Life is unpredictable! But we all need to sort it out no matter what. And this is where we come across the concept of – Life Skills. Well, all of us juggle so many balls daily, throughout our lives. Of course, this might be easy for some and overwhelming for others.
But the question is – in which category do you fall? And if your answer is latter, then there is good news for you. Yes, there are certain life skills that can change the game. Hence, with these basic skills, you will be able to deal with your life in a much better way.
So, gear up to acquire new life skills and to brush up the old ones. Here we go …
Life Skills – the Concept
Life Skills are acquirable skills that are crucial to deal effectively with our daily life stances. This includes everything from maintaining health, having a budget to being self aware.
Do you feel like you are losing your control over life? Like, various things seem overwhelming. Or, maybe, you are sans mental peace. And instances like money trouble, bad health, cluttered homes and less time are daily scenes. Well, this might be because of the lack of certain essential life skills. Clearly, these basic skills seem to be very ordinary. But are part and parcel of a smooth life. So, lets see …
What is Life Skills?
Life Skills are acquirable skills that are crucial to deal effectively with our daily life stances. In other words, basic skills we need in everyday life to fully participate in all its aspects are known as Life Skills.
This includes everything from maintaining health, having a budget to being self aware. So, let’s go through this master list of some essential Life Skills that can change your life –
100 Life Skills that You Need to Have
Okay, learning these essential life skills will not give you a merit badge. But will surely make you a smarter grown up and a better yourself! So, note these vital skills that are compiled under various heads or aspects of one’s life. Here we go …
Personal Care Life Skills
This sphere includes the skills that are needed for your basic personal care. Thus, from health to schedule, all your crucial needs are covered here.
- Personal Health
Health is Wealth – you repeated it umpteenth times in childhood. But have you followed it? Well, this is the right time! Basically, your personal health skills include maintaining your Sleep Cycle, exercise and nutrition in an efficient way. And you can adopt this well with a little practice.
- Self Grooming and Hygiene
Of course, you’d not like to look like a homeless person with an ungroomed and stinky appearance. And salons are not always an option. So, it is crucial to learn basic self-grooming and hygiene maintenance skills. And with some practice, you’ll love yourself for being a pro in it.
- Maintaining a Proper Schedule
Everything gets messy with a messed up schedule. So, start with a well-planned and proper schedule. This will help you in managing your time and chores quite well. But mind it – make it realistic. So, don’t overdo in excitement. Simply, analyze your day and have proper time allotted to everything.
- Basic Discipline
You were about to start working out last weekend. And, as always, you procrastinated. Well, why? Because you are lacking the basic discipline. So, start following basic discipline in your life. And you will soon find everything getting in their place.
- Having Personal Medicinal Information
When was the last time you had a health checkup? If you can’t really remember, there’s a red flag. As an adult, you need to have a clear idea of your personal medicinal information. It includes your ongoing and past treatments, medicines or therapies you’re undergoing, your allergies, etc. Basically, everything about your health which you can’t rely upon a stranger.
- Self-Growth
You’re here means that you are willing to grow. And that’s really good news. Because self-growth is a really important skill. You need to adapt changes and develop yourself accordingly. For this, self-growth skills are essential.
House Keeping Life Skills
Well, this is like a really underestimated part. But you really need these. Afterall, your home keeping takes a great chunk of your life. And you should enjoy it, right?
- How to Cook?
No doubt, you can’t survive without eating. And the same can be the case with cooking in certain unexpected conditions. So, make sure you have your hands in basic cooking. At least, enough to feed yourself. It includes using basic kitchen appliances, preparing healthy meals, and maybe making some treats for you!
- Do It Yourself Repairs
DIYs are in trend already. And surely for a reason. Because you can’t always get help for fixing your things. So, you need to learn basic sewing, reusing old stuff, constructing, repairing, etc. The best thing is – you’ll not need to hire someone in an emergency or negotiate with them on high prices.
- Basic Home Making
It’s your home. So, make it inhabitable! Well, unfolded sheets, piles of clothes, shoes on the desk and so on can be really frustrating. Thus, it is crucial to know basic home making for a smooth lifestyle. It can be anything from making your bed, managing your clothes, cleaning, and so on.
- Laundry
Dirty, stinky clothes are a big no no. Of course, you know it. So, learn how to handle your laundry. Picking up dirty clothes, washing and ironing it is the thing you should know. And the benefit – you’ll never be in an unexpected situation of being improperly dressed.
- Home Safety
Sometimes little things can lead to big troubles. Yes, the horrible bugs on your bed or not working doorbell – the range is wide. So, you need to know the basic home safety skills like – getting rid of bugs, unclogging toilet, changing bulbs, etc.
- Setting the Table
Knowing how to prepare a meal is great but serving it is an art too. In a casual party or an official dinner, you would surely won’t like to show poor serving skills. Infact, your guests may take poor serving as an offence. So, learn the basic table setting skills. Besides, it will help you in learning the table etiquettes too.
- Decluttering
It’s your life, not a big store room. So, learn to un-clutter things. That is, removing unwanted from your life. And this can be useless furniture, appliances, clothes, or maybe toxic people. In fact, it can be a crucial step in simple living too.
Life Skills for the Workplace
Workplace seems like a second home. Considering our time and efforts invested there, it is crucial to have skills to efficiently handle your workplace needs.
- Clear Discussions and Meetings
In any professional environment, it is important to know the art of clear communication. So, learn how to easily carry on discussions and meetings. And this small step can save you from a lot of bigger troubles.
- Problem Solving
It is an important skill for your workplace environment. Problem solving is the skill of finding solutions by generic or ad-hoc methods to any complicated issue. Of course, this skill is equally essential at the workplace as well as in personal life.
- Interpersonal Skills
This skill includes maintaining a healthy communication and relationships with other people. In any environment, cooperating with others, effectively resolving conflicts, and maintaining a positive interpersonal bond is the basic thing, of course.
- Maintaining Deadlines
No one loves deadlines. But meeting these are essential in doing your work effectively. For this, skills like avoiding procrastination and being punctual is needed.
- Adaptability
Things evolve. And you also need to adapt this change. This is why adaptive skill is essential. By this, you’ll be able to adapt yourself in every environment – be it a convenient one or not.
- Honing Your Professional Skills
By this, we mean the process of upskilling. As the market evolves, the demand for different skills also changes. This is why, having an ability to upskill oneself regularly is needed.
- Knowledge of Workplace Legal Structure
What if you have a quarrel with your manager and this shows the ugly turn during your promotion day? Or, maybe any such stances. Do you know the legal structure that can help you in this situation? Well, it is always better to be prepared for the worse.
- Asking for Help
This seems quite balant. But it is important. Yes! Basically, can you unhesitatingly ask for help from your colleagues when needed? If you get embarrassed or find it really hard, then you need to practice a lot.
Life Skills for Travel Lovers
You’re a hodophile? That’s great. But what if you lose your way or have a flat tyre? Clearly, these minutiae shouldn’t ruin your travel plans. This is why you need to need these skills…
- Driving
No doubt, this is the most important skill for every travel enthusiast. You need to have your hands in driving, better if in different vehicles. By this, you will not have to depend upon someone else anyhow.
- Mending Flat Tire
Of course, this is a very crucial skill for every hodophile. Be it an ordinary situation or stuck in the midst of an unknown place, a flat tire can invite a lot of trouble. Thus, learning how to mend a flat tire can save you in such a situation.
- How to Use a Map and a Compass?
Do you love outside sports like trekking? In such a situation, you need to have the ability to read maps and use a compass. Because in such trips, you may come across any kind of unpredictable stance. Thus, better to play safe with these in hand.
- Utilizing Public Transport
You’re having your own vehicle, that’s great. But not everywhere in the world you will be able to use this. This is why knowing how to use public transportation is important. So, practice it in a while so that it doesn’t get overwhelming when needed.
- Rechecking Home Security
When you leave the house for a long trip, it is time to ensure that you have done all preparations for home security. So that you don’t have to regret or worry about it on a trip. Thus, make sure your precious things are in the bank locker, your neighbours are informed, and other such security steps are taken.
- Booking a Cab
It’s another basic skill that you need to learn as a travel lover. Be it via a transportation service or by cab service apps, you should know how to easily book a cab.
Life Management and Organization Skills
A cluttered life is what we all want to avoid. And these life skills will help you in doing so!
- Time Management
This is about utilising your time in an efficient way. Everyone has 24 hours in a day. But some can use it well to grow while others just waste it. Now, it is your choice. Simply, cut on the things that distract you in managing your time well.
- Creating a Schedule
Firstly, create a well-planned and productive schedule. Then put it in a place where you can see it from time to time. You can also get the free printables of a planner online. This helps you manage your time well.
- Identifying Goals
Without having a clear idea of your goals, you will never be able to achieve it. Hence, it is a right step to understand what you are looking for in the coming future. For this, sit down and think about your present, short term and long term goals. Now, note it down somewhere to revisit it.
- Day, Month, and Year Planner
If you miss your meetings or mess up your long term goals, then this is a perfect skill for you. So, maintain a day, month, and year planner. In this, you can record your steps as per the goals you made.
- Organizing Passwords, Important documents, Accounts etc.
Your passwords, documents, and accounts are really crucial things to be taken care of. Otherwise, you may encounter quite an unwanted situation with these messed up. Thus, organise these. Also, keep a record of these and secure at a safe place for reference.
- Packing
Packing your luggage for a trip or organising things at home is obviously a very useful skill. This requires your concrete intelligence and understanding of the spatial distribution. And with a little practice done under an expert’s guide can make you a pro in it.
Technical Life Skills
Technology is critical today. So, no matter what your age or stance is, developing these technical skills is beneficial for you!
- Basic Use of Devices like Phone, Laptop, etc.
You may not be much into technology but basic use of these devices is essential today. You don’t need to be a tech-savvy or expert in it. Just the basic idea of how to use the devices, it’s basic functions, etc. can do the job.
- Using Basic Home Appliances
From microwave to AC, you need these appliances in everyday life. Thus, depending upon someone for using these is not an option. Simply, learn it’s basic functions and it will not require much hardship.
- Using Online Resources
From making files to using Google, being skilled in using online resources can make things really smooth for you. Also, this will be helpful in managing your academic projects or professional work too.
- Internet Safety
Although the internet is a boon in many aspects, it can be a medium of harassment too for some. This is why you need to know the basics of internet safety. And this includes how to secure your data, reporting spams, avoiding cyberbullying, etc.
- Setting up Internet Wifi and Cable
The Internet is nowadays the part and parcel of our daily lives. So, having a basic idea of how to set up your WiFi or fixing cable issues can save a lot of your time and energy.
- Backing up Files and Media on Your Devices
Your devices have tons of useful data. And you would not like to lose it in a latest update or something, right? This is where the importance of backing up the files and media on your devices come handy.
- Online Shopping
Not every time you can visit your nearby store to get your stuff. And online shopping is one of the great ways in solving this issue. So, start learning how to do online shopping. Moreover, it is quite easy and time saving.
Monetary Skills
Well, money matters! And this is why you need to have a strong hand in the matters of money. Here are those skills –
- Money Management and Investment
Earning is important but investing is even more important. So, having the basic skills of managing your money and smartly investing it is really crucial today. For this, you can take help of your financial advisor, an expert friend, or even a basic finance course.
- Using Credit Card or Debit Card Responsibly
Having a credit card is not that a big deal. But using it responsibly is. You need to keep a track on your purchases and savings to manage it efficiently. Also, make it a thumb rule to neither overuse it, nor miss it’s repayment dates.
- Budgeting and Saving
No matter how much you earn, it will be always less if you don’t have the budgeting skills. Yes. So, it is advisable to have your weekly and monthly budgets regarding your expenses. Also, as a pro tip, try to keep 20% for your savings and 10% for the debts aside and then use the remaining 70% to make a budget.
- UPI or Internet Banking
UPI or Internet Banking is a great way to pay bills and manage your monetary cycle in an effortless way. The best thing is – it saves your time, energy, resources, and many times, some odd bucks too! Also, you can automise these for the ease of use further.
- Keeping Financial Record and Taxation
Doesn’t matter if you’re a business owner, freelancer or an employee. Having clear records of your financial files, taxation, and other matters is equally important for all. Infact, this is essential in the long term even if you want to apply for a loan or any such thing. Thus, better to not cut corners in this.
- Handling Your Bank Account
Managing your account, depositing it, withdrawing money, etc. is quite basic but crucial. And having its knowledge can make things much easier for you. Infact, as already said, you can always use internet banking and automise methods to make it simpler.
- Negotiation
Negotiation skill is critical to both seller and the buyer. So, in whatever stance you are, negotiation can always help you to avail better deals. And saving your money always makes you smarter. So, learn this with the help of your friend who is a pro in negotiation.
Life Skills for Healthy Relationships
It includes your social emotional skills that connect you with others. Afterall, man is a social animal, right?
- Healthy Communication
Positive communication is the crux of a healthy relationship. But it doesn’t always come naturally. At the same time, some simple efforts can do magic. Like, practicing Communication Exercises for Couples, or any such activities can make it smoother.
- Parenting
No, it is not going to be another parenting advice. It’s just to make you aware that positive parenting is a skill that can be developed. Also, if you find things very messed up between you and your child, it is better to seek an expert help rather than depending upon the traditional methods.
- Accepting Compliments and Criticisms
Accepting both compliments and criticism is an art. And with practice, you can develop this skill as well. This is a crucial skill for your interpersonal relationships as well as your mental health.
- Showing Gratitude
Being grateful makes us happier. And it makes the day for the other person too. So, why not acquire this simple yet wonderful skill?For this, start saying ‘Thank You’re more often. Sometimes, a smile, a nod can be magical!
- Getting Rid of Toxicity
This is one of the MOST important life skills. Of course, you’ll always come across toxic people and toxic environments. But you need to have the ability to rise above it. This takes a constant effort, mindful practices, and positivity to do so.
- Being Sexually Responsible
Your sexual life is as important as any other crucial aspect, if not more. And you need to maintain a responsibility in this. Thus, strictly avoid unprotected or unsafe sex as it can lead to Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Also, discuss clearly your expectations with your sexual partner.
Student-Specific Life Skills
There are certain skills which are crucial specifically for students. Thus, be it a high school or middle school student, learning these skills can make your life way easier.
- Finding Right Books and Notes
As a student, you have to manage your assignments, projects, and notes. For this, the skills of preparing useful and crisp notes is important. Thus, with the help of your teachers or friends, you can develop the skills of browsing books and notes to get the right one.
- Internships
Internships can provide a great experience and ability to the students. And managing your internships and juggling it with your academic life can be a skill itself. For this, you can apply for Summer jobs or try your hands in online gigs.
- Cleaning Your Dorm Rooms
If you live in a hostel, you must have known the importance of this skill. Managing and cleaning your dorm room is essential for having a decluttered student life.
- Special Education
Student life holds so many aspects. And learning is the most important one. But this learning should not be limited to your academic skills. Instead, skills to get special education including emotional skills, social skills, etc. can be even more important.
- Tracking the Essentials
You have so much to manage – grades, assignments, attendance, etc.as a student. But keeping an eye over all these things is crucial. You need to mark your important dates like assignment submission, tests, etc. Also, record your attendance, grades, and other aspects to focus on improvement.
- Online Form Submission, Registration, etc.
This is obviously important, especially in today’s education requirements. So, fill up your forms, register online and manage these aspects yourself.
Life Skills for Kids
Teaching life skills to your kids is a great idea. Clearly, children learn things quickly at an early age. And this will help them grow in a better way too.
- Healthy Play-Study Schedule
Teach your kids to maintain a positive cycle of play, study and other things. Adopting these skills from an early age can be quite useful in the coming future too.
- Basic Self-Security
Kids should know how to avoid any challenging situation. For this, make them learn the crucial details like the address, phone number, and others. Also, make them know what to do if lost in an unknown place or how to deal with strangers.
- Doing Work Independently
Kids should not depend on them for every basic thing. So, learning how to do their basic work independently is one of the primary skills they need to develop.
- Decision Making
Making small decisions for themselves is a great way for kids to develop self-confidence and independence. Thus, it is good to encourage them to do so.
- Basic Etiquettes and Manners
If you’re a parent, then it is your duty to teach your child the basic etiquettes and manners. Developing these skills from childhood would help them to have a more attractive and charismatic personality afterwards.
- Hygiene and Health
Kids are more prone to develop unhealthy habits. Thus, making them understand the importance of hygiene and health can be a good step.
Life skills activities: Teaching kids can be difficult sometimes. In that case, remember that kids learn better when they have some fun. For this, you can try some life skills activities and games to gather their interest. You can search about such activities online.
Life Skills for Teens
Teenage is a good time to teach your teen about life skills. Well, obviously! But the point is – adolescence is often difficult. And these life skills can help them in handling it efficiently.
- Handling Pocket Money
Good to learn money management skills as early as possible. And teenagers can be the best time for this. So, as a teenager, one can start with handling his/her pocket money in a more effective way.
- Clothing
Clothing and fashion is a big deal among teen groups. And it is good too in a way. By this, teenagers can learn to experiment with their fashion taste and styles in a more confident way.
- Personal Health and Grooming
Although we have already discussed the importance of personal health and grooming, it deserves another mention in respect to the teens. So, as an adolescent, one needs to give a special heed to their health and grooming effectively.
- Study Schedule
Now, academics is an important aspect of a teenager’s life. Hence, having a good study schedule is a great way to manage things well in the long run.
- Extra Curricular Activities
Apart from academics, it is quite crucial to try various extra curricular activities as an adolescent. You can try different hobbies like painting, sports, dancing, or any such activities.
- Self Awareness and Conscience
In adolescence, a person undergoes a lot of physical and mental changes. This may lead to inner conflicts too. And this is why, iris important to have basic self awareness and conscience skills to cope with these changes.
Professional Life Skills
Professional life is a really crucial aspect to be considered. And right skills in this aspect can make things quite smoother and beneficial for you. Here are these skills –
- Networking
In your professional life, networking plays a vital role. So, one can develop his/her professional circle via right networking. One can try professional platforms like LinkedIn or participate in networking events for this.
- Communication Skills
This is obviously very crucial in one’s professional life. Having strong communication skills can help one in networking, negotiation, cracking professional deals, etc.
- Knowing Latest Industrial Trends
Being well informed about the ongoing trend and insights about your professional industry can help you a lot. It can be beneficial in upskilling, and professional development too.
- Conflict Management
Conflicts are inevitable in the corporate world. But assuming positive intent, having healthy communication, etc. can help you in resolving such conflicts effectively.
- Career Planner
Your professional life is not only about what you are having at present. It also includes your future career goals. So, it is a good idea to plan your career in an effective way.
- Professional Emailing
Business emails decide a lot of your professional networking. Of course, knowing how to create effective professional emails can be a bit confusing. But with little practice and an expert help, you can develop the skills quite well.
- Creating Your Resume and Cover letter
Your resume and cover letter are the first things that your recruiters see. Thus, creating a professional and effective CV can really improve your chances of being selected.
How to make your skills stand-out for a job? Add relevant skills to your resume and cover letter. Also, try to highlight your skills in the job interview by using the skill-words.
Survival Life Skills
As we already said, life is unpredictable. Thus, you need to be prepared for the worse too. And this is not something irrepressible. You can actually put up with it with these survival skills –
- Maintaining General Safety
By this, you need to know the basic signs and signals, emergency rules, and safety regulations. Also, having an awareness about yourself and your surroundings is important.
- Basic Self Defense
No one knows when an emergency can arise. So, it is always better to be prepared for any kind of attack or combat. Hence, can have a basic self defense course to learn this skill.
- First Aid
Knowledge of basic first aid medical treatments can be life saving at times. Thus, this life skill is really crucial one. There are plenty of short term courses available both in online and offline modes for this.
- Emergency Preparedness
No one can predict the future. And especially after the recent unpredictable times, one thing that all of us learned is to be prepared for any kind of emergency, especially the personal and financial ones.
- Saving Emergency Fund
It is quite advisable to save an emergency fund for the future. As expert’s advice, you should have a fund to survive in a deficient situation. This can be minimum for three months or for a year.
- Basic Vehicle Repairing
One of the most common emergency challenges one comes across is the vehicle breakdown in an unexpected condition. Thus, having a basic experience in repairing can help you survive in such situations.
- Emergency Contact Details
You may encounter an unexpected situation where you’re staring at your mobile phone or such devices. And in this stance, knowing the important numbers like that of the police, ambulance, or emergency help boards can be really helpful.
Mental Health and Wellness Skills
Your mental health is very important. But in these life chaos, it often seems hard on your basic sanity. For that, some simple wellness skills can be magical. Yes!
- Emotional Growth
EQ or Emotional Quotient is something that we don’t give enough heed to. But it is really important to identify and address your emotional needs and issues. Also, if needed, one should not be hesitant in taking professional help.
- Critical Thinking
Critical thinking is the ability to analyse facts or data and make an effective judgement of any person or situation. With this, you will be able to handle your things in a more efficient way.
- Keeping a Positive Mindset
Having a growth mindset can be beneficial in one’s self development. By this, you can always find something good in adverse situations and circumstances to make it better.
- Self Control
No, you don’t have to be a saint to acquire this skill. It’s just the ability to control your emotions and desires in a positive way. Like, avoiding your favourite ice cream during illness or pushing yourself to complete your project is a part of self control.
- Practicing Solitude
Solitude is not equal to begin alone. Instead, it is the ability to be content in your own company. And thus can be a wonderful skill for your mental health and happiness in the long run.
- Simple Living
Do you always need so many people or resources to be happy? While this is not problematic, it is better to learn the art of simple living for a more fulfilling life. Infact, you can start the practice without any complicated stuff or rules.
- Mindful Self-Compassion
Okay, this skill is really crucial for your mental health. If you try TOO much or expect a lot from yourself, chances are high you forget to celebrate your being. Well, self compassion is the skill to be compassionate to yourself by accepting all your flaws, fears, and failures.
Life Skills for Self Awareness
Let’s admit – this is the most ignored part of all. But equally essential, for sure. Afterall, who doesn’t know the one within can never know all without. So, pay heed to your inner whisper…
- Mindfulness
Mindfulness is the art of being conscious to yourself and your surroundings. By developing this skill, you’ll be able to see things in a lighter and more positive perspective!
- Basic Civics
The idea of the rights and duties of being a citizen of your country can be more helpful for you than you think. Well, of course, it can provide you better insights about your rights but at the same time, help you in understanding the things going around.
- Basic Etiquette
We have already discussed it for the kids. But etiquette is something that everyone needs to have regardless of his/her age or post. Infact, this can be really helpful in developing your personal and confidence too!
- Identifying Your Call
This is the skill to understand the meaning or purpose of your life. To make it clearer, this involves figuring out your passion and the thing that you can do all your life. But this takes time. Indeed, a lot of time. Still, with persistence, you’ll unfold it.
- Prioritising
It is the skill to gather the essentials and get rid of the minutiae. Like, whenever you have to choose between the important things of your life, which one do you prioritise? For some, health is the priority, for others it’s career. And your can be anything. Just now which are the aspects you can’t bear to lose.
- Healthy Focus
Focus is critical for succeeding in any aspect of our lives. So, it is important to improve your focusing skills. Opposed to the common notion of multitasking, it covers the aspect of focusing on one thing at a time but giving your best to it.
- Accepting Your Flaws and Fear
We all have our imperfections. And these make us unique. Yes! So, as a skill, learn to accept your flaws, foibles, and fear gracefully. Indeed, you don’t have to always fix or hide your mistakes. Sometimes, accepting it is the gospel!
Bonus Life Skill
- Being Happy
Well, being happy is a skill and an art. So, you should not use your composure and happiness no matter what the situation is. This includes being satisfied in what you have, finding happiness in little moments of joy, and overall never losing hope:)
Now, you can simply mark the skills that you need to develop. And with a bit of practice, you’ll be able to acquire it as well! So, looking for a motivation to begin? Well, knowing it’s importance may help.
Importance of Life Skills
Life Skills are the skills that enable us to live life in a more efficient way. As things evolve in this world, these skills help us cope well with it. Infact, these life skills hold a great importance in different aspects of life. Let’s see –
In Personal Aspect
- Acquiring Life Skills gives one the confidence in oneself.
- It enables us to develop essential abilities like problem solving, critical thinking, etc.
- It is a crucial step for leading an organized and fulfilling life.
- Life Skills can help us in improving ourselves in the terms of our physical, mental, social, and spiritual spheres.
In Professional Aspect
- It prepares us to excel in our career via regular upskilling.
- These skills increase one’s abilities to effectively manage work requirements.
- Some of these skills can play a crucial role in having a satisfactory career and professional life.
In Social Aspect
- It helps us in having positive interpersonal relationships.
- One is able to build a healthy social circle and network.
- These skills can help in creating a more accepting, improving, and positive environment.
Now, let’s see …
How to Develop Life Skills?
We can always boast to be highly skilled in papers. But in practical life, things differ. And to make you acquire these life skills in real life, we have compiled some actionable steps for you. Here they are –
- Analyze
Firstly, analyze yourself. You should ask – How many of these skills am I already having?. This will let you know which skills you need to develop and which ones to just brush up.
- Plan
Now, plan how you will develop these. For this, give yourself a time frame – efficiently of around 21 days to 90 days. Besides, you can make a journal and record your daily/weekly tasks in regards to the specific skills.
- Execute
Next, you need to execute the plan. Start with whole will and confidence. Of course, you can do it. Just DON’T PROCRASTINATE. And put your nerves and sinews in this mission.
- Practice
Subsequently, it is crucial to practice a lot. So, practice these skills persistently. This will indeed refine them. Also, with some practice, you will gain the confidence to carry it effortlessly.
- Repeat
Finally, repeat and repeat! Of course, these skills are not temporary needs. Hence, you practice too need to be consistent. So, time to time, repeat the process and brush up your skills. Don’t worry. With some experience, it will be a piece of cake for you.
Bonus Tips
So, here are some bonus tips that can help you in improving your life skills –
- Start Today
No matter how little your first move is, if it is a move forward. Because most of the people fail in taking this very first step.
- Break Down Skills
That is, focus on various sub-skills of a complicated skill. For example, to develop gratefulness you can start with a gratitude journal.
- Relate it with Your Daily Life
So, whatever skill you are focusing on, try to relate it with your life, ideas, and routine. This will make you adopt it easily.
- Make a Schedule
That is, have a perfect time or day when you can practice the skill. By this, you will have a positive conditioning effect.
- Be Attentive
Things happening around you can teach you a lot. So, all you need is – attention. Thus, be mindful and conscious of yourself and your environment, This alone will bring a great change.
Rome wasn’t built in a day! And, nor can your Life Skills. Yes, accept it. Also, some people are gifted with certain skills while others need to try hard for the same. But this is not the end of the world. Rather a beginning. So, don’t push TOO hard. Just try and let it be.
Your Turn!
Learning is a lifelong process. Of course, there’s no specific time or age to grow. And this is the same for life skills. Some skills sort our emotional being, some our social life. Maybe, some help us to succeed in our careers while others save us in an emergency. Some make us healthier, others make our life fulfilling. Thus, what matters is – to embrace the best and move on on our path…
Kirtika is a motivated soul, passionate about writing, speaking and creating. She has her hands in Literature, Psychology, Life Coaching, Spirituality, Wellness, Sciences and everything creative. As an entity of the vast Universe, she wants to expand her existence with self belief and self exploration. With TheMindFool, she wants to help others in finding their real self.