If you want to focus on your spiritual wellness, you must understand that there are several types of spirituality.
Nowadays, there’s so much hype about this practicing spirituality. But people don’t take a moment to see which type will actually fill their hearts with peace and warmth.
So, if you’re ready to understand each of those and check which one you relate the most to, let’s begin!
What is Spirituality?
The concept of spirituality is completely beyond strict rules and restrictions. It’s connected to your soul finding peace in a place within yourself.
To some, spirituality is an experience that builds their personal beliefs and helps them understand the meaning of life. It’s beyond the physical world.
It is also one of the most important ways to face your daily life challenges and connect with the universe.
Since it has various meanings, let’s dig deeper into the theory here…
5 Types of Spirituality
Being spiritual or practicing spirituality implies different things for everyone. For some, it’s religion, and for others, it’s helping others. This leads to the concept of different types of spirituality. So, let’s know those here…
1. Mystical Spirituality
Mystical spirituality points to the intuitional aspect of the soul. Those who have this type of spirituality believe that there is a deeper reason and unity behind every life experience. It’s not just bound to the physical or material world. Everything is linked to the spiritual realm.
According to this belief, the deep reason behind every little happening connects all of the different life experiences. They embrace this belief through prayers, meditation, or other spiritual activities.
2. Authoritarian Spirituality
A person with this form of spirituality shows they believe in authority or hierarchical structure in all walks of life.
In this, people believe in following rules and restrictions, which are connected with religious beliefs. When a person doesn’t follow the rules of this spirituality, it leads to conflicts.
Authoritarian spirituality believers have a fundamentalist approach to their religion. It implies that they believe their religion is the only truthful one.
On the other hand, they don’t have the bare minimum respect for other religions. They perceive those as inferior or human-made, which leads to radical religious terrorism.
3. Intellectual Spirituality
This type of spirituality is based on the belief of “knowledge.” People believing in this spirituality like to learn new things related to spiritual theories. They assess the spiritual information to get a better understanding.
For instance, they might be interested in theology studies. But of course, it’s not strictly restricted to learning only about religion, religious texts, or scriptures. It can be any knowledge that helps people learn about ways to enhance their spirituality.
4. Service Spirituality
Most people feel spiritual peace the most from serving people in need and expecting nothing as payback. So, this is the most common spirituality type. They connect with their spiritual parts with small acts of kindness.
It can be practiced through the simplest actions like doing charity, volunteering in soup kitchens, or even donating old belongings.
But that’s not all because it’s also done by emotionally supporting someone, funding someone’s studies, mentoring someone who doesn’t have money for tuition, or giving shelter to homeless people.
5. Social Spirituality
In this form of spirituality, people feel spiritually awakening when they are in social settings. They communicate with others and know different people and their perspectives. This helps them find a greater spiritual purpose.
Some people do it by joining religious groups. But there are many other ways to do it – like participating in environmentally conscious activities, meditation, and any other activity that can be done in a group.
A word from TheMindFool
Remember, you can’t rush the process of finding the right type of spirituality for yourself. Introspect and understand how you truly feel for each of them.
If you have difficulty understanding which is the best for you, you can try to practice each of them for a good amount of time. After that, listen to your heart and follow whichever works for you!
Surabhi has a deep passion for words. She puts her heart and mind into whatever she pursues and craves for creative ventures. She has always been keen on creating original content that can make a difference. In her experience as a content writer, she has had the opportunity to work on several fields with Psychology being her favorite. Surabhi says, words have the power to transform the world, better than a sword. So she hopes to contribute her bit to this revolution. At TheMindFool, she feels lucky to have the opportunity to share content capable of bringing about a change in the lives of the readers.