Humans have been known to symbolize everything, from protection symbols to dark magic, everything represents something.
Infact, there are so many protection symbols we spot in everyday lives depending on which part of the country you reside in – ‘Swastika’ in India, the ‘Ankh’ in Egypt or the ‘Cross’ in America.
But most of them fail to register in our minds due to our ignorance.
Thus, today we are here to discuss some common and exclusive protection symbols that offer safety to humankind since time immemorial.
But first,
What Are Protection Symbols?
Protection symbols are historical manifestations of charms, amulets, carvings, or belongings that safeguard humanity against evils, especially by casting a strong psychological impression on our minds.
The world has both, the good and the evil. While the former reinforces faith, the latter challenges humankind in a multitude of ways. This threatened their survival and called for a rescue, in an attempt to safeguard their basic need for security.
As a result, various symbols emerged to protect humankind and ward off the evil eye, spirits, unknowns, demons, and negative energies. The existence of these symbols is as primitive as mankind and belongs to various cultures all across the globe.
From Greeks to Wiccans, Egyptians, Native Americans, or even Christians, each of the protective symbols though had the same purpose emerged with different kinds of energy.
In ancient history, these symbols were the divine hope in struggling times of war, nature’s catastrophe, or even a wild-animals attack. People used it in their daily lives in various forms to prevent the abuse, destruction, or death believed to have been caused by evil.
Even today, these symbols are equally powerful and if employed the right one for the right purpose, can shield you from the evil that surrounds you.
So, let’s understand some of these protective symbols in detail :
Wiccan Protection Symbols
1. Pentacle
The Pentacle represents eternal elements of fire, water, air, water, and spirit. The five-pointed star connects the essence of Spirit encompassing all forms of matter. The best-known symbol from the Wiccan religion, it brings direction towards all aspects of our life. If you’re willing to capitalize on its protective properties, you can read about it more, here.
2. Triple Moon
The Triple Moon Symbol integrates Pegan and Wiccan history, highlighting the different phases of growth and dimensions of a woman. The relevance lies in the mystery and wisdom the charm brings along with itself.
With three phases of the Moon Goddess known as Waxing, full and waning, this symbol also merges the three phases of womanhood: a young Maiden, a Mother, and an old Woman. Purity and excitement of a Maiden evolving to Stability and fulfillment in a Mother, allow wisdom and completion to develop in an old Woman.
It represents the Triple Goddess which is believed to empower you and keep you safe when you keep this representation close.
3. Solar Cross
A personification of the most powerful celestial body, the Sun, Solar Cross has been a magnanimously used symbol, even before the Bronze Age. The Solar Cross has had different representations over time, with combating negative energy or being on the side of the shadows. Hence, be cautious before finding your trust in this symbol.
The protection symbols yield the power of light, the power of movement, and the power of seasons. The Cross at the center of the circle, combines the power of guardians of the Four Directions, while the circle surmounting it, is the blessing of the Sun God to protect the intersection of ancient magic.
4. Crossed Spears Symbols
A simple yet dominating symbol, the Crossed spears acts as a shield from the evil eye. An intersection of spears, axes or swords, to build protection in battle inspired this symbol, especially during times when formal literacy was lacking.
A part of the eight Witches Runes, its true power lies in blocking conflict and simplifying adversaries. The magic it is bringing is psychic, allowing the soul to calmly fight internal battles and compose itself on the outside.
Known to take a stand in times of disagreements, the Cross Spear rises up in times of war or strategy. A mighty symbol for men and women alike, it helps fight the storms.
5. Athame (Dagger)
The Athame is a ceremonial dagger, with the blade pointing upwards, known to be a remover of the evil. The Athame, which has to be cleaned before every spell, instills purity and compassion, even if it is carved as a weapon of choice.
The union of fire and air elements, carved on the dagger, allows it to safeguard the soul from evil spirits and powerfully draw magical circles. With its shape being very specific, an Athame amulet can be a rare tool against unwanted spirits.
The dagger as a whole also represents both female and male energy, making it a part of the four ‘weapons’ used in Celtic mythology, where it only channels the fire within, not used to harm the human body.
Celtic Protection Symbols
6. Triquetra
When you choose amongst protective amulets, the Triquetra symbolizes eternity, bringing together the blessings of the Holy Trinity of Goddesses. The knot represents an unbroken bond between the wearer and the divine, guiding one towards the power of the three realms.
The three Goddesses, of innocence, of creation and of wisdom, merge to form a powerful sign and enhance the belief and strength in the holder. The symbol has been always seen carved on human bodies, across civilizations and history, to help mankind achieve its true goal.
What is unique about this symbol is that it represents the power of threes like mind, body and soul or earth, sky, and sky. It goes on to explain how whatever you give, comes back threefold.
7. Spiral
The spiral has been coveted as a part of Witches’ Runes, where it engraves itself on various life forms across time and space. Like a charm, the wearer understands the impact of life energy on the body, finds growth and certainty, along with a desire to evolve. A sacred symbol, it is known to be widely respected by the masses.
Pagan Protection Symbols
8. Ankh
A powerful protection symbol, the Ankh is also referred to as the ‘Key of Life’. As a charm, the Ankh is a symbol of immortality and is believed to bring good luck and good fortune. Holy Scriptures have depicted Egyptian Gods carrying the symbol, which combines a horizontal and a vertical bar each of which symbolizes the feminine and masculine energy respectively, along with a loop to show the rising sun.
9. Horned God
The Horned God, a symbol that ties a circle with a crescent moon, the ends of which are called horns, is a representation of masculine power. In Wiccan culture, it is commonly paired with male aspects of spirituality, in order to achieve fruition.
With summoning energy, the symbol patronizes wilderness, fertility, and assertiveness, often known to be a carrier of the dead to the underworld. With its power, it offers protection from the dark souls of hell.
As a consort of the female Triple Goddess, the two aspects of the Horned God highlight night and day, battle and peace, sun and the moon, cold and warmth. Known to represent the three stages of man, Youth, Father, and Sage, the Horned God symbolizes the good intent.
Egyptian Protection Symbols
10. The eye of Horus
The eye of Horus emerges as an important part of ancient Egyptian history, where it is known to protect both the living and the dead from the evil eye. As a protective amulet, it wards off hexes, curses, or even envy from those who hold it close. Its history also signifies the gravity of sacrifice and family.
11. The Eye of Ra
The Eye of Ra is a part of the Egyptian culture, a tribute to the Sun God, Ra where the symbol that subdues the enemies. History calls it an extension of the Lord himself but today’s belief system counts on it as the feminine counterpart of Ra.
The symbol promises birth and care in its creative form while fights off demons in its violent aspect. Due to its dual promise, it has been found carved on Egyptian coffins and is a common household talisman in the region, across centuries.
12. Scarab
Inspired from the dung beetle, an insect associated with manifestation and sunlight. The scarab is a part of Egyptian antiquities, available in different materials, with the seal scarab gaining popularity.
The scarab stems from the faith in the dung beetle’s creation and its power of birth, giving hope to mankind about rebirth and protection from the perils of the underworld. Commonly worn as a necklace, the symbol is one of the rare Egyptian charms that derives origins from animal form.
As a modern-day artifact, it has been signifying the heavenly cycle ever since the bronze age. In the old days, an actual dung beetle was used to make Scarab rings, to let the life force of the beetle increase the manifestation of the symbol.
13. Egyptian Knife
A flint knife, which became a part of rituals and a trusted ally amongst Egyptians, it finds roots in helping man’s journey in the land of the dead. This knife finds mentions across various protectors, slayers, and guardians who have stayed strong against enemies using its power.
It has been associated with retribution, also often used to cut harmful creatures like scorpions to render them harmless. The Egyptian Knife is a tool for the strong-hearted and often symbolizes protection and retribution.
The knife definitely kills but shouldn’t be used to harm positive and good souls. With ancient magic, one has to be careful not to ignore the true purpose of a symbol.
14. Crescent Moon
The Crescent moon comes from the Islamic culture, where it ensures victory over evil. The moon proves progression and willingness to fight, while the star shows knowledge. The symbol proves the bearer to have the control over the five faiths of Islam and the essential skills to emerge victorious.
However, it has been a part of Hinduism, seen atop Lord Shiva’s head, giving him the power of perseverance and mastery of time. An alchemical symbol for silver, the crescent moon has also been a protector of chastity.
The crescent moon is often accompanied by a star, as seen in the early Flag of Egypt, where it signifies light and optimism, even in times of hardships.
Greek Protection Symbols
15. Hecate’s Wheel
A blessing of the Greek God, Hecate, the symbol puts forth prosperity and combined development in the wearer. Hecate, the Moon Goddess is known to bless families, ruled over the earth, the sky, and the sea, was a guide, a protector, and a decision-maker for her followers.
Hecate’s wheel is a combination of a circular spiral showing growth, a labyrinth serpent showing rebirth, acting as an emblem of renewal for a believer. The wheel keeps on turning as you grow, physically, mentally, or emotionally.
Another interpretation lies in the concept of rebirth, where the wheel derives meaning from mysterious beings called ‘lynxes’ who radiate divine thoughts.
16. Spiral Goddess
A divine portrayal of feminism, the Spiral Goddess brings out the urge to thrive and reinforces energy in the wearer. The Spiral signifies resurrection, growth, and the ever-continuing cycle of life, death, and rebirth.
The moon highlights the three phases of a path, a holy trinity of a woman’s life. With the Goddess known to build female energy by signifying fertility and the womb, the charm acts to light feminine creativity and interests.
In Greek and Roman mythologies, the Spiral Goddess also signifies women who have been leaders, warriors, and key strategists in battle.
17. Labyrinth
The Labyrinth centralizes on its difference from a maze, both a confusing journey, but with the Labyrinth, there is only one way in and one way out. When you hold onto a Labyrinth, it eases your mind and moves you in the right direction.
Life itself is an interaction of crossroads, confusions, influencers, and hindrances, but with only one way to reach your completion. The Labyrinth gives you hope to fight at every stage of your life, make the right choices, and reach your pinnacle, to peacefully enter the final stage of life.
18. Inanna’s knot
Inanna was the Mesopotamian goddess of warfare and sexuality, the counterpart of Greek goddess Athena. The Inanna’s knot is derived from the symbol that has been inscribed as a part of the goddess’ staff, used for creation and security.
The knot safeguards mankind, with the hooked shape acting as a memory of the reed boat built by Inanna to save the world. The knot is often used by farmers, since it also has a history of agricultural fortune.
The bundle of reeds shows the power of unity and connects the bearer to the three symbolic animals of Goddess Inanna, the warrior Lion, the peaceful dove and the cautious Bat.
Buddhist Protection Symbols
19. Hamsa
Emerging from Middle East culture, the Hamsa symbol represents the Phoenician goddess Tanit. The symbol is a hand-shaped symbolization of the five chakras of Buddhism, portraying five blessings: Love, Money, Health, Wisdom, and Power. It prevents negative energy from impacting your aura.
20. The lotus
Known to be a part of both Buddhist and Egyptian culture, this mystical blooming flower awakens the regenerative power of the human mind and soul. With the Lotus, you can blossom and be unscathed, when on your journey towards eternal life. Knowing about its power and potential can foster forgiveness, compassion, and enlightenment.
Christian Protection Symbols
21. Faery Star (Septagram)
The Faery star uses harmony to bring together the seven different chakras, linking its seven points to form a synergy of power. For those who struggle with understanding the divine or channeling the multiple aspects of life towards a common goal, the Septagram can lend a helping hand.
The seven-pointed star also highlights the seven days of the week, the seven elements, and the seventh sense, throwing light upon what affects all of us, time, dimension, and perception. The center of the figure symbolizes partnership and simultaneous development.
The Faery star is known to possess the force of the seven planets and the seven verses of the Quran. Its multitude of symbolism has allowed it to find its way in flags, law enforcement, religion, and the world of entertainment.
22. Bindrune
A protective Bindrune emerges when one draws a sigil from their own understanding and faith. The truest form of protection, a Bindrune is unique to your aura and works for your individual form.
Examples over history, combining harmony, solitude and intention runes have emerged to highlight varieties of Bindrunes, where the bearer builds a relationship with the charm. Rarely used for other magic, Bindrunes empowers the needy with a spark of enthusiasm and security.
Usually Bind Runes show connectivity by being drawn on a single vertical stroke. However, history has shown certain runes being separately written to emit strong mystical force. Runes have always confused readers, because of their flexibility and variety.
23. Hexagram of Solomon
A six-pointed star, the Hexagram of Solomon derives its true purpose from the joining of two triangles. Each triangle has been interpreted to prove the significance of polar opposite influencers on the human mind.
An intersection of fire and water elements, of heaven and hell, of extension and blessing, the Hexagram is named after King Solomon, known for his control over unruly spirits. Used as a seal, the Hexagram protects mankind by extending our hand towards the divine and letting God’s support reach the humankind.
The symbol is also called the Star of David in Judaism, where God’s rule over the six directions, north, south, east, west, up and down saves the bearer from the darkness.
24. Turtle
The Turtle emerges from the belief of Native Americans in Celestial bodies, especially ones with animal designs and geometric portrayals. The thought was to trust the physical form of an animal as the torch-bearer of longevity and divinity.
As a symbol, the Turtle connects one to Mother Earth, with its long life and groundedness, even when the journey might get difficult. As a physical form, its hard-shell exemplifies perseverance and emotional strength.
Symbolically, it is known to bring calmness and patience, especially to those who carry a strange burden of struggle on their backs. The turtle also plays a role in stories of victory, pain, and learning taught to children over the ages.
25. Cross
A common symbol in the religion of Christianity, it actually emerges from pagan history. A reminder about the sacrifice of life by Jesus, the Cross has been used widely in all forms of art, acting as a reminder of the power of healing, sacrifice, and love. The power of the Cross goes a long way to offer protection to the wearer.
26. Wish Bone
Wishbone is traditionally the harbinger of good fortune, where whoever gets the bigger half of the bone, gets his wish fulfilled. The wishbone-cracking tradition is a part of Thanksgiving, when even it is worn as jewelry, to bring in warmth and love.
Emerging from the belief of birds being oracles, wishbones absorb mystical energy when they are kept aside to turn brittle. In folklore, wishes get fulfilled, peace exists and there are festivities, whenever the wishbone is around to work its charm.
Chinese Protection Symbols
27. Dragon
A manifestation of Chinese history, the Dragon is the auspicious carrier of spirituality and protection. The prime duty of protecting water bodies portrays the importance of care, power, and individualism. However, one should be aware of the different interpretations of the essence of this charm.
Indian Protection Symbols
28. Om
Om, an interpretation of the holy trinity, denotes the sacred sound that connects us to the divine. The trinity brings forth the heavens, earth, and the underworld, enabling us with the required power to open the third eye. You should read about its positive impact on our soul and the magical ability to heal our soul.
Roman Protection Symbols
29. Mars Sign
A part of Roman history, Mars, the Roman God of War is channeled via the Mars sign symbol. An extremely martial and aggressive symbol, it is only to be used in times of dire need and conflict.
Mars Sign comes with virility, warrior energy and banishment power. The magick is channels, is not simply to shield the bearer, it is to curse and break anyone who is on your toes. Tread carefully, for its power cannot be reversed or ignored.
30. Horseshoe
A primary tool amongst the ancient symbols of the Roman empire to ward off the plague, the Horseshoe gains value from its power to save mankind from the unfortunate. The supernatural power of the charm led to its use in Churches, households and institutions, even breweries of London.
Its “C” shape is often compared with Christ and with the amulet can be used to heal, reconnect and energize the human form. The Horseshoe is commonly made of iron, the magic metal which is heated to incapacitate evil spirits.
31. Two-headed Eagle
The Eagle has always been the bird of power and vivaciousness. The double-headed eagle brings forth the vigor of dominion, as a part of early Greek history. The meeting of two eagles is the merge of two directions, whilst bringing the earth’s center into focus.
With secular and spiritual capacity, the two-headed Eagle is an individualistic identity as a whole, giving the owner the zeal to fight off inhibitions and disturbances. It’s widespread use in Christian, Roman and Greek History, was also because of the two-heads bringing together the tribe and the leader, the general and the army, the King and the village.
Eagles have also been known as the carrier for Gods, proving their might to safeguard important tokens and messages. Their spirit also lies in guardianship and proactivity.
French Protection Symbols
32. Unicorn
A part of many magical stories and fairy tales, the Unicorn has always been represented as an angelic white horse with a single horn on its forehead. It is believed that Unicorns value those with the purest of heart.
The Unicorn symbolizes honesty of the good-hearted when it bows down in front of them, and at the same time, shuns those who are wicked, by tirelessly running away. With beauty and grace, Unicorns hold the power of solidarity, transcending between worlds on their own.
With the Unicorn around you, you’ll feel a ray of hope, a pinch of boldness and a hand of innocence on your head. It nurtures positivity and wisdom, creates strong intuition, and heals the good.
Native American Protection Symbols
33. Dream Catcher
A dream catcher is an authentic charm that brings good dreams and good luck. The circular shape symbolizes the circle of life, with the center web bound to catch bad dreams and evils of the night. Believers use it by keeping it close while sleeping and also wearing it around their neck to ward off the negative energy.
Protection Symbols Beyond Religion and Culture
Sometimes, you will be naturally drawn to some figures, objects or even living beings. These symbols though have only a few mentions across different scriptures are known to possess rare protection magic to bless the wearer that can act as the energy giver. When you find one, you need to be aware of its strong pull and magnetic aura:
34. Drums
The drums are of ceremonial nature, used in Native American events to summon the divine. Their true power lies in harmonizing melodies of individuals for a warm welcome to the Lord.
35. Lightning
Symbolizing a powerful spirit, Lightning connects the passion of the rain, the beauty of the Thunderbird and the power of light. An honest blessing, the Lightning symbol protects mankind from the hidden shadows of hell.
36. Cacti
A surprising token of endurance and protection, the Cacti stands stronger and prouder after facing harsh conditions. It provokes the value of love to bear bitter days and summon comfort to the bearer.
37. Deer
Known to be a peaceful animal, a carrier of the deer embodies the feeling of prosperity and safety among family and friends. The Deer offers calm to those who struggle with violence.
38. Arrows
Arrows, irrespective of the direction, always symbolize defense and protection in some form. While an arrow to the left wards off evil, an arrow to the right represents protection. The arrowheads are believed to be a symbol of alertness and direction.
39. Eagle Feathers
Eagle feathers, one of the most esteemed symbols among all the other feathers, represent bravery, strength, and authority. It’s also considered sacred in rituals and prayer ceremonies.
40. Medicine Bags
This is a hand-curated object consisting of tobacco, pipe, animal skin, minerals, sage, and protective items. In ancient times, it was used during battles and wars since it is believed to possess protective powers.
How Symbols for Protection Work
All of us have at least once in our lifetime believed in these protection symbols and employed it for our safety. Humans have assigned specific concepts to symbolic elements, the sight of which immediately connects us to those concepts. Thus, symbols are a strange way to explore the power within.
However, the powers of these symbols are supported by three theories at large, Let’s understand each individually.
The energy theory
Everything in this universe is steered by energy. This energy has different names all across the world depending on the culture like Chi, Prana, Ki, PSI. However, irrespective of the name, all of these are talking about the same power. It is believed to act as fuel for all the magical activities which further give rise to specific energies in certain signs and symbols.
These symbols go a long way in the history. People even from medieval times have benefited from their power. Now since these protection symbols are in use for about a thousand years now, they are charged with specific qualities more than the others.
For instance, the ankh, that has been into existence as a protection symbol since ages, has accumulated more protective energy in all these years. This also says that if you choose to realize the power of protective symbols, you can also capitalize on its collective energy.
The shape radiation theory
According to shape radiation theory, there are several shapes and figures in geometry that have specific energies. They are considered sacred in the universe and are believed to emit powerful energies that can serve mankind in so many ways.
When you work with symbol magic and learn to harness the power of sacred geometry, it can provide you with a boost of energy, shield of protection, and focused intention.
The Belief theory
This theory works on one simple motto: It works because you believe in it. Well, who can deny that? Belief manifests itself in strange ways and in terms of magic, it certainly is the most powerful aspect. It’s insane how these symbols are just tools that can kindle the power hidden within your own mind.
While the energy theory and shape radiation theory are both scientific, the belief theory is majorly about psychology.
Combine Sacred geometrical shapes with ancient symbols and believe in your magic, and there’s no way that can stop you from achieving the desired protection from the evil in your life.
All the three theories work on different bases, but till the time the magic works and guides protection in your life, it doesn’t really matter what went into it.
Increasing The Power of Protection Symbols
The energy of protection symbols can be further intensified by visualizing the desired after-effect. For instance, if you want the pentacle to assist you with protection from the demons in your mind, hold the representation of this symbol drawn on paper, or carved on metal or any other form and imagine that it is giving you all the protection that you need.
Visualize that all the energy is flowing through that symbol and is getting stored. Now keep this representation of the symbol very close to you. Every time you want to seek protection, think of it as a feeling of safety radiating from it and encompassing your aura.
Protection Symbol Tattoo
Tattoos have been here since time immemorial. The only difference between then and now is in the purpose. Then people did it for customary or religious purposes, now it’s more about the trend. However, this doesn’t change the fact that these symbols have a meaning and a significant impact on the wearer’s life.
If you are planning to get a tattoo, it is worth spending some time on the research. The symbol is going to stay with you forever, so pick the one that matches your energy level, thinking process, or vibrations. But make sure you pay equal attention to both: aesthetics and meaning, you don’t want to have a bad looking tattoo on your body for life.
Some protection symbol Tattoo examples –
Final Thoughts!
These powerful protective symbols derive their value and mystical presence because mankind has remained helpless in figuring out their true origin and invariability.
However, there is no question about the need of the hour, as every individual wish to seek protection from the rising evil in the world.
Some even find their conscience leading them to multiple symbols at different paths of life, due to the manipulative truth of each symbol.
In the end, remember protection is your basic need.
If these symbols commit its availability, there’s no harm in trying!
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Surabhi has a deep passion for words. She puts her heart and mind into whatever she pursues and craves for creative ventures. She has always been keen on creating original content that can make a difference. In her experience as a content writer, she has had the opportunity to work on several fields with Psychology being her favorite. Surabhi says, words have the power to transform the world, better than a sword. So she hopes to contribute her bit to this revolution. At TheMindFool, she feels lucky to have the opportunity to share content capable of bringing about a change in the lives of the readers.