Most humans utilize the five senses of sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. Although we are also blessed with another sense often referred to as the sixth sense or our intuition. But for most people, this sense isn’t active at all.
Claircognizance is the ability of some people who can perceive more than what could be perceived by the five senses. It is the intuitive ability or the power of clear-knowing or divine knowing about ideas and incidents beforehand.
What is Claircognizance?
Claircognizance is an ability of a few people who can perceive situations through intuition or gut feeling.
Most people are looking for answers, seeking solutions and tired in their efforts to process what’s really good for them. On the contrary, there are few who just know what’s right and what’s not! They have inner guidance or a strong intuitive capacity by which they perceive more than the others.
Claircognizance is the uncommon ability to receive intuitive information almost all the time. People gifted with this ability are said to be Claircognizant. They are believed to have spirit guides that indicate the outcome of a situation for them.
The gift of claircognizance comes with powerful gut instincts and psychic ability. These people realize the truth of a situation and can process the thoughts of people or animals!
Explaining the 4 Clairs
There are different types of psychic abilities. To completely understand Claircognizance you must also know what the other Clairs are. These are –
1. Clairaudience: The clairaudient clear hearing is the ability to hear the inner voice.
2. Clairsentience: The ability to sense or feel claircognizance messages through touch or emotions.
3. Clairvoyance: Seeing visions or images or symbolic indications of a future incident. Most Mediums or Channelers are clairvoyant-clairaudient. It means they have both clairvoyance and clairaudience abilities.
4. Claircognizance: Knowing an incident, intention or occurrence without any evidence at all. It’s the ability to know the outcome of future events.
Claircognizance and Clairsentience
The ability of clear sensing is termed as clairsentience. Individuals with this capability can sense the energy around them. They have an inherent power to feel the energy of people, animals, buildings, objects and the land itself! This feeling does not come from the five senses. Rather this feeling comes from the gut!
On the other hand, claircognizance refers to clear knowing. This is totally different from clairvoyance, clairaudience or clairsentience because here the psychic just “know” something without feeling, seeing or hearing! They come to know information from various sources such as the Universe, spirit guides or angelic confirmations.
What is a Psychic Reading?
It is an attempt to process information by using clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, claircognizance, etc. It is paranormal-based advice or consultation given by a psychic. These readings are usually offered against a fee. Psychic reading although controversial is very popular nowadays!
What is a Claircognizant Empath?
A Claircognizant Empath is someone who can channel both their heart and intellect. As a result, they are great advisers to others. Because they just know what needs to be done!
Claircognizant Signs
Reading all this and wondering if you are a Claircognizant? Well, keep reading then to know if you are one! The following are 12 signs of claircognizance ability.
1. Claircognizant person has strong gut instincts
A Claircognizant will always have a strong gut instinct. They seem to have answers to questions. If you are one then you will have a psychic sense about what’s right and what’s wrong, what should be done or what should be avoided. Such people have a gut feeling and a strong sense of intuitive abilities.
2. Claircognizant person can predict the outcomes
Do sudden visions or images pop into your mind suddenly out of the blue? Have you ever sensed something and later it was proved to be true? If in some way you can sense or predict the future happenings it could be that you are a Claircognizant! Having intuitive senses and psychic gifts to receive messages about a future occurrence are signs that you are claircognizant.
3. You can understand if someone is lying
It’s no use to lie to a claircognizant! Because they can sense it at once. If you can always feel when someone is lying to you it is because you have an ability of Claircognizance. As a Claircognizant you will immediately sense if someone is dishonest, distrustful, insincere or untrustworthy.
4. You can sense the energy of others
From childhood, you could just feel the energy of places and people! You can perceive and differentiate the vibes of people and even places, animals or objects!
5. Claircognizant person have a psychic ability to perceive solutions to problems
Your claircognizant skills will allow you to get solutions to your own or other people’s situations! The solution to a problem comes to you so suddenly that you even interrupt people in the conversation. This psychic ability allows you to come up with uncanny solutions to severe problems. You just don’t think much about it but it comes to you spontaneously.
6. You spend a lot of time thinking and reflecting on ideas.
Are you a deep thinker? Do you think about the finer spiritual aspects of life? Claircognizant people spend a lot of their time thinking and analyzing various aspects of life.
7. Claircognizant person have a bunch of ideas coming
If you are a Claircognizant, thought or idea about situations will always come to you! Your emotions and feelings are your strongest gifts. You are always receiving information from the Source or Higher Power through your thoughts and ideas.
8. You enjoy the process of analyzing and logical thinking
A Claircognizant loves to analyze and logically process all information. Their logical part of the brain is extremely effective. So, if you have Claircognizance ability you will be able to logically think about everything. Although you have the psychic gift of intuitive abilities and your mind can process beyond logical evidence, you are quite capable of logical thinking as well.
9. Claircognizant person is a writer by passion and profession
If you have chosen writing as a living, chances are that you have Claircognizance ability! Writers, poets, songwriters are often Claircognizant!
10. Claircognizant person is an empath
So, are you empathetic towards the world and its people? Do you feel the pain and suffering of others? Claircognizant people are empaths and that is why they are affected by other people’s energy! If you do not protect your energy you will feel energetically drained. This is because of your ability to connect with other people’s vibes.
11. People come to you for guidance
Your friends and others seek your advice at times of need. They feel comfortable to speak about their troubles to you and also rely on you. They believe that you have a strong gut feeling!
12. Claircognizant person prefers self-learning
Are you someone who relies more on self-learning rather than the traditional education system? If you are always into personal growth and continuous learning through books and other resources you are a Claircognizant. Because such people have taken education in their own hands and love to enrich themselves constantly.
Claircognizance Test!
Want to test if you have intuitive gifts? Click on this link to test if you possess any of the four “Clairs”!
How to Develop Claircognizance Ability
Each of us does have intuitive ability. Although some are gifted with strong intuitive powers still others are not completely devoid of this quality! As a matter of fact, we all can develop our intuition or claircognizance ability. The following are some ways you can develop this skill if you are really interested in this.
Pendulum dowsing
This is a powerful method to develop self-insight. In this technique, a crystal or a rock is tied in a chain or string. Next, a prayer is said to the spirit guides or the all-knowing Soul.
Now a question is asked to the pendulum and it is allowed to swing. You can ask a question, let it swing and then wait for a “yes” or “no”. Start with a simple question in the beginning. Gradually as you become more confident you can ask some difficult questions that are bothering you.
The daily meditative practice raises your intuitive capabilities. You will develop a sense of knowing things before they unfold in reality. Through daily practice of meditation, you will become more aware of the happenings in your life. You will get answers to your questions and solutions to problems while meditating.
Automatic writing
It is a great method by which you can develop your clear knowing ability. Take a specific question and write it in your journal. Do some prayer or meditation to seek guidance from your Soul and then just write whatever comes to your mind without conscious thinking. Don’t analyze while you are writing. Just pour out the thoughts that are coming to your mind. You will enter a trance-like state. Don’t stop writing until you feel that you have written it all!
Always do it in a quiet place where nobody can disturb you and switch off your electronic gadgets while writing. It could take 10-30 minutes or more to do this.
Spend time alone
We are so occupied with our cell phones that our mind is always restless. We do not wait, observe or reflect. As a result, we are detached from our inner selves. Our intuition gets buried within the traps of social media and other attractions. We sleepwalk through life without pausing to observe what’s really happening!
To develop your intuition you must spend some time alone. Go for a walk in nature or just close your eyes and just do nothing. Stay away from the internet for a few hours every day and slowly you will also develop claircognizance.
Give a specific request to your Subconscious
Another technique that really works is asking the super-powerful Subconscious mind for a solution. The Subconscious mind is most active at night before you fall asleep. It is the time you are in the junction of awareness and unawareness.
Ask a question to yourself at night before falling asleep. You will be amazed to get an answer if not the next morning but within a few days. Using the power of your Subconscious mind is an effective strategy to tap into your intuitive capacity.
Just remember that through practice and awareness you too can strengthen your intuition even if you are not blessed with psychic gifts. It is always a good idea to pay attention to your surroundings. Often this consciousness develops our intuitive capabilities.
Not only the ascended masters but ordinary people can also develop their sixth sense through deliberate practice. Practice calmness and do a lot of meditation. Each night before going to sleep close your eyes and feel your inner essence. Gradually you would develop your claircognizance.
Final Thoughts
Claircognizance is the special ability to perceive more than the five senses. Those who are blessed with this gift are called claircognizant. You can find out if you are a claircognizant from this article! Also, if you aren’t one you can still develop claircognizance using the techniques discussed here. If you really want to have psychic abilities you must start with setting an intention.
So, whether you are born with psychic gifts or not you can still develop your claircognizant abilities.
Also read -> How to harness your mind power
Ishita is a published author, poet and freelance writer. Being an avid reader from early childhood, she has always loved books more than anything else in the world! At the start of her career, she has worked in the corporate as well as the academic sector being a double master's degree holder - M.Sc and MBA. But now she is a fulltime writer. She believes words have immense power and writers can make a huge impact in the world! She wants to bring positivity into the lives of the readers through her association with TheMindFool.