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20 Warning Signs Of Spiritual Attack You Should Always Fight Back

20 Warning Signs Of Spiritual Attack You Should Always Fight Back

20 Warning Signs Of Spiritual Attack You Should Always Fight Backv

Lately, if you feel a shift of your mind towards more negative thoughts and feelings, you should check for signs of spiritual attack. It may also show up as a sense of lack of faith or unwillingness to walk on the path guided by the Holy.

These signs are like cryptic messages calling you to decipher the language of the ethereal and fortify your spiritual armor. 

If you want to embark on a quest to unravel the mystique surrounding these signs, explore the subtle nuances that bridge the visible and the unseen.

20 Signs Of Spiritual Attack

In the journey of faith, you may often encounter periods of deep discouragement, defeat, and depression. The weight of life’s challenges can feel insurmountable and leave you with a pervasive sense of hopelessness and overwhelming burdens. 

These might signal that a negative power wants to interfere with your faith. However, as a child of God, you can combat these attacks by calling upon the name of Jesus. Seek His protection and pray for the Holy Spirit to expose vulnerable areas in your life.

Now, if you’re curious about how you may be spiritually attacked, let’s recognize the signs of these struggles. 

1. You’re Battling Discouragement And Depression

Feelings of discouragement and defeat are common experiences. But when these emotions escalate into depression, you’re under spiritual attack. This impacts your overall well-being. 

It can lead to a sense of disappointment that permeates every aspect of daily living. 

2. You’ve Lost Spiritual Desire

Another notable sign of spiritual attack is the loss of spiritual desire. This can manifest in difficulties maintaining a vibrant prayer life, staying connected with fellow believers, and sustaining one’s ministry or work with God. 

3. You Feel Physical Fatigue And Sick

While checking for a spiritual attack, you can’t overlook the mind-body connection in spiritual well-being. Physical fatigue is accompanied by a general feeling of restlessness, sorrow, and struggles. 

You may feel a lack of motivation and energy. Sometimes, it also appears in the form of stubborn pain with no cause.

4. You Doubt The Divine

Doubting God’s goodness is a common sign during times of spiritual attack. You don’t feel that God will come through for you. You’ll feel angry and a sense of abandonment. Some individuals even grapple with the belief that God is punishing them. 

5. You Notice Persistent Negative Thought Patterns

During a spiritual attack, the mind becomes a battleground. So, another sign is that you’ll have negative and disturbing thought patterns. You’ll wrestle with anxious, fearful, or worrisome thoughts. 

These are often fueled by the enemy’s attacks and can significantly impact your mental well-being. 

6. You Feel The Urge To Return To Past Faulty Lifestyle

One prevalent sign of a spiritual attack is the persistent thought of reverting to your old lifestyle. These old sinful habits seem familiar to you. Your soul gravitates towards them during challenging times and tends to indulge the flesh. 

It happens because your spiritual enemy strategically places such thoughts in the mind. They tempt you to abandon progress and revert to familiar but detrimental patterns. 

These thoughts often undermine your faith in God and promote a sense of regression rather than growth.

7. Old Emotional Wounds Are Resurfacing 

Another subtle yet powerful form of spiritual attack is the resurgence of old emotional wounds. 

You may believe you have successfully dealt with past pain, only to find it resurfacing unexpectedly. 

This resurfacing can disrupt emotional well-being and create a sense of vulnerability. It challenges your inner strength and resolve.

8. You Battle Feelings Of Guilt, Condemnation, and Shame

Lately, do you feel inadequate, guilty, condemned, and ashamed? Such feelings are often intensified during spiritual attacks. 

This is definitely a sign if you often think that you are not good enough or that your efforts fall short. 

This internal struggle can lead to a diminished sense of self-worth and hinder personal growth.

9. There Are Heightened Feelings Of Rejection, Belonging, And Loneliness

Spiritual attacks can also amplify feelings of rejection, a lack of belonging, and loneliness. So, it’s a sign if you feel disconnected from others or feel as though no one truly understands you. 

This heightened sense of isolation can create emotional turmoil. It makes it challenging to find a sense of community and support.

10. You Have Confusion Regarding Faith

Confusion about your faith and beliefs is a common tactic employed in spiritual attacks. 

Questions such as ‘Is Jesus really for me?’ or ‘Is Jesus the only way?’ may arise. They sow seeds of doubt and uncertainty. 

These confusing thoughts aim to shake the foundation of your faith and erode your spiritual convictions.

11. You Experience Unexplained Feelings Of Anger Or Fear

If you grapple with unexplained anger or fear, it might indicate a spiritual attack. 

Rather than dismissing it as a bad day or mood swing, recognize that the enemy aims to infiltrate your mind and emotions with negativity. 

12. You’re Questioning The Once-Clear Path

Under the influence of such attacks, you may question the once clear direction and call you received. The evil mind schemes prompt a reexamination of once unequivocal decisions. 

This often leads believers to question prophetic words, spiritual breakthroughs, and significant experiences, marking a perilous step backward in their spiritual journey.

13. There Are Sudden Changes In Life Circumstances

Sudden changes in life circumstances can also be an attack from your spiritual enemy. Your defense against these attacks lies in relying on the power of God within us. 

14. You Feel A Lack Of Peace Or Clarity

A lack of peace or clarity may be another indicator of a spiritual attack. The enemy aims to steal, kill, and destroy, but as believers, we have the power and authority to resist. 

15. You’re Facing The “Lack Attack”

Another warning sign of spiritual attack is what can be termed a ‘lack attack.’ This occurs when various resources appear to diminish simultaneously. 

The adversary orchestrates such situations to distract individuals from focusing on God, nudging them to fixate on financial concerns. 

16. You Feel Overwhelmed and Helpless 

The sensation of being overwhelmed and helpless in the face of circumstances can indicate a spiritual attack. The circumstance might be a troublesome situation or feelings. 

The Bible underscores the impact of deferred hope on the heart and emphasizes that faith is anchored in the unseen. 

The enemy’s strategy involves inducing hopelessness to disrupt your faith-based approach to life.

17. You Notice A Withdrawal From Godly Relationships

A subsequent sign of spiritual attack manifests as a withdrawal from godly relationships. This involves distancing yourself from connections within the church or spiritual communities. 

If you observe a shift towards more carnally-minded friendships rather than spiritually-minded ones, it serves as a red flag. 

18. You Feel Tempted By Sin

One of the initial signs that you might be under spiritual attack is the presence of deception or temptation leading you towards sin. 

While external forces can’t directly make you sin, they can certainly influence and encourage such actions. The enemy capitalizes on your desires and aims to obstruct your pursuit of a purposeful life as intended by God.

It’s crucial to differentiate between temptations arising from personal desires and those manipulated by spiritual adversaries. 

19. You Face Major Relationship Struggles 

Another indication that you might be under spiritual attack is the emergence of relationship problems in various spheres of your life. Whether it’s at home, work, or within your community. 

The enemy sows discord and creates distance between you and those you care about. They may foster bitterness, resentment, hate, anger, and selfishness to disrupt the harmony between individuals.

You struggle to respond with kindness, grace, or forgiveness. You can’t choose love over hate in the face of hostility.

20. There’s An Opposition To The Purpose Of Life

The enemy force actively opposes believers boldly walking in their purpose. They strategically employ tactics to divert them from their destined path. 

So, under spiritual attacks, you may have overwhelming thoughts and desires to abandon your purpose of life

A word from TheMindFool

To navigate the unseen challenges that may impact your well-being, it’s important to recognize signs of spiritual attack.

The above signs show how these may be manifested in your life. If you notice them, don’t ignore these signs and pay attention to them. 

By acknowledging them, you can embark on a journey of self-discovery and fortify your spiritual defenses. 

With the power of God within, you can overcome these attacks. Turn to God for strength, protection, and discernment, ground yourself in faith, seek guidance from the Word of God, and surround yourself with supportive believers.