If you feel that your soul has undergone a phase of rest but reaches the verge of giving up, you need to look for signs of spiritual death.
In this temporary state, you experience the transition of the awakening of your soul. And if you stay aware of this, you will be able to handle the major life changes much better. Otherwise, you may lose hope or even the will to move forward.
So, to be aware of this state, let’s dive right in…
15 Signs Of Spiritual Death
If you ignore your instincts and basic wishes during challenging circumstances, it affects your soul and leads to spiritual death. The difficulties may weigh on your spirit and crush it entirely.
Just as your soul experiences this, it also wants to undergo rebirth. Thus, it simultaneously sends signals of spiritual death. So, let’s familiarize ourselves with all the possible indications here…
1. You can’t remember a few things from your past
Perhaps you feel that certain parts of your past are unclear. And it’s not that you were too young to retain those memories. It might be a way your brain is coping with a bad experience.
You might have even considered seeking a therapist to regain these lost memories. If all of this rings a bell, then you’re undergoing a spiritual death.
2. You’re struggling with mental health concerns
Mental health concerns like anxiety and depression are also signs of your soul meeting its spiritual death and experiencing its rebirth. Your soul is trying to let go of bygones, come to terms with the past, and embrace the new.
Since this process isn’t simple or linear, you undergo uncomfortable emotions and complex thoughts.
3. You feel incomplete
Another sign of spiritual death is a sense of being incomplete or broken. You feel your soul is scattered and yet to be found. Thus, you can’t have a complete view of the world.
4. You’re numb to the outside world
Notice how you react to little things regarding the outside world. Does war and crime make you feel sorrow? Or, perhaps you feel bad for the hurt innocent? Or, when a festival begins, you feel excited?
If you don’t and everything seems meaningless, that’s another sign of your soul’s spiritual death. Instead, you just try to fit in by pretending to feel the same way as others.
You never have any individual feelings about the world around you. You also block all your true emotions out of fear of troubling others.
5. You have sleeping issues
When a person undergoes spiritual death of the soul, their subconscious works hard to cope with the transition smoothly and as soon as possible.
The subconscious doesn’t undergo the change as soon as the conscious parts. So, during great changes, you will struggle to get plenty of restful sleep.
One example of this is when you quit a job that drained your energy to chase more fulfilling dreams.
6. You feel stranded
Some people often experience the symptoms of feeling trapped during spiritual death and rebirth. For instance, you may feel that you’re living the same day repeatedly. You feel that all days are identical with no change in routine.
This indicates that you must listen to your soul and change your life direction. Know that you have the power to make a change for the better.
7. A major live event changed you completely
Recently, did you face a major traumatic event? It might be about a divorce, breakup, loss of your favorite person, failure in a goal you worked your entire life for, or a deadly experience.
These are the most common incidents that leave you changed completely. If any of these or anything grave or similar happened, your soul underwent a spiritual death.
8. You feel life isn’t worth living up to your expectations
If you experience some serious disappointment in life and give up on having any expectations, that’s another signal of the spiritual death of your soul.
You probably wished for something more than anything else. But things didn’t follow the plan, and you’re heartbroken.
9. You feel pushed toward different directions
This is an unnatural sign of spiritual death. You may realize that you have great potential and a knack for learning multiple things. But with great skills come confusion. You struggle to decide which path to pursue in your studies or career.
You don’t want to waste your skills, but there’s no single direction that can make use of your unique talents. So, you feel that life pushes you in different directions simultaneously.
10. You depend on addiction to escape reality
Often, people who undergo spiritual death struggle to keep up with everything. If you’re the same, you may try to comfort yourself through addiction.
While being addicted to substances, you fail to realize that your soul needs attention, and your higher self yearns for love. Your soul is undergoing a rebirth and desires a new direction.
11. You question the simplest of things
Everyone has their own lifestyle, beliefs, and judgment. However, if you second-guess all of your beliefs and decisions, it indicates that your soul is undergoing spiritual death and rebirth.
It desires a fresh direction and wants to leave the past beliefs behind. Your soul is seeking more open-minded views and wants to learn about the vast world.
12. You desperately seek your purpose in life
It’s normal to look for your life’s meaning and purpose. Many people seek both of these on their own accord.
However, when it’s the sign of spiritual death, the search becomes quite dire. You begin the search out of desperation. So, you may feel fed up with life and desire a major change when you feel more excited.
You want to know your purpose so that every day, you wake up with a new goal in mind.
13. You feel that you lost control of your life
Alternatively, another sign is that you know the purpose of your life, but you don’t know how to achieve those goals. Even if you try to figure out a way, nothing works.
Although you know about your ultimate goals, you have no idea about the right direction or path to achieve them. So, you feel helpless when you have all the talent, a clear vision, and a zeal to work hard.
14. You don’t feel any sense of belonging
Spiritual death signs may also show up in the form of you lacking a place to call home. No, it doesn’t imply you’ll be homeless or become estranged from your family.
However, you will feel lost and vulnerable. You seek safety and comfort, but no person or place provides you with that.
These push you to take a good look inward within your soul, figure out what you wish for, and find the courage. Ultimately, it guides your soul to undergo spiritual rebirth. Once you get your answers, you will find your sense of belongingness again.
15. You’re always tired
One of the usual signs of spiritual death of the soul is constant physical and mental fatigue.
For some unknown reason, you feel you’re not well-rested or that you don’t have the emotional energy to focus on others. No amount of self-love or sleep helps you.
Secretly, you long to escape this life and rest until your tiredness is over.
A word from TheMindFool
In life, every human being undergoes spiritual death and rebirth of the soul more than once. It can happen in the form of changing jobs or relocating cities. It’s all about leaving the old ways when it no longer serves your purpose. That’s when you start embracing new avenues.
So, be aware of these signs to know when you undergo such tough situations. Seek help if you feel it’s too much to bear. Listen to your heart and soul’s desire to ensure you walk on the path of spiritual rebirth.
Even if the journey feels unbearable, remember that the process will end with discovering the best parts of yourself. So, don’t give up, let your soul recover, and keep striving for the best!
Surabhi has a deep passion for words. She puts her heart and mind into whatever she pursues and craves for creative ventures. She has always been keen on creating original content that can make a difference. In her experience as a content writer, she has had the opportunity to work on several fields with Psychology being her favorite. Surabhi says, words have the power to transform the world, better than a sword. So she hopes to contribute her bit to this revolution. At TheMindFool, she feels lucky to have the opportunity to share content capable of bringing about a change in the lives of the readers.