move towards higher orders of enlightenment.
Key Elements of a Karmic Relationship
The key elements of this connection are as follows
- Low self-esteem of one or both partners.
- Familiarity feeling between the partners.
- The ego is active and irrational.
- Past life traumatic events that caused cuts and bruises, and acts as karmic debts.
- There is no role model for a perfect love who can guide the two partners on the right path.
- The relationship is devoid of true love and it is like a drama, created to instill passion and longing.
- Both partners are trying to settle for a low-quality relationship that does not lead to the evolution of the soul.
- Deepest fears, feelings of inadequacy, and poor self-worth of one or both partners.
Watch out more details about the signs of Karmic Relationships in this video –
The Purpose of a Karmic Relationship
The purpose of the karmic relationship is to put an end to an unfinished business or an emotional trauma.
The main purpose of a karmic soul mate relationship is to teach you life lessons in love, compassion, and mutual respect. Your karmic soulmate belongs to the same soul group as yours. Learning is important for your personal growth and spiritual evolution. Your partner is related to you because they share negative karma with you. Now, you people again come together to resolve old debts. In this process, both partners learn to move on to a higher level of divinity, by clearing their dues.
They will help you to attain the ultimate salvation. Every experience in a karmic bond teaches you to correct your past mistakes. It teaches you the right ways of thinking, maybe unknowingly. Your karmic partner acts as a mirror and shows you your bad deeds, bad thoughts, poor feelings, hostile emotions. The more you understand these issues, the more you grow spiritually.
Types of Other Soul Relationships
Apart from karmic connections, there are a few other types of soul relationships that we will be referring to in this section.
1. Soul Mate Relationships
We all want to have a successful romantic bond in our lives. Many of you must have heard of the term “soulmate”. A soul mate is a person with whom we can connect at a deeper level, be it emotional or spiritual. In this kind of connection, partners feel a sense of familiarity and comfort with each other without making judgments.
Here, life is a smooth and joyful journey where both partners feel complete with each other. The relationship is based on understanding and both partners experience inner calm. Partners respect each other without making judgments. The relation allows both partners to move towards their life goals. There is no control and the relationship never grows old between the two of you.
2. Twin Flames
The Twin Flame relations are also called ‘mirror souls’. It is an extremely passionate and energetic bond because the twin flames act as mirrors of one another. Similar values, hobbies, desires, and preferences dominate the relationship pattern. Partners respect each other and grow together. There is a lot of selfless love and trust in the relationship. It seems that your twin soul knows you better than yourself.
3. Companion Mates
They also make good romantic partners because they share similar life goals. They feel harmonious with each other. Partners vow to live in a long term relationship. They do it with mutual love, trust, and compassion. There is a deep unspoken understanding between the two. It is not a one-sided relation. Both partners possess enormous love and empathy for each other.
Karmic relationship vs Twin flames Difference
Karmic and twin flame relations are meant to release souls towards salvation. There are differences between the two which are as follows –
# | Twin flame relationships | Karmic relationships |
1 | In twin flame relations, partners share the same values, wishes, desires, and goals. They evolve together. | The karmic bond is formed to clear old debts. Partners do not share similar life goals and desires. |
2 | In twin flames, partners forgive each other for their misdeeds. | There is no forgiveness in a karmic bond. Partners fight and cheat each other but do not repent. |
3 | Values of empathy, unconditional love exists in a twin flame relation. | Karmic relationships are devoid of true love and empathy. |
4 | Twin flame relations respect each other as individuals. There is no lie or deceit involved. | Karmic relationships are selfish and involve lies. |
5 | Twin flame partners do not humiliate and judge their partners because it is based on trust and true love. | Karmic connections are full of fear and abandonment. Relationships have mistrust and judgments. |
6 | There is no emotional dependence in a twin flame tie. Partners can think and feel good with each other. It is not controlling and partners value each other. | Karmic relations are controlling, selfish and the soul loses its personal space. |
7 | A twin flame relationship is a romantic bond that helps souls to find completion. The soul feels fulfilled with love, passion, and emotions. | Karmic bonds help the soul to become better, only by learning a lesson. The relation ends with hatred and resentment. |
Here is an interesting video to understand the difference between Karmic Relationships, Twin Flames, and Soulmates –
How to deal with Karmic Relationships?
Karmic relationships are the type of intense connections. After a certain point of time it affects your psychological well-being. So, it is better to undo these bonds. Once you have learned the life lesson and you and your partner’s karmic debts are balanced out, the relationship breaks.
It is toxic and drawn towards vices and thus partners experience emotional agonies, beyond healing. They may find the relationship heavy at heart and not serving the purpose of the soul. This is the time that partners move apart and end the power tussle between them. A few ways to handle and heal the emotional wounds that you have suffered in your karmic bond.
1. Rebuilt your broken self-esteem
Try to rebuild your broken self-esteem by loving and respecting yourself. You will have to improve your perspectives about yourself. Accepting yourself as you are is important to build confidence and self love.
2. Improve relationship with self
Learn to live alone and find your inner happiness. Fulfill your emotional needs by attending and reacting naturally to them. Start enjoying time with self. You will get to know yourself well.
3. Let go of past pains
Forgive the person who did something wrong to you, otherwise, the spiritual cycle of cause and effect will put you in the same pattern of karmic ties in some other new relations. Do not hold on to grudges and free yourself from negativity and dependency.
4. Find happiness within you
Learn from your mistakes and work on it to grow your soul towards happiness. It certainly helps to understand “who you are”?
5. Set good intentions
Our intentions and actions act as a boomerang. Souls remember good and bad things done to them and it comes back to you again and again. So, to undo your karmic ties, learn to love, and respect others. Avoid harboring jealousies within you. It will only give you a negative mindset.
6. Protect your emotional space
Work on your deepest fears. You need to feel adequate and complete from within. A soul demands completion of karma. Try to control negative thoughts and fill yourself with positive energy.
7. Alone time is important
Avoid rushing into new relationships, just after you have come out of a karmic bond. The chances are high that you may experience the same relationship difficulties with your new partner. Thus live alone and find happiness and peace with oneself.
Closing Thoughts
Karmic relationships are a type of soulmate relationships that teach you endurance. It teaches you to stay calm and composed in difficult situations. Your karmic mate will love you, hate you, teach you, humiliate you, insult you, and in these processes you will learn to adapt, adjust, and live a happy life. The ultimate goal is to serve personal growth and a smooth spiritual journey. Karmic relations are a lesson in disguise.
A Psychologist with a master's degree in Psychology, a former school psychologist, and a teacher by profession Chandrani loves to live life simply and happily. She is an avid reader and a keen observer. Writing has always been a passion for her, since her school days. It helps to de-stress and keeps her mentally agile. Pursuing a career in writing was a chance occurrence when she started to pen down her thoughts and experiences for a few childcare and parenting websites. Her lovable niche includes mental health, parenting, childcare, and self-improvement. She is here to share her thoughts and experiences and enrich the lives of few if not many.