Man is a social animal and needs friends for life. We survive on the relationships that we have with the people around us. Be it family or friends, these relationships form our emotional support system. This, in turn, fuels a positive and happy mental state. When it comes to family, you don’t have a choice. The relationships that you have with your family starts on the day that you are born. However, friends, you get to choose over the course of time.
For some people, friendship means being surrounded by tons of friends. These are the extroverts. But then there is the other kind as well-the introverts. They are the ones who like to be surrounded by just a few good friends for life. Friendships add zest to life. You are motivated to live happily when in the company of good friends. So, how do you know when you have made friends for life? Well, we are here to help you.
Listed below are a few simple qualities of friends for life. If you come across friends who exhibit these qualities, you know you have hit jackpot. From here on, it is all about nurturing the friendship that you have.
1. They will point out your mistakes
Good friends are not afraid of losing you. So, when you make a mistake, they will not hesitate to voice their opinion.
We often go to our friends asking for opinions before we make decisions. And this is totally normal! Most people will side with your opinion with the belief that the matter does not concern them. However, a genuine friend will give you a frank opinion even if it would mean arguing with you. This may make you angry. But when the anger settles, you will realize that our friend made a genuine point. Who knows his opinion may even save you from making a mistake. Interestingly, if you make a mistake, the genuine friend will be among the first to call it out. So, if you have a friend in your life who has been doing this, you have a beautiful friendship that has the potential to last a lifetime.
2. Good friends are always there for you
With a good friend, you have the luxury of picking up a conversation, exactly where you left it, even when you connect after a year!
If you thought, a good friendship is all about meeting every day or talking daily, you are mistaken. A good friend is someone is reliable and won’t think of betraying you. You may not call them or they may not call you for the entire year. But when you connect, you will never feel the gap. A good friend is actually there for you. What I mean is that when you are with a good friend, he or she will pay attention to what you say. This is a contrast to the others who are most likely going to zone out if your conversation lasts longer than usual.
3. They are great listeners
There are times when you just want to pour your heart out. A good friend will be happy to hear you out.
When you have good friends for life, you know you are surrounded by a bunch of great listeners. Yup! They are always going to listen to you, no matter how silly you sound. A good friend will be more than happy to entertain even the silliest of ideas, that too at the oddest of hours. Needless to say, good listeners make excellent advisors. Does this trait sound similar, something that you have noticed in a friend around you?
4. They will be there in the bad times
A good friend will never leave you in the lurch. They will stand with you. This is applicable even when you may not pay attention to their presence.
A good friend sticks around because he or she enjoys you as a person. They invest in nurturing friendship and evolving with it. When you are experiencing the best of times, they may not be in the frontline celebrating with you. But when you are going through a bad phase, they will be the first ones to stand by your side. The good friend will be happy to be your punching bag if it can uplift your spirits. All this and so much more without any complaints.
Those who stick around you even when you are going through a rough patch, are good friends you can rely on.
5. They are the best stress busters
Did you know that a good friend can help you keep your stress levels under check. Yup! Many of our troubles are due to the unnecessary stress that we take.
According to research, a good friend can actually help you beat the stress in your daily life. You are wondering how? Well, it is simple. In some cases, even a coffee conversation with your best friend is a great morale booster. Suddenly, you seem to see the silver lining to the cloud. All this just because of the security and comfort that a good friend brings. Amazing, isn’t it? And when it is a good friend, you never hesitate to invade their personal space to start a conversation.
6. Good friends for life will have your back!
A good friend may be the first to call out if you are wrong but they are also the ones to have your back. They will always mean what they say.
Being honest in all circumstances is not an easy job. This is particularly true if you are in awkward situations like confronting your ex or arguing with your boss, among many others. But if you have a good friend for life, he or she will be more than willing to stand with you as you face the fire. This is because good friends understand the importance of being honest with each other. And therefore, they are willing to swallow the bitter pill for you!
7. You will always be a priority
For a good friend, you will always be important. No matter how busy they are, it won’t take them more than a few seconds to make time for you.
You know you have good friends for life, when they treat you as a priority, no matter how busy they are. For them, your friendship is a priority and they will go to any extent to accommodate it. A good friend will stand like a solid rock between you and the world so that no one else can hurt you. They will be more than willing to forgive you for the mistakes you make. Giving you a second chance is always an option for them. Since you are their priority, they will not judge you for your actions.
Concluding note
A good friend is someone who is with you through thick and thin. Yes! You may take some time to come across such individuals. But when you do, you will realize that they are a genuine value add to your life. When you have good friends for life, you are motivated to live your life with zest and enthusiasm, be adventurous, try new things and make the most of the opportunities that you have. The best part is that you don’t have to be worried about good friends leaving you because they never do.
A freelancer by profession, Kavita writes on a variety of topics, mental health being one of her favorites. Fond of traveling, socializing and meeting new people, most of her inspiration for writing comes from real-life scenarios as well as experiences. Her motto in life has always been to look for a reason to smile.