Most people on this planet perceive this world through their five senses. They analyze everything with logic. And shun anything that comes outside this frame of perception. But there are people who are able to perceive more than our five senses allow. Known as “Indigo Adults”, they are intuitive and may also display psychic abilities. They are loving, empathetic, intelligent, and curious. And have a strong sense of purpose. They strive to raise consciousness and change the world.
Let’s find out more about indigo adults and what makes them stand out.
Who Are Indigo Adults?
Indigo adults are very spiritual and intuitive people. They are born with superior qualities and seem to be wiser than their age.
Indigo adults are a step ahead in human evolution. They have a very high level of self-awareness. And hold a deep spiritual connection right from birth. Indigos live and think outside the box. And that does not only mean that they are creative. But that they do not conform to what the society calls “normal”. They live their life on their own terms and are happy to do so.
Indigos are superior when it comes to ethical and spiritual progress. Moreover, some say they’re a race of people who will one day fight the current social system. To establish a more mindful society to improve the world.
Caregivers identify most indigo adults in their childhood and call them indigo children. But some people grow up to self identify themselves as indigo adults.
What Does the Term “Indigo” Signify?
The word “indigo” describes people with the above abilities. Because their perceived aura is a shade of indigo or royal blue.
Furthermore, in humans, indigo represents the sixth chakra. It denotes a person’s connection to the spiritual realm. It also represents wisdom and consciousness.
How Did the Indigo Concept Come to Be?
The concept of indigos formed in the west during the 1960-70 period. That’s when people started questioning mainstream religions. And began identifying with eastern concepts like intuition and reincarnation.
The term “indigo child” was first used during the New Age movement in the 1960s, 70s. Many western communities saw a shift in their spiritual perception during those times. People started questioning the mainstream beliefs. And exploring life with more consciousness.
Another wave of indigo surge happened during the 1980s, 90s. More people started exploring alternate belief systems. Furthermore, western communities started adopting Eastern and European beliefs and religions. And they began embracing the concepts of reincarnation and intuition.
Other terminologies, such as crystal children and rainbow children also came up. Crystal and Rainbow children are born to a prior generation of indigo parents. And, “star seed” or “star child” refers to indigo people who have reincarnated many times. Also referred to as old souls.
What Is An Indigo Soul?
We understand that every matter is nothing but energy vibrating at different frequencies. Similarly, it’s believed that every soul has its own frequency. Some souls come with a certain innate understanding of deeper dimensions of life. That most of humanity has still not woken up to. These souls are called Indigo souls, which comprise of indigo adults and children
Indigo People Traits
Indigo adults display many specific qualities. The following are some of the most common ones.
1. Indigo people are spiritual
They have an innate sense of spirituality. Some of them even have awareness of other dimensions and parallel realities. So, they bloom when born in a family which accepts their beliefs. People who don’t understand indigos usually refer to them as “different”, “special” or “gifted”.
2. Indigo people are very intuitive
Indigo people perceive life beyond the five senses. They are so intuitive that people wonder if they have psychic abilities. So, they take decisions that may seem random. But usually supported by their strong intuitive abilities. In social situations, they are able to sense the good, bad, truth, and lies in an effortless manner.
3. Indigo adults live with purpose
Indigo people are born with a sense of purpose to make the world a better place. They like spending time working towards bringing change in social or environmental fields. Moreover, they have the grit and passion required to pull this off. They cannot stand injustice. And are capable of dedicating their entire life to achieve a noble mission.
4. Indigo People are sensitive
Indigo adults are very sensitive to their surroundings. That’s why indigos often have major and frequent mood swings. Their energy levels can run high or low depending on the people and situations around them. Some people are also sensitive to foods like sugar, meat, and artificial additives. Even battery and electrical equipment sometimes go haywire in their presence.
5. Indigo adults are wise
Indigos display remarkable wisdom from a very young age. And they further continue to grow wiser with age throughout their lifetime. Furthermore, some of them act out of their psychic experiences. Hence, they are sometimes unable to convey the reasoning behind their wisdom.
6. Indigo people are intelligent and curious
They cannot accept anything without knowing the reason behind it. They like to question everything. And put all their energy towards finding the answer. So, they don’t usually prefer mainstream thoughts and occupations. They prefer to work with fluid systems where there is freedom of thought and action.
7. They are quick to get frustrated
Indigo adults experience frustration when they see wrong happening in the world. Especially when it involves harm to people. They may find difficulty in finding the right outlet to express their frustration. Because not everyone is as affected by the wrongdoings in everyday life. Furthermore, indigos also get upset when people belittle their psychic or spiritual understanding.
8. Indigo people are creative
Indigos enjoy the process of creating. Be it art, music, or any other department, they have a burning desire to create new things. Moreover, their ability to think out of the box makes them excellent artists. They don’t enjoy monotonicity and look for passion in every task they undertake.
9. Indigo adults are different from others
Indigo adults realize that not all people in the society can understand them. They may have faced difficulties growing up as indigo children. Especially if born into a family that shows resistance to their beliefs and way of life. Hence, indigo adults prefer spending time on their own or in the company of other indigos. But that doesn’t mean they do not mingle with non-indigo people. They do engage with others, especially those who are accepting of their ways.
10. They are loving and empathetic
Indigo adults are very inclusive of all living entities. Be it other people, animals, or nature. They value and love everything. People often misunderstand them. But indigos are able to empathize with others’ inability to understand. Moreover, they feel the pain of the world like it’s their own. They are introverts but open up to those they are comfortable with.
Indigo Adults Appearance
Some physical features seem to be in common in most indigo adults. Here are some of them –
- Indigos usually have either green eyes or deep blue eyes.
- Indigo adults have fair-skin, no matter which part of the world they hail from.
- Indigo people usually look young in their appearances. But seem mentally old and wise.
- Indigo adults mostly have an androgynous appearance. That is a good balance between the masculine and feminine
Here is an interesting video which talks about the signs of the Indigo people –
Indigo Adult Test!
Indigo adults make up a small percent of the world’s population. If you’re an indigo person who is not yet aware of the fact, then you may have faced many issues. From not being understood by your own family and friends, to constantly facing mental health issues. If this emotional pain has led you here, then there’s a way to find out if you are in fact an indigo adult.
Answer the following questions with a Yes or No, and make note of it. If your answer is Yes to the majority of the questions below, you may be an Indigo adult.
- You are a creative person. And especially enjoy making new things. Be it painting, pottery, craft, or sculpting.
- Being at the top of your class may not be your thing. But you are intelligent and grasp things quickly.
- You rebelled or were tempted to rebel in school. Homework was the bane of existence and you rejected the authority of teachers and parents.
- Knowing the “why” about everything you come across is very important to you. Especially when you are asked to do something.
- Any work that requires repetition is not your cup of tea.
- You either like to lead a team or work alone. You don’t respond well to an authoritative figure of any kind.
- Empathy comes naturally to you. In spite of that, you cannot tolerate stupidity.
- You have rage issues. Especially when others don’t seem to understand something that is very obvious in your opinion.
- Emotional mood swings are common for you. You may burst out crying in some situations or not show any expression in some other.
- You have recurring dreams. And you remember every detail perfectly.
- Politics doesn’t excite you. In fact, you like to keep yourself as far from it as you can.
- You are highly sensitive about food. You are averse to processed food, red meat, sugary products, frozen food.
- Your digestive system is weak, given your ability of absorbing other’s energies and feelings.
- Crystals fascinate you. You connect with crystals and work with it to explore human potential.
- You have a strong urge to live a passionate life and be on a mission.
- People who are unbalanced and lost somehow find themselves attracted to you.
- You have an innate capacity to heal.
- Without a strong purpose in life, you tend to get under the influence of alcohol and drugs.
- A lack of mission in life can make you feel depressed and anxious.
- You can easily detect a lie.
- Children love you and you enjoy their company too. You respect the soul in them and not necessarily look at them as kids.
- In spite of the strong feeling of changing the world, you may have trouble finding your path.
- You are strongly intuitive.
- Focusing on one work for too long may be a problem for you. You have attention deficit disorder.
- Spiritual or psychic interests captured you at an early age.
- You may have had premonitions. Or had instances of seeing angels/ghosts or heard voices.
- Electrical equipment works differently around you and often malfunctions.
- You are either sexually very inventive or you reject sexuality.
- Once you find the balance you need in life, you transform into a sorted person.
- You seek the meaning of life through spiritual experience, religion, or self-help books.
Frequently Asked Questions
A person is said to be Indigo when they are intuitive, empathetic, and has a deep spiritual inclination. They are called so because of the color of their aura which is in the shade of indigo. These people are different from the others and their characters are quite distinguished from childhood. Parents and other adults perceive these children as extraordinary in their attitude and actions.
The purpose of indigo adults is to bring positive changes to the world. As they have a strong intuition and spiritual thought process they are able to uplift others. They are empathetic towards people and so their life purpose is to help others. Indigo adults have psychic abilities of being able to perceive the spiritual realms and connect to those.
There are mainly four types of indigo adults. The first group is called indigo humanist who work as doctors, nurses, teachers, lawyers, entrepreneurs, etc. The second group is called an indigo conceptual who usually become scientists, engineers, architects, pilots, etc. The third group is the indigo artist with artistic abilities. And the fourth group is indigo inter-dimensional who is all-knowing!
Indigo adults have the power that can change the world. The best way to unlock this power is by choosing a profession that enables you to do so. Artists, writers, social workers, educators, doctors, entrepreneurs, activists, coaches, motivational speakers are the change agents of society. So, you can intelligently select a vocation that will allow you to use your indigo power.
Indigo adults have a striking appearance. They have green or deep blue eyes. They have a fair complexion. Also, they look very young. It seems that indigo adults do not age!
Closing Thoughts
Indigo adults are people who live in higher spiritual realms. The intensity of their experience may differ. But they experience life in a more involved way than the rest. They feel empowered and flourish in supportive environments.
Whereas, they find great difficulty adjusting in difficult and non-accepting environments. In conclusion, indigo adults have beautiful minds and immense love for everyone. This world can definitely gain from more indigo people! In conclusion, indigo adults have beautiful minds and immense love and light for everyone. This world can definitely gain from more indigo people, their time, and energy!
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Pranita loves words! She has spent most of her childhood and adult life reading and writing. So it wasn’t a surprise when she quit her corporate IT job within a year to pursue her career as a writer. In her 7+ years into the field of content writing, she has worked on various niches. Psychology, mental health, spirituality, health & wellness, fashion, and food are her favorite ones. Pranita says that it’s every writer’s hope that their words survive longer than they do. So she hopes her words continue to light up other readers' path like so many writings have lit her’s. At The Mindfool, she is happy to be contributing to articles that have the power to make a positive difference in people's lives.