Seek the signs of spiritual progress if you’ve indulged in spiritual practices for quite some time but don’t know if it made any change.
It’s normal to feel anxious about your spiritual journey. After all, there’s no grand announcement to understand the otherworldly changes within yourself.
So, let’s check every subtle sign here…
20 Signs Of Spiritual Progress
Spiritual progress helps awaken your true nature, potential, and purpose. It makes you more aware and attain a higher consciousness.
However, such attainments don’t make a massive difference instantly. Rather, you can notice them only if you focus hard.
So, let’s know all the signs you should look for here…
1. You perceive challenges as opportunities
Whether a loved one is angry with you or you got an earful at work for being late, you don’t perceive these challenges as something negative. If you have let go of the victim mentality, it signifies spiritual progress.
Instead, you think that everything happens for a reason. You try to learn the lessons and grab opportunities from the little discomfort.
2. You know materialism won’t make you happy
Social status, expensive objects, and zeal to earn more are a few forms of materialism. So, if you used to chase these initially but now understand that they don’t make you happy, that’s another sign!
3. You become more empathetic
Initially, you were numb to the world around you. You didn’t notice the suffering around you. So, you didn’t even have much opinion on things. Instead, you followed what others believed to feel accepted.
But if you have become more empathetic and understand others’ pain, you’ve progressed in your spiritual path.
4. You’re more compassionate toward everyone
This sign is connected with the previous one. As you become more empathetic and your senses sharpen, you start noticing others’ points of view.
This helps you feel compassionate towards others and even yourself. You no longer judge others based on your one-tracked understanding.
However, the downside is that you also feel and hold a lot of pain – of yourself and the world.
5. You have accepted non-dual thinking
People mostly perceive the world as black and white with hardly enough grey areas. This is called dual thinking.
However, if you recently started understanding and noticing the plethora of grey areas, you’ve progressed in the path of spiritual awakening.
6. You’re understanding even toward stubborn people
Again, this is connected with the previous sign.
So, if you have embraced a non-dual thinking style, you’ll be able to understand the reason why people can sometimes be difficult.
You can see through their traumatic experiences, which make them act in troubling ways. It helps you understand their point of view. So, you don’t hold grudges anymore!
7. You perceive life as a cycle
Another common sign of spiritual progress is that you let go of your one-dimensional views on life. You no longer think – “My life is full of bad times” or “I hope I never face hardships.”
Instead, you’ve come to terms with the reality that life is a cycle. There will always be good and bad times, highs and lows, and changing seasons. Thus, you don’t get affected by setbacks.
8. You understand your thoughts don’t define you
This is another alarming sign of progressing spiritually. It means that you understand that your thoughts and beliefs don’t define you.
Whether you perceive yourself as great or terrible, it doesn’t matter. In the end, everyone judges you based on your conscious actions.
You understand that you’ll only attract more sorrow if you let your thoughts and perceptions get the better of you.
9. You know that life is not just about achievements
A person without much spiritual progress will be extremely focused on hurrying to win at every route of life. However, if you’re making progress, you’ll notice that life isn’t just a rat race.
Instead, you find peace in making time for yourself. You understand that it’s more important to slow down and relish every moment of life. You overcome the desire to chase dreams constantly.
10. Before embracing the new, you want to release the old
If you’re truly making spiritual progress, you won’t hurry to embrace any change of expectations, goals, or circumstances. You know that it will only add more responsibility on your part if you embrace them before you let go of the old expectations and goals.
So, you focus on surrendering everything about your old self instead. You want to be free of all the unnecessary load and set your soul free before trying all over.
11. You have become more intuitive
Previously, were you extremely gullible in life? Perhaps you easily trusted others and got yourself in trouble.
However, if you can tell the difference between truth and lies and good and bad people, you’ve gained intuition and maturity. Spiritual progress lets you think clearly with all your senses.
12. You find beauty in the ordinary things
Before attaining or experiencing any kind of spiritual progress, people always seek glamorous events or happenings in their lives.
A materialistic person might want expensive surprises. A person who just started their spiritual journey wishes for some sparkly experiences.
However, if you’ve made some spiritual progress, you understand that every moment is full of that sparkle you desire. You notice extraordinary joy in every moment you live and feel grateful.
13. You feel more connected to everything
As you make progress in your spiritual journey, your perception of the world changes for the better. You feel connected to every little thing in the world.
For instance, you see similarities between the changing seasons and your life. You understand God’s words and guidance better. You see how every little action is in harmony with the other actions.
You become aware of your surroundings and how it affects your life and pushes you toward your goal. You also understand yourself, your boundaries, your wants and needs, and everything else.
14. You’ve understood your purpose in life
Another important sign of progressing spiritually is that you feel connected to yourself more than ever. You gain awareness of your purpose in life. You learn your position and duty in the world. This can be something about your personal growth or a way to help others.
15. You have an urge to help the world
In your spiritual journey, as you make progress, you also cultivate a desire to support the world. You help the homeless and the strays. You help save plants and animals alike.
16. You have a healthier sleeping pattern
Spiritual progress gives you a better understanding of yourself and the surrounding world. You find the answers to your questions. The clarity calms your mind, and thus, it ends the phase of unrest in your life.
You thus get to sleep better due to the diminished levels of stress and anxiety.
17. You indulge in self-love
A beautiful sign of spiritual development is that you start loving yourself. You make the effort and time to take care of your physical and spiritual needs.
18. There’s a boost in your creativity
With spiritual progress, your senses are heightened. This gives you the power to notice life from a different angle. You gain a flexible perspective and expanded consciousness. This further helps you get more creative and unique ideas.
19. You’ve learned to forgive
As you make spiritual progress, you’ll notice a sign that you don’t hold grudges. You forgive others even if they don’t seek it. You get closure even if others don’t give it to you. Moreover, you forgive yourself for making wrong decisions.
You know how to find peace after facing the worst moments.
20. You don’t do things that don’t sit right with you
When you attain spiritual progress, you also learn to stand for yourself. You say no to things that seem to be wrong. You don’t get pressured or manipulated into doing things against your wishes.
Consequently, you learn to distance yourself from toxic people. You do things that feel right for you and your surroundings.
A word from TheMindFool
If you notice these signs in yourself, congratulations! You’re on the right track.
However, if there are not enough signs, but you’ve given your all, then you need some change in strategy. Learn how you can make yourself a better person. Connect with the higher realm through religious music and texts and spend time in nature.
If that doesn’t work either, seek a spiritual guru to find tailored solutions!
Surabhi has a deep passion for words. She puts her heart and mind into whatever she pursues and craves for creative ventures. She has always been keen on creating original content that can make a difference. In her experience as a content writer, she has had the opportunity to work on several fields with Psychology being her favorite. Surabhi says, words have the power to transform the world, better than a sword. So she hopes to contribute her bit to this revolution. At TheMindFool, she feels lucky to have the opportunity to share content capable of bringing about a change in the lives of the readers.