If you want to improve your spiritual health, check for signs of spiritual immaturity in yourself first.
If you’re spiritually immature, it shows you struggle to lead a life that aligns with your beliefs or you can’t truly embrace its teachings.
This revelation will help you understand where you’re lacking and how you can change your views for the better.
So, to enhance your spiritual well-being, let’s get started…
15 Signs Of Spiritual Immaturity
Most people believe that people who follow their faith are spiritually mature. Well, being religious and having is a way to spiritual maturity, but that’s not all to it.
Instead, you must focus on the important life lessons and then apply them in your life. So, let’s figure out whether you’re still spiritually immature or not here…
1. You easily lose your calm and fight
All human beings get angered at some point or the other. However, if you’re always hot-headed and get involved in arguments, that’s a major sign of your spiritual immaturity.
This means you should not let anger overpower you easily. A spiritually mature person gets angry only when there’s a good reason. But mostly, they are compassionate and loving.
2. You struggle to forgive others
A spiritually mature person forgives others.
But if you hold on to bitterness and grudge for too long, you’re spiritually immature. You may overthink the hurtful situation in your mind and worsen your pain.
It’s the same if you can’t forgive yourself for past actions.
3. You can’t accept constructive criticism
A person who’s open to constructive criticism and correction is spiritually wise and mature.
So, if you have trouble accepting criticism or feel you’re always right, that’s another obvious indication of your spiritual immaturity.
It shows that you have a fragile ego, and you perceive every little correction as blame. You can attain spiritual maturity only when you overcome pride and listen to others.
4. Your heart doesn’t cry for the needy
Almost every child is taught to love all beings around them. However, as human beings grow, they love only those with similar thoughts and lifestyles.
But, a spiritually mature person knows how to show compassion and empathy to the deprived.
On the other hand, if you don’t show love to the needy or are judgmental of people with different opinions, there’s another glaring sign of spiritual immaturity.
For instance, you don’t worry about the powerless and are happy so long you can mingle with the higher class. This is because you can’t relate to the impoverished, so you can’t put yourself in their shoes.
5. You hide the truth
To be spiritually mature, a person must be honest at all times.
So, do you lie often?
Whether for a vicious reason or for the most minute things, if you lie, it makes you a liar and spiritually immature.
And this stands even if you use white lies.
6. You’re self-centered
People are considered spiritually mature only when they do charity, do volunteer work, practice kindness, and try to improve others’ lives.
However, if you only worry about your own troubles, focus on your selfish desires, and lack empathy for others, these are grave signals of spiritual immaturity.
7. You hardly put your spiritual gifts to use
Some of the most common spiritual gifts of humankind are:
- Understanding
- Courage
- Knowledge
- Wisdom
- Guidance
- Devotion
Take some time to introspect and identify which of these you possess. Once you figure that out, understand whether you use it to help everyone.
You have spiritual powers to spread joy around you. If you use it, it’ll be a blessing for yourself and others.
But if you ignore these talents, you’re spiritually immature.
8. You’re always focused on gaining satisfaction
It’s human nature to seek gratification and pleasure. This is especially true when someone goes through hardships as they seek comfort to keep going.
However, if you always seek pleasure, that’s a bad sign of spiritual immaturity.
On the other hand, delayed gratification shows you have strong willpower to withstand your desires and grow endurance. And this helps you make better decisions in life.
9. You lack humility
Humility is often perceived as a weakness by the ignorant. But the wise know that this virtue is a sign of great spiritual maturity and strength.
It makes you withstand the toughest times and face the most stubborn people. It helps you become thick-skinned so you can face every setback head-on.
When you’re humble, you can acknowledge your mistakes, get past the shame of being called wrong, and improve yourself.
Without humility, pride will interfere in every step of your life. You’ll face criticism and humiliation even more and feel hurt intensely.
So, if you’re not humble, you’re spiritually immature.
10. You don’t try to grow spiritually
Spirituality is all about self-empowerment. But some people get it wrong and take it too far. They buy into the toxic or pseudo-spirituality and force those onto themselves.
For example, some believe they must stay positive at all times and never grieve or show weakness. Others assume that being more spiritually aware makes them better. These beliefs result in hindered spiritual growth.
If you have such beliefs and don’t want to change them, you don’t want to grow spiritually any longer. This is another sign of spiritual immaturity.
11. You don’t like to seek help
When you’re in trouble, if you can be humble and seek others’ help, you’re spiritually mature.
It shows you aren’t prideful and know when to bow. You’re aware of your weaknesses. Alternatively, it also shows that you know how to deal with challenges and decide for the better.
In this context, the spiritual immaturity sign is when you can’t seek help at all. Or, even if others try to help you, you can’t accept their goodwill. Rather, you feel they look down on you.
12. You can’t tell apart right from wrong
It’s not easy to differentiate between the good and the bad. You need to be spiritually mature to recognize the call from the devil, even when it’s hidden under the façade of good.
So, if you often mistake evil for good, get fooled, or are led astray, you’re spiritually immature.
13. You’re constantly afraid and anxious
Fear is one of the most humane emotions. It’s legible so long you feel it when you’re unsafe.
However, if you constantly fear things even when you’re safe, that’s a bad sign of spiritual immaturity. When you fear regular life things and even feel anxious, it’s symbolic of your lack of faith in goodness.
14. You’re alone
A spiritually mature person befriends others and becomes a part of a community. It helps them take accountability for their wrongs and show resolution to improve themselves.
In the lack of company, there’s nobody to point out your misdeeds. Hence, nobody helps you become a better version of yourself. Thus, not being a part of a community makes you immature.
15. You don’t teach others
To be considered spiritually mature, you must make a good impact by spreading your knowledge and changing lives.
If you only listen to spiritual gurus and forget all about it – let alone share the word, you’re spiritually immature.
A word from TheMindFool
If you find many of these signs in yourself, it can be difficult to accept them. But don’t drown in self-criticism or deny the fact. Rather, embrace reality and seek a way to improve things.
Overcome the shortcomings highlighted by these signs and slowly embrace characteristics of spiritual maturity. Remember, if you set your mind on anything good and try your best you will attain it!
Surabhi has a deep passion for words. She puts her heart and mind into whatever she pursues and craves for creative ventures. She has always been keen on creating original content that can make a difference. In her experience as a content writer, she has had the opportunity to work on several fields with Psychology being her favorite. Surabhi says, words have the power to transform the world, better than a sword. So she hopes to contribute her bit to this revolution. At TheMindFool, she feels lucky to have the opportunity to share content capable of bringing about a change in the lives of the readers.