You should look for signs of spiritual sleep, especially if your soul seems selfish and superficial and strays away from the path of God.
It might also show up in the form of a lack of judgment or being too engrossed with certain things that you can’t appreciate the little joys.
So, if you suspect something similar in you, let’s know the truth here…
15 Signs Of Spiritual Sleep
When you’re spiritually asleep, you’re disconnected from your deeper or spiritual self. This makes you anxious in life, you face difficulties dealing with challenges, you get into shallow relationships, and so on.
If you want to avoid that, you need to first identify whether you’re spiritually asleep with these signs…
1. You buy into convenient narratives
A major sign that you’re in a spiritual slumber is that you follow the narratives that work for your particular situation. You don’t believe in any specific narrative wholeheartedly. Rather, you follow anything that makes you feel better or comforts you.
Some examples of such narratives are: “Everything happens for a reason” or “Everyone is born with a soulmate.”
These narratives don’t hold true at all times. But you follow them just because you seem mature or optimistic.
2. You idealize the past or future
Do you believe that the best time of your life was when you were in school? Or do you believe that you will find true peace once you retire and have all the time to yourself?
If you idealize your past or future similarly, you are daydreaming. And this is because you are spiritually asleep!
You’re too deep into your fantasies, and you just can’t register that you’re being delusional. It’s a serious sign to wake up from your slumber.
3. You believe in toxic spirituality
So, what’s toxic spirituality?
It’s when someone practices a faith like Buddhism or a spiritual practice like meditation without knowing its actual esoteric roots.
Or, they often talk about the Law of Attraction in every conversation and try to cut off all negatives from life. They hope to bring good luck into their life magically.
Some even believe that they can attain enlightenment by paying or worshiping a certain spiritual guru.
If you relate to either of these, you’re spiritually asleep.
4. You can’t appreciate the good days
A gruesome indication of being spiritually asleep is that you can’t stay in the present. So, you don’t remember the good things that happen to you. You fail to appreciate the kind gestures you come across in everyday life.
You’re too focused on the serious matters that you dismiss nature’s beauty and unforgettable moments with loved ones.
For instance, you can easily bask in the sunrise while you go for a jog. Or, you can notice the beautiful flower fields while traveling. But you miss these chances because you’re always preoccupied with serious thoughts.
5. You’re gullible
A common indicator of being spiritually asleep is not being able to tell the truth and lies apart. If anyone lies to you, you believe them without any doubt. You may also take fiction for reality.
You can’t judge people’s true nature. So, you often get involved in unnecessary and shady problems. You may even show compassion to a fake person and lose your valuables. Due to your lack of intuition, you fall prey to dramatic situations.
6. You prioritize looks over values
Okay, appearances definitely help you get attracted to others. It’s not wrong to superficially judge people before befriending them.
However, if you’re spiritually asleep, you will always give more preference to people with better looks over others. You don’t even give people with average looks a chance to befriend you.
Moreover, you forgive a person with good looks and poor morals way more easily. On the other hand, if someone with basic looks and good values makes a mistake, you’ll struggle to forgive them.
7. You judge others when they’re at their worst
Imagine this: You just lost a family heirloom. On this day, you’ll become absentminded at work and struggle to perform your best. After all, you’re at your worst.
Now, your manager judges that you’re a bad fit in the department because you’re zoning out. They assume you’ve reached your job through office politics.
However, on any other day, you’re one of the brightest employees and never let down others.
See how unfair it is to judge others at their worst?
So, if you judge others’ characters, beliefs, or motives when they’re at their worst, you’re spiritually asleep.
8. You don’t even try to fight addiction
Just to be clear, here, addiction may imply both substance abuse or work or exercise.
This refers to an addiction to anything that makes you overlook the smaller instances of happiness in life or makes you lose empathy, energy, or time.
If you’re addicted to anything – good or bad – and make no effort to overcome it, you’re spiritually asleep. You know that it’s wrong, but you never try to fight it and willingly give in!
9. You stay in codependent relationships
Healthy relationships, love, intimacy, and warm emotions empower you to spiritual truth and awakening. But codependent relationships soak your spiritual energy and keep you spiritually asleep.
So, in any of your relationships, notice if you’re a “giver” – you give the other person just to feel validated as a good person – or a “receiver” – always depend on them all the time.
If you often get into such relationships, your suspicions are right!
10. You blindly worship money
Money is important to survive in this world. It also helps you support others by building businesses that create jobs for others.
But if you are extremely materialistic and forsake everything for money, you’re spiritually asleep. This is true, especially when you worship money over relationships, personal time, and rest.
11. You hurt others to progress in life
Have you ever betrayed someone for your own gain? This gain might be for money, promotion, fame, a better score on tests, or even to get chosen by your crush. It might also be a sort of power play at the office or even in romance.
In short, if you can give up on your morals and hurt others without much thought, you’re asleep spiritually.
12. You don’t know how to compromise
Another glaring sign of your spiritually sleeping state is that you don’t understand the concept of finding the middle ground.
Suppose it’s freezing cold, there are two of you and only one blanket. Would you only let either of you use the blanket and not share it?
You have the mindset of letting you or the other person win. You won’t even try to find a way where you both might be satisfied.
13. You don’t pray regularly
If you follow Christianity, prayers are an important part of your daily life. However, if you don’t understand the significance of prayers or skip prayers, you’re spiritually asleep.
You don’t call the Lord unless you face major troubles. You don’t confide in Him unless you dread something in life. You never share the good times or thank Him for those and only share the negatives.
14. Your interest in God is declining
Did you used to love the music of the Lord? Or did you often impatiently wait for Sunday to visit the church? Or do you read the Bible even on weekdays?
If that’s true, but you’ve recently stopped all of that, it shows you’ve spiritually fallen asleep. Your faith and interest in your religion and related things is waning.
15. You worship only as a formality
You attend the Church every Sunday and sing all hymns of the Lord. You participate in all community activities from the church and even preach the word of God to others.
However, do you perform those from the bottom of your heart? If you follow them only as rules that can’t be broken, then that’s another sign of being spiritually asleep.
A word from TheMindFool
If you notice any of these signs in yourself, it’s time to change for the better. However, don’t think that you must do some major ritual to awaken your spiritual self. Consequently, you can’t make the change instantly.
Rather, you should identify the signs within yourself and work on them. Overcome the little spiritual blocks to slowly let your spiritual energy build up and become awake!
Surabhi has a deep passion for words. She puts her heart and mind into whatever she pursues and craves for creative ventures. She has always been keen on creating original content that can make a difference. In her experience as a content writer, she has had the opportunity to work on several fields with Psychology being her favorite. Surabhi says, words have the power to transform the world, better than a sword. So she hopes to contribute her bit to this revolution. At TheMindFool, she feels lucky to have the opportunity to share content capable of bringing about a change in the lives of the readers.