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Who doesn’t like starting their day with a hot beverage, tea or coffee? But that is not the best morning routine to have. Rather, one should try opting for water on an empty stomach in the morning. This is what most Japanese do by following Japanese Water Therapy. And it is the secret of their healthy glowing skin. Most people don’t have enough water in their bodies. They only start drinking water when they are thirsty, or worse, dehydrated. Start the Japanese Water Therapy today to see the benefits!
What is Japanese Water Therapy?
Japanese Water Therapy talks about healthy gut. Further, how it is essential for the overall well-being of the body. It is essentially drinking water in the morning after you wake-up and the benefits are countless.
Japanese Water Therapy is a part of the daily routine of Japanese. They drink water immediately after waking up. It suggests that drinking water in the morning every day can make your gut healthier. Japanese traditional medicine recommends it, as the morning hours are known to be the ‘golden hours’. In fact, the Japanese Medical Society has found it to cure many health conditions. It includes headaches, body aches, high blood pressure, gastritis, constipation, et cetera. Japanese Water Therapy even helps in the recovery of abdominal surgery. These diseases are generally caused due to dehydration. Taking in the water that the body requires directly helps to treat these health issues.
Having lukewarm water in the morning is like an internal bath for your body. That is to say, it cleanses and detoxifies the body.
If you love to have cold water, refrain from having it. It creates an imbalance in your body. It can even trigger migraines.
How to make Japanese Water Therapy?
To get the most out of Japanese Water Therapy, there are certain steps you must follow:
Step 1 – Have lukewarm or room temperature water immediately after waking up. Drink 4 glasses of 160 ml water (22 ounces). You should consume water before doing anything, even before brushing your teeth.
Step 2 – You can brush your teeth after having the water. But do not eat or drink anything for another 45 minutes.
Step 3 – After 45 minutes, you can eat and drink as usual.
Step 4 – Have water 15 minutes before every meal; breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Step 5 – Do not drink water for 2 hours after your meals.
Do not gulp down all the 4 glasses of water at one go. Take breaks in between and take it slow. Start with one glass of water and gradually increase the number.
Japanese Water Therapy Benefits
The Japanese have made this a part of their daily routine and are consistent with it. Even in Ayurveda, having water on an empty stomach early in the morning is appreciated. Even more, Japanese water therapy has countless benefits. Some of them are:
1. Eliminates toxins
Water makes the bowel movement easier. Thus, it helps in removing toxins from the body. This simple step resolves many health issues naturally.
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2. Weight loss
One of the main reasons for weight gain is overeating. Japanese Water Therapy can decrease your cravings considerably. You feel full after having water and hence consume fewer calories. Further, having water early in the morning helps in flushing out fats.
3. Japanese water therapy increases metabolism
Studies have shown that resting metabolism increases by 25% by drinking 17 ounces of water. As a result, the digestion of food is improved.
4. Fights kidney stones
Japanese water therapy will help you prevent and fight those painful kidney stones. It is because the extra water helps in dilution of substances that form the stones.
Include a dash of citrus in your water therapy. This will make the water less boring. Lemon will provide added health benefits, as well.
5. Japanese water therapy prevents heartburn
Whether you had overly spicy food or indulged in some feast, water will keep your heartburn at bay. Consistent therapy will make sure to give your stomach a headstart every morning.
6. Beneficial for hair
If you have noticed your hair is dull and brittle then dehydration might be the reason. Japanese Water Therapy will help nourish your hair inside out. Thus, leaving you with shiny healthy hair.
7. Japanese water therapy gives you healthy skin
Who doesn’t want to have glowing smooth skin? But if you’re not having enough water, you might be setting yourself up for premature wrinkles. A study conducted by the University of Missouri-Columbia shows that 500 ml of water can increase blood flow to the skin. Hence, having water in the morning can enhance the effects.
8. Japanese water therapy improves brain function
A loss of 1-2% of body water may result in brain fog. Also, it can affect the overall performance of the brain. So, it is extremely important to stay hydrated. Since plenty of water is taken in during Japanese Water Therapy, cognitive performance is improved.
9. Headache
Dehydration has been a major cause of headaches. As mentioned earlier, Japanese Water Therapy can prevent headaches and cure migraines.
Side Effects of Japanese Water Therapy
As long as you’re not going overboard with the daily consumption of water, Japanese Water Therapy has no side effects. It is due to the fact that going over the healthy limit may cause “fatal water poisoning”. The healthy limit of consumption varies from person to person. It depends on many factors such as age, weight, climatic conditions, person’s fitness level, et cetera. Even though water has innumerable benefits, too much of anything is not good.
Closing Thoughts
Japanese Water Therapy is sure to make positive changes in your body. Your digestive system will work more efficiently, hair and skin will be healthier, and if done consistently, it can also help you shed the stubborn extra fat. As a result, you will feel more active and less lethargic. Water is always closer to us than we think. It is within us. Don’t forget to stay hydrated!
Megha Seth is a freelance writer specializing in health & wellness, spirituality, nutrition, and lifestyle content. A lover of books, food and all things Virginia Woolf. Interested in knowing the science and reason behind people's behavior, you can find her behind Psychology books. She is mesmerized by the vastness of the universe and believes we're just dust speck in the large scheme of the same. A mental health advocate, she wishes to bring positivity to the lives of people through The MindFool.