Birds have a charm of their own. They are free and fly anywhere they want. Maybe this is why we are attracted to birds of different shapes and colors. The melodious songs of birds captivate our hearts so much that poets all over the world have written poems on these beautiful creatures. Sadly this cannot be said about the crows. What with their black color, harsh tone, most people do not like them at all! What’s more crow symbolism is often associated with bad luck and black magic! But is it true? Let’s find out!
Crow Meaning – What do Crows Mean?
Crow bird is related to the great mysteries of life. If you see crows around, you need to pay attention to the messages they bring. They are associated with both positive & negative symbolic meanings. Crows are usually related to dark omen & death in mythology. It is all how you choose to interpret their meaning.
Crow Symbolism – What Do Crows Symbolize?
Crows are said to be wise creatures with foresight. They are said to have the capacity to realize future happenings. Crow spirit animal is a symbol of transformation. Crows can provide you important insights for your current and future circumstances. They are also said to be a symbol of change that is required.
Crow spiritual meaning is that you have received a clear message on what actions you must take. Your path is shown to you. Be ready to take action and stay open to changes about to happen in your life.
Crow Spirit Animal
Black crows were considered as a spirit animal in ancient cultures of the world. It is often associated with magic, mysteries, intellect, and foresight.
The crow spirit animal signifies wisdom for this black feathered creature is extremely intelligent. It urges you to be determined on your goals and stay fearless.
This bird symbolizes insight or an ability to see and think from a higher level. If the crow is your spirit animal, you would be blessed to see far beyond your current circumstances. The crow spirit, animal denotes intelligence, observation, intuition, and accurate observation of facts.
Crow Totem Animal
When you have this animal totem, you are a creative person. Often you are perceived as eccentric because of your unusual ways of handling things.
You are insightful and observe things minutely. When change is needed you go through the most effortless transformation.
Crow animal totems are unusual and rare. But it also teaches you to be empathetic towards other people.
Crow Power Animal
Crow spirit animal is also supposed to be a power animal. In addition to its many qualities these wise creatures are said to have protective nature. Crows build their nests and ward away powerful enemies, so they are protective in nature.
Crow power animals help us to protect ourselves and our loved ones. It also gives you the power to imagine bigger and better in life.
Crow Spiritual Meaning
In different cultures crows have different spiritual meanings. Let us study some of these cultural symbolisms.
Native American symbolism
The Native Americans have mostly depicted crows or ravens as wise creatures. In the Northern American cultures a story is quite popular about how from the heavens the wise crows brought down fire. Although, there are references of it being a trickster doing mischiefs.
The Native Americans considered crow clans with respect. To them crows were creatures that cleaned both the land as well as the mind. In their folklore, you will see how crows have been portrayed as an intelligent bird.
While many cultures consider crow as a dark omen, the Native Americans saw these black birds as a symbol of good luck and fortune. Even the Native American tribes consulted the crows for wisdom in their hours of need. The movements and postures of crows were observed to predict solutions to life situations.
Christianity symbolism
In the Christian beliefs we find there is confusion between crows and ravens. There is a mention of this creature in The Bible where Noah releases a crow from his Ark to check if the flood had subsided or not. Mostly, the Christians considered crows as a death omen. It has also been associated with witches in fairy-tales.
Celtic Symbolism
The Celtics believed this black colored bird to be a sign of good omens. Crows were considered to be messengers from prophets and angels. The crows were thought to be birds of wisdom that carried secrets in their wings.
To the Celtics, crows represent wisdom and individuality.
Crow Spirit Animal Mythology & Folklore
Myths and folklores depict crows sometimes as a decent while sometimes as an evil creature symbolizing death and dark. Let us see what the different cultures have mentioned about the crow spirit animal.
The warrior goddess Morrighan can take the form of a crow. According to the Celtic mythology when three crows come together the goddess is watching you!
According to Greek mythology crows are wise and are blessed with the ability to foresee incidents. This bird is a symbol of Apollo.
In Welsh mythology there are ample references of witches transforming into crows or ravens and escaping. Crows are therefore symbols of black magic and evilness.
In Indian mythology, there are many instances of depicting the intelligence of crows. Kakabhusandi is the crow who sits on the branches of a wish-fulfilling tree called Kalpataru. There is also reference to a story involving a crow in Ramayana. Lord Rama blessed the crow with the power to foresee and communicate with the souls.
In the Chinese legend, crows have been depicted as a good omen. Crow symbolism is represented as a three-legged bird that helped the sun on its journey.
In Chinese and Japanese myths, crows are popular. There is a myth of Crow Tengu in Japan. These crows were once the priests who then had fallen. Later they learned their lessons and started serving as messengers.
What does it mean when you see a Crow? – Number of Crows Meaning?
Whenever a particular animal shows up in your life frequently you should pay attention to it because it can be a spiritual sign. Animal spirit guides enter our lives to convey an important message from the spirit realm. Therefore, if you see these black-feathered birds often, it is a sign that the Universe wants to tell you something.
There are different interpretations for the number of crows you watch. Here are some. Do not panic if you get to see the numbers of crows with unlucky messages. The bad news can act as warnings and you can always stay protected to stop any bad incident from happening in your life!
Here is the number of crows – meaning and interpretation.
1 Crow Meaning
If you see a solitary crow sitting somewhere close to you it can signify to carry a message from your near one who died recently.
2 Crows Meaning
Crows are mysterious creatures that carry messages. When you see two crows sitting near your home it signifies some good news is on your way.
3 Crows Meaning
Three crows near your house or on your way indicate an upcoming wedding in your family.
4 Crows Meaning
If you see four crows it symbolizes wealth and prosperity.
5 Crows Meaning
If you see five crows around, it can mean diseases or pain.
6 Crows Meaning
This again is an unlucky sign. It signifies a theft in your house!
7 Crows Meaning
It denotes travel or moving from your house.
8 Crows Meaning
This signifies sorrowful events.
Dead Crow Meaning & Symbolism
Encountering a dead crow indicates you are not courageous enough to speak the truth.
What does it mean when a crow lands on you?
If a crow has landed on your head, it means it is urging you to reflect on your life. Leave any beliefs that are not serving you. Be open for changes and shifts in life.
Symbolism based on Color
White Crow Meaning & Symbolism
The white crow (albino) symbolizes that your past karma is about to get you an unexpected result. Based on whether you did something good or bad, you will get a return.
Black Crow Meaning & Symbolism
It symbolizes internal changes and growth. The black color of the bird denotes the dark days that are about to be over and bright, new days will appear soon.
Crow Cawing Meaning
Because these black-feathered creatures are often regarded as mysterious messengers in many cultures its cawing is believed to convey a message. Crows are said to be able to connect between this physical realm and the spiritual one. So, its cawing has specific meanings. It can caw at you for numerous reasons, good or bad.
So what does it mean when a crow makes the “caw caw” sound? Here are some explanations we gathered.
When one crow caws
It is said to bring bad luck when a single crow shows up and caws continuously.
When two crows caw
It is a good sign as it denotes some good news or good fortune for you.
When three crows caw
This symbolizes that you would be blessed with good health.
When four crows caw
It represents prosperity and abundance on your way.
When five crows caw
This is definitely bad news. Something bad is about to happen or you can suffer from ill health.
When a group of crows caw
When multiple crows’ caws it symbolizes death can pay a visit in the household.
Crow Feather Meaning
The feather of crow represents balance and intelligence. Crows are not the best fliers but it has great balance and if you try to catch it will fly away swiftly. The feathers also symbolize releasing past beliefs and being open to new situations.
Crow in dream
Dreams about birds have a deeper, spiritual meaning. As we have discussed, meanings attached to crows vary in different cultures. Crows are thought to be bad omens in some cultures while some consider it as good.
Some people believe seeing crows in dreams are an indication of misfortune or receiving bad news. If you are stuck in bad relationships, the crow spirit animal can appear in your dreams to indicate danger.
If a crow bites you in the dream it signifies you have pent up anger issues.
Crow standing and watching you mean you are trying to conceal something.
If you have dreamed about a crow flying it signifies to chase your dreams. Flying crows in your dreams are positive signs.
Destroying crows in a dream symbolizes ending your negative thoughts and beliefs.
In a dream if you see only the eye of a crow it indicates that you only have physical attraction in your relationship.
If crow nests in your dream it indicates opportunities on your way.
Eating crows in your dream signifies financial abundance.
When you dream of chasing a crow it denotes you are scared of the consequences of your current actions.
Dreaming about a crow following you indicates happiness and positive changes.
If you see crows in your dreams it can signify change and transformation in your life. It’s a sign you are holding some limiting beliefs that need to be released for your personal growth.
A dead crow in your dream means you are about to get rid of your problems sooner.
Having a dream of a crow feeding on flesh reveals the spirits of your ancestors are protecting you.
But seeing a flock of crows in a dream is said to be a sign of death in your family.
A crow hitting on your head suggests your family is not happy with you.
Killing or murder of crows in your dream symbolizes your strong willpower.
A dream about feeding a crow suggests your subconscious desire to help the needy.
Seeing a crow on fire denotes the end of your struggles and new opportunities.
Having a dream of a baby crow indicates profits to be earned.
If you see a gigantic crow in your dreams it symbolizes huge problems overtaking you.
When you dream about a crow in a cage appears in dreams to urge you to be more grateful.
Based on psychoanalysis seeing crows in dreams is an indication of death as the bird feeds on carcasses.
Crow Tattoo Meaning
Colorful bird tattoo designs are quite on demand. Although most tattoo lovers will rather prefer peacocks or parrots than a crow. This is because crow symbolism is often thought of as a representation of the dark. Most people avoid crow tattoos mainly because of the notion it is an omen of death. Also, the black color seems to be less appealing to most people.
Those who are bold enough to experiment request for a crow tattoo. Because the poem, “The Raven” by Edgar Allan Poe is famous, tattoo artists often make crow or raven designs along with the poet’s face! These tattoos are mostly black or grey in colors although some colorful varieties are also seen.
Some creative crow tattoos are –
Flying crows
A full black crow is mostly done on the arms with little shades of gray.
Crow at the heart
A tattoo of a crow near your heart can be a loving symbol for you that will act as a reminder that you are always open to good changes.
Crow and Human Relationships
Animal Behavior scientists have found many similarities between a crow and human behavior. Both crows and humans can adapt to any habitat. Like us, crows live in small groups and they often gather together to socialize.
Crows have always been a nuisance to the farmers. Again they act as a natural cleaning agent of our neighborhood. Crows are scavengers feeding on human and animal dead during wars and natural calamities, disasters etc.
Crows have been an element of mystery, magic, darkness and death in our stories and movies.
Crow Astrology
According to Native American astrology, people born in the time span of 23rd September and 22nd October have the Crow as their zodiac signs.
People born under the crow sign are curious, energetic and have personal integrity. They are not easily influenced and have a satisfying social life. Crow star signs are always hustling.
These people are die-hard romantics and have an inborn charming personality. They are peaceful and beneficial in nature.
The only drawback in this sign is when in love they tend to overlook the flaws in their partners.
Some amazing facts about Crows
• Scientific researches have proved that crow’s brain/body ratio is similar to that of chimpanzees and so they are extremely intelligent birds.
• This blackbird has been found to have clear thought processes and even problem-solving skills similar to humans!
• It has an ability to observe things quietly.
• They have social skills and community behavior.
• These birds are helpful in nature as they give alarm calls to other animals whenever a predator is around.
• Crows can remember faces and have strong memories.
• This bird is unusual in many ways. They have been reported to bring gifts or treasures to people who have been kind to them.
How to know if a crow is your spirit animal?
To find out if crow is your spirit animal, ask these questions to yourself.
Have you found these black colored birds fascinating as a child?
Is it that crows fly near to you often?
Has crows flew near you recently?
Is there any particular story or movie involving a crow that has a strong impact on you?
Have you seen crows in your dream?
Do you feel crows come to give you a message?
Are you someone who can come up with unusual, unique solutions to problems?
Has a friend or family ever mentioned you as wise or even psychic?
Do you like trying new, unusual foods?
Are you comfortable hanging around with a large group of people?
Reading this article, are you getting amazed and excited at the facts?
If your answer to one or more of these questions is “yes”, most probably crow is your spirit animal!
The Crow Quotes
1. “Nothing is unreal as long as you can imagine like a crow.”
– Munia Khan
2. “To shoot at a crow is powder flung away.”
– Unknown
3. “The crow wished everything was black, the owl that everything was white.”
– William Blake
4. “If men had wings and bore black feathers, few of them would be clever enough to be crows.”
– Rev. Henry Ward Beecher
5. “And the crow once called the raven black.”
– George R.R. Martin
6. “If crow speaks to the fox, he speaks to him from the top of the tree.”
– Charles de Leusse
7. “I’m not a serpent, Father. I’m a crow.”
– Eli Easton
8. “What are you doing to me?” he asked the crow, tearful. Teaching you how to fly. “I can’t fly!’ You’re flying right now. “I’m falling!” Every flight begins with a fall, the crow said.”
– George R.R. Martin
9. “Her voice was stark as a winter crow.”
– John Sandford
10. “People once believed that when someone dies, a crow carries their soul to the land of the dead. But sometimes, something so bad happens that a terrible sadness is carried with it and the soul can’t rest. Then sometimes, just sometimes, the crow can bring the soul back to put the wrong things right.”
– James O’Barr
Closing Thoughts
Crows are misunderstood creatures. They are often linked with mystery, darkness, death, and wizardry. But crows are unique in their ways. They are intelligent and beneficial. Crow spirit animal is a symbol of change and wisdom. It offers protection and conveys messages from the spirit realm.
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Ishita is a published author, poet and freelance writer. Being an avid reader from early childhood, she has always loved books more than anything else in the world! At the start of her career, she has worked in the corporate as well as the academic sector being a double master's degree holder - M.Sc and MBA. But now she is a fulltime writer. She believes words have immense power and writers can make a huge impact in the world! She wants to bring positivity into the lives of the readers through her association with TheMindFool.