The people in our lives are so important! Ultimately life is beautiful because of the relationships that we have. Most importantly, there are certain relationships that make us feel free and at home! Some people, after all, are our perfect vibrational match. They are kindred spirits who make an instant connection with us!
Kindred Spirits Meaning
A kindred spirit is someone who is your energetic match. He or she could be your best friend, parent, sibling, a romantic partner or someone you admire from a distance. It is a person whose presence makes you feel alive. They understand you and you can understand them.
Besides that, both of you have a soul connection. Also, some Kindred spirits will never meet. Maybe he or she is an author or an artist whose words and work inspire you. They take you to a different world. You become awestruck whenever they reach you bodily or through their work.
Is There An Energetic Match Between Kindred Spirits?
Kindred spirits have a special connection if not an intense relationship! Most importantly, he or she who charges you up and pushes you towards your soul purpose is a kindred soul.
He or she might be someone you meet regularly or someone you observe from a distance, for instance, a YouTuber whose videos instills inspiration in your heart. Without any doubt, kindred spirits have a strong connection. Your souls connect effortlessly.
25 Kindred Spirits Signs
1. Kindred Spirits appear in your life in times of your need
It might seem weird but kindred souls do enter your life when you desperately need them! A kindred friendship can suddenly bloom in unexpected situations. Because they come to assist you. Most importantly, you will find your kindred friends when you least expect them! If the person is your relative they might call you up out of the blue or come to meet you suddenly when you are feeling low.
The conversation with such people will charge you up immediately! Or if your kindred soul is an author you might suddenly get to see some of his lines that will give you an answer you were seeking. Maybe your kindred soul is a YouTuber who will create the exact video that you needed to watch! Simply put, a kindred spirit will arrive in your life exactly when you need them.
2. They will help you grow and move forward in life
Kindred spirits help in the growth process. They are not your usual friends who you hang out with and do the same things time again. If someone shares a kindred connection with you they will break your monotonous routine. Therefore, they will help you to expand your thought process. Your kindred connection will challenge you to think and do better in life.
3. Kindred Spirits will help you learn
These souls enter your life to impart wisdom. Their words or actions will teach you the important lessons of life. They will enable you to grow. Most importantly, you will become more knowledgeable because of them.
4. Kindred Spirits have similar values like you
It’s really fascinating that your kindred soul will have similar virtues as yourself. Besides that, your beliefs and principles of life are almost the same. Therefore, they will create a strong attraction and respect in your mind.
5. Kindred Spirits energize you
These people have the natural capacity to make an instant connection with you. These people will boost you up with positivity. Besides that, they raise your energy levels. Kindred souls have a natural ability to energize each other.
6. They understand you
Another striking characteristic of the kindred connections is that they understand each other. You don’t have to explain yourself to them. They just read your mind instantly. Your kindred relation is an energetic match with you. Therefore, they just know what you are going through.
7. They will have your back
An important sign if someone is your kindred connection is that this person will always have your back. Kindred friends will be your pillars of support because they will always motivate you. They will boost you up especially in days of despair when you feel like quitting. Your kindred friends are always your support system.
8. Kindred Spirits make you feel alive
Interacting with your kindred connections will make you feel livelier. They will make you happier and most importantly, make you realize your true essence. A kindred relation would be the reason you wake up everyday! Because you will really look forward to seeing them again.
9. They make you feel at ease
A kindred spirit connection always gives you ease. It is a relationship where there is no pretension. Both of you will express yourselves fully. Therefore, you can look at their eyes and say something unhesitatingly. If they do not know you still their words or presence bring you immediately at home. You rely on them and love to do what they suggest!
10. They make you feel that feeling in your gut
These people are your soul connections. Therefore, intuitively you know that they are your soul tribe. You trust them and them on you if they know you. They give you the gut feeling that they are good for you. You realize that they have come to your life with a mission. Most importantly, they are here to make you a better version of yourself.
11. Kindred Spirits make your life better
After they enter your life, you are never like before! Therefore, these folks transform your life. Either they come while you are on a journey to self growth or after they enter most certainly you begin a journey to personal development. Their words, ideas and presence will enrich your life.
12. They make you feel stronger
A kindred soul will make you feel stronger. This person will motivate you so much that you begin to see that side of you which you never knew existed! You become courageous to explore your life. Therefore, you speak more confidently and do things that you would not have imagined to do earlier.
13. He will enter your life as a lifesaver
This might sound silly, but your kindred soul will be a “hero” in your life. She/he will enter your life when it’s all messy and problematic. And then they will sort out your problems.
Your kindred spirit will have a solution to your woes. He directly or indirectly will help you move out of tight spots. The kindred soul brings positivity and goodness in your life. He might help you to recover from your past hurts, traumas, addictions and the like. A kindred soul is bound to bring a positive influence in your life. You will consider them as a lifesaver, as a “hero” who protects and fights for you.
14. You have similar thought process
It would seem incredible to you how much your thinking patterns are similar. Almost always the two of you will share the same opinion on matters. You would have similar interests and like the same people and things. It would amaze you sometimes that you support the same cause or applaud for the same team!
15. Kindred spirits are their greatest cheerleaders
Your kindred friends will be your greatest cheerleaders. They will be delighted and more excited than you when you achieve something in life. Also, you will have the same feeling about them. There won’t be jealousy or competition between you and your kindred friend.
16. Both of you would be compatible signs in Zodiac
If you are a little traditional you might as well consult your zodiac signs for the compatibility factor. And you will be surprised to see that both of your zodiac signs are a perfect match!
17. You will have mutual respect
You and your kindred friend will love and respect each other. So much that you won’t be able to stand if someone says anything bad about the other. And you will respect their actions and words. Even if they are your age or younger you will honor this person.
18. You will blindly trust each other
Kindred relationships are based on strong trustworthiness. You don’t have to explain things to each other. The two of you believe one another without even asking for it!
19. You complete each other
Kindred spirits sometimes fall in love but such relationships might not always be a romantic one. But it’s always a deep connection. It’s like the two of you fit together and bond so well people around you could also sense that. You have a soul connection that charms everyone around you. It’s like the two of you are inseparables. You are an energetic match for sure. One completes the other in a kindred relationship.
20. You long for that person
There is a strong attachment in this kind of relationship. The two of you can talk for hours and if your kindred soul gets busy or the two of you cannot keep in touch for a few days you will miss each other. The two souls would crave for one another.
21. There is a lot of laughter and joy after you meet Kindred Spirits
After your kindred spirit enters your life, he/she fills it with laughter and happiness. Literally, you are so happy all the time. You go to places together, have fun, and suddenly you realize life is so much fun.
22. Synchronicities start happening in your life
After the meeting of the kindred spirits so many amazing things start to happen. Wonderful opportunities come flying on your way, you network with the right people, the ideal job is offered to you.
Simply put, it seems like suddenly luck is on your side, things happen in your favor. You might find a romantic partner, form special connections, or fall in love with your soul mate.
23. Some friends leave you
Just before the kindred soul appears in your life some of your friends leave you. Your toxic friends and harmful influences either leave you or you will sever ties with them. It’s like a space is created in your life for the kindred soul to arrive.
24. You go through a lot of self-reflection
Either before or after the kindred relationship is formed, you are bound to go into a deep self reflection process. You start asking deeper questions and start pondering on the meaning of life. Maybe you search for a life purpose. You seek a genuine friendship with a person who loves and supports you unconditionally.
25. You might go through the Dark Night
Before the kindred spirit arrives in your life you might have to face a lot of pain and struggles. Often, it is seen a person goes through the Dark Night of the Soul before meeting his kindred relations. The tough days prepare you for a better life journey and the kindred soul becomes your guide.
Do Kindred Spirits Fall In Love?
Kindred spirits have good bonding. But it could be just that! Not all such people fall in love! Kindred connections are not always romantic because they could be a family member or a close friend as well. Besides that, they could be a celebrity whose work will act as a kindred spirit connection.
So, your kindred connection might not even know you in person! Also your life partner, however, loveable might not be a kindred soul for you. Therefore, don’t search kindred connection in your romantic relationship. Because that person may or may not be your, kindred soul.
Kindred Spirits and Soul Mates
Kindred spirits and Soul mates are often different. A kindred spirit ignites your soul but he or she might not make you weak in your knees. They might not make your heart beat faster.
A kindred spirit makes an instant connection to your soul. Then again, a Soul mate or a twin flame is also said to have a soul connection with you. Most importantly, a Soul mate is a rare person that you encounter once in your lifetime. Whereas, kindred connections could be multiple people in your life.
Kindred spirit VS Soul mate –
Kindred Spirit | Soul mate |
1. Have an instant connection. | 1. Might or might not have an instant connection. Often they form a bond over time. |
2. They may or may not know each other. | 2 They know each other personally. |
3. They might or might not have intense chemistry. | 3 They have an intense chemistry that will be perceived by everyone around them. |
4. Kindred spirits most often are not your romantic partner. | 4 Soul mates are always romantic partners. |
5. They are usually multiple in numbers and they can enter and leave from your life in different situations, circumstances, and phases. | 5 A Soul mate is usually a rare person whom you most probably can meet only once in your lifetime. |
10 Ways to Identify Kindred Spirits
Kindred spirits meet on a purpose. This meeting happens to awaken one or both of these souls. Kindred souls start entering your life when you are ready.
Here are 10 ways you can find your kindred spirits –
1. Practice self-love
When you immerse yourself in self love all the beautiful things in life happen! Until you love yourself none of the loving relationships will flourish in your life. Therefore, when you consciously shower yourself with love and compassion you will be amazed to find kindred souls entering in your life.
2. Start working on your Soul purpose
A great way to find kindred spirits is by walking on your true purpose. Each of us has come to this world with a mission. When you identify your reason for existence several souls will come in your life to guide and motivate you.
Therefore, start reflecting on your purpose. What is it that gives you joy and makes you feel alive? Start doing that. Eventually you will identify your soul purpose. As you walk on your true path kindred connections are bound to happen.
3. Bring positive shifts in your life
Work on developing your mindset. Because your life changes as you change your thought processes. Implement positive thoughts and actions in life. As you bring positivity in your life kindred spirit connections would be formed.
4. Be yourself
The easiest way to manifest kindred friends is by exhibiting your true character. Often we show off and build a false image in social media. We do it to impress others. But the fact is, the more you represent yourself falsely you inhibit good connections to form. If you are really interested to have intense relationships with like-minded people, therefore, be willing to show your true self.
5. Grow and develop
Start your self-development journey. Besides that, make a commitment to become your better version every day! When you are in the process of growth kindred connections will be formed. They will come to assist you in your self-improvement.
6 Help others
When you serve others life becomes meaningful. It is then your kindred relation can appear in your life. Maybe you will meet a kindred spirit while supporting a cause. Or they will just come to you as a reward for all your good deeds.
7. Smile more
Don’t be so serious that you forget to smile. Keep smiling at people, you never know when you look at your kindred soul and they smile back at you.
8. Practice meditation
Meditation is a great practice that’s not only good for health but it raises your intuition. You become more aware of the people around you. Those who meditate daily are more mindful. You can recognize your kindred spirit if you are calm and mindful of the incidents going on in your life.
9. Do things that give you joy
One of the easiest ways to find a kindred spirit is by filling your heart with joy. Do things that make you happy. Try doing things for fun, do things you are excited about. Keep some time out of your busy schedule to pursue a hobby.
10. Offer gratitude
Gratitude is said to be the strongest tool to manifest things you desire. If you are in a quest to find your kindred spirit connections, offer gratitude to the things, people and opportunities you already have in your life. Write down 5 things you are grateful for every day. A grateful heart always finds things they desire.
Kindred Spirit Test
Here’s a personality test for you to check if you have found your kindred spirit!
Check it here!
Kindred Spirit Quotes
1. “Kindred spirits alone do not change with the changing years.”
― Lucy Maud Montgomery
2. “The most intriguing people you will encounter in this life are the people who had insights about you, that you didn’t know about yourself.”
― Shannon L. Alder
3. “To discover a kindred spirit is to find your heart in the heart of a friend.”
― Ann Parrish
4. “You are the ruler of my heart. There is no measure greater than this.”
― Truth Devour
5. “You bypass hundreds of people and never really click, then you pass just one and everything changes. Life is magical like that, whether you share a lifetime or just a mere second.. those souls come to awaken the core.
They are kindred angels disguised as humans without wings.”
― Nikki rowe
6. “I’m kind of in love with the idea that kindred spirits stay connected no matter the distance between them.”
― Shannon Lee Alexander
7. “Kindred of spirit is all that matters.”
― Bert McCoy
8. “Let’s never stop searching for our Kindred souls, The ones that take us from the darkness of the night to the daybreak of hope.”
― Mimi Novic
9. “It’s so warm,” he said. “I love inside.”
“Inside is the best,” Elena said. “Let’s never go outside again.”
― Rainbow Rowell
10. “Kindred spirits are not so scarce as I used to think. It’s splendid to find out there are so many of them in the world. “
– Lucy Maud Montgomery
11. “People who feel empowered by your presence become kindred spirits.”
– Wayne Dyer
Closing Thoughts
Kindred spirits are people who are your vibrational match! These people are those who improve your soul in its journey. This relationship is sometimes compared with ice-cream because its sweet, flavorful and gives you joy!
Your kindred connection will help you grow as well as enjoy the ride. Most importantly, this person is a special connection who may or may not be your soul mate.
Ishita is a published author, poet and freelance writer. Being an avid reader from early childhood, she has always loved books more than anything else in the world! At the start of her career, she has worked in the corporate as well as the academic sector being a double master's degree holder - M.Sc and MBA. But now she is a fulltime writer. She believes words have immense power and writers can make a huge impact in the world! She wants to bring positivity into the lives of the readers through her association with TheMindFool.