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15 Intense Signs Of Spiritual Love That Everyone Wants To Experience

15 Intense Signs Of Spiritual Love That Everyone Wants To Experience

15 Intense Signs Of Spiritual Love That Everyone Wants To Experience

If you’re wondering whether your partner is the right one for you, check with some signs of spiritual love

So, what is that?

Spiritual love is an inspiring and uplifting type of love that shows that you’ll stick together through thick and thin. 

So, to know the future of your relationship, let’s dive in…

15 Signs Of Spiritual Love

Everyone longs for spiritual love – something that lasts forever, makes both partners feel fulfilled and accepted, and they connect on a cosmic level. 

However, not all relationships lead to that. Even if a relationship feels perfect or two people stay together forever, it might not have spiritual love. 

So, if you want to know whether your romance is like that, let’s head in…

1. You have meaningful conversations

The greatest sign of being in spiritual love is that you both often indulge in deep and meaningful conversations. These might last for a few hours. You’ll notice that no other partner ever engaged with you so intensely. 

You’ll also talk about a range of topics, like your little steps to save nature, the universe, and your purpose in life. These topics further make your bond stronger.

2. You don’t need a lot to be happy with them

Until people are in spiritual love, they have a materialistic view of life. So, they feel loved when they get expensive gifts. 

However, lately, do you feel that you can be happy even without any fancy gift? 

If you feel that you’ll be content as long as this special person stays by your side, you’re in spiritual love. 

Your partner’s hug, their reassurance, the blessings of both of your parents, and each other’s health matter more than jewelry or a sports car. You won’t mope because you can’t buy something trendy.  

3. The foundation of your bond is trust and equality

If your relationship is based mainly on trust, honesty, and equality, that’s another sign of being in spiritual love. 

Neither of you makes the other feel less. You both know that each of your roles is important, so you appreciate and acknowledge each other. 

You embrace each other’s differences and try to find happiness through middle ground. You have faith in each other despite the difference. 

4. You’re both connected emotionally and physically

In any relationship where there’s no spiritual love, partners are more attracted and connected physically than emotionally. 

It’s not that there are no emotions. Rather, that connection isn’t strong enough. So, if they were to go long-distance, the relationship might crumble pretty fast!

But a sign of being in spiritual love is when you can understand each other’s emotions easily. You know what the other feels even when you’re apart. If your partner is dissatisfied, you know something is wrong. And then you only want to fix things for them!

5. You appreciate each other’s authentic selves

Sometimes, people pretend to be someone their partner wants to date. They embrace a different persona to make the relationship work.

However, if you both can be your authentic selves without feeling judged, that’s another sign of spiritual love. You both understand that all human beings are flawed. 

You don’t mind their clumsiness, and they find their poor sense of humor cute. There’s no fear of offending the other, so long as there’s plenty of effort!

6. Your instincts say they’re the right person

A beautiful sign of spiritual love is that you don’t have any specific reason why you fell in love with each other. The answer is always like, “It just happened” or “It felt right.”

Your instincts say you are right for each other. You know life will have ups and downs, but you’ll still be each other’s happily ever after!

You feel that if you let go of their hand, you’ll regret it big time. The same goes for when you get married or some other relationship milestone. 

7. You feel you’re where you’re supposed to be 

Once you fall into spiritual love, all kinds of doubt disappear from your life. You won’t wonder, “What if I dated that guy/girl instead of my partner?” or “If only I dated someone else…”

You know that this is the right relationship for you, and it’ll be there forever and after. 

You understand that everything happened to lead you both to each other. You don’t wail about the past or worry about the future. Instead, you feel grateful that you’re at the right place in life!

8. When you’re together, the world just seems right

Recall the times before you started dating. Did you get irritated pretty easily? Did every little annoyance wreck your mood?

If yes, now think about your mood after you guys got together. Do you feel that everything will get sorted so long you’re together?

If that sounds familiar, you’re in spiritual love! You inspire and motivate each other to face every storm of life. Everything seems and feels better when you’re together.

9. You can communicate non-verbally

If you can communicate with each other just by gazing into each other’s eyes, that’s another sign of spiritual love. 

Why is that?

Communication through the eyes is not possible with just anybody. It needs a special kind of emotional connection. 

You can’t have it with just anybody. After all, you’ll feel uncomfortable showing vulnerabilities through the look of your eyes. 

10. You can notice the minute things 

Before you met the love of your life, your focus was only on the essential things – family, job, responsibilities, pets, and rest. 

But once you met them, you started paying attention to the amazing world. You see the pretty blue sky, the warm daffodil fields, and the sweet scent of the bakery. These little things add a lot of joy to your life. You even wonder how you missed these little things before. 

If that rings a bell, you’re in spiritual love!

11. Your life overall attracts more positivity 

If you’re in spiritual love, you bring positivity and uplift all areas of your life. The world seems like a nicer place. You feel better about yourself and everything around you. 

For instance, you become a better friend, and your creativity boosts. You work harder towards your passion. In short, you feel well-rested and energized. This attracts the best into your life. 

12. You focus on growing personally

A great sign of being in spiritual love is that you feel inspired to be your best version. For instance, if you often neglect your fitness, you’ll be more sure to take time for a jog. Or, if you get stressed easily, you’ll actively take steps like meditation and yoga to calm your nerves.  

You do it because you want to give the best to your partner. You don’t want them to worry over your health or resonate negativity in their life. 

13. You don’t feel lonely

When your partner is not around you, do you feel lonely? If yes, then it’s not a spiritual love.

However, if you feel that they’ll always be there for you despite the distance, time difference, or availability, that’s a sign of spiritual love. 

If they’re out with their friends, you don’t get clingy or fight to get attention. Rather, you’re so satisfied that you don’t even miss them. 

14. You’re attuned to your higher self

Since spiritual love is so precious, you feel connected to your spiritual self. You feel more aware of yourself, your partner, your relationship, and the surroundings. 

You gain qualities like patience, courage, and selflessness. You feel worthy and confident and learn to respect yourself. You don’t focus on your limitations anymore. Instead, you see how much you can grow and feel unstoppable.

15. You’re constantly curious about them

When you meet someone new and interesting, you can’t stop asking questions about them. However, this curiosity wanes once you know them to some extent. 

However, if it’s spiritual love, this curiosity won’t ever fade. Your partner will have all of your attention even on the hundredth date, like the first date. You’ll be too mesmerized to look away from their way.

A word from TheMindFool

If you see most of these signs in your relationship, deem yourself lucky to find this unique connection. Be content and proud of what you’ve found.

But if you don’t notice these signs, don’t hurry to break up with your partner. A spiritual love isn’t born from the get-go. Sometimes, it’s formed as both partners navigate through setbacks together and grow closer. 

So, make wise decisions about your love, and don’t judge it. Let things take their natural course and you’ll find love that’s meant for you!